"Zaion, Queen of the Jews"Zaimons

Vidya Games Thread


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Jun 21, 2023
SNK dropped the Garou: City of the Wolves play guide, and it looks grim to me: https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/us/games/fatalfury-cotw/guide/

To summarize:
  • New TOP Attack (Rev Blow) is a Drive Impact, and you can use it midair as well, you're hostage in neutral;
  • Rev Gauge as a Drive Gauge for EX Moves, pseudo Roman Cancels and Faultless Defense (FD), expensive but not as damning to enter Overheat like Burnout in SF6;
  • New Hyper Defense mechanic that enhances Just Defense, new Garou Red Parry basically, this is a really good addition if anyone went through Kevin/Kain/Terry feint loops like myself, that shit was nasty;
  • Overheat is just a less damning version of Burnout, need to see how resilient is the Guard Gauge up there, but I'd guess it would be like the MOTW one: 5 to 6 heavies and it will break. Still, you can JD/HD to survive just fine;
  • Speaking of it, that is such a retarded way to bloat your system: you already got so many defensive resources, blocking building Rev like it would deplete Drive Gauge sounds so confusing it doesn't make sense, you got the UI element as decoration until you Overheat, why not make it work as it always was and recover REV while you're blocking properly?
  • Feint Cancels seems to be really nerfed, by the videoclip you can see Rock recovers at the same time or slightly after Terry after a cl.C Feint Cancel on hit;
  • Didn't show the backsteps invulnerability, it was a huge characteristic of MOTW;
  • Smart Style (Modern Controls) lose the ability to Brake and Feint but gain the ability to instant JDCancel Super with A+C, absurdly strong option for defensive gameplans depending on how weak are the former mechanics;
I'm seeing an overloaded system with casual hooks to bring new people, so I'm not expecting much now. It reads like every other modern fighting game that forces you to interact or push your opponent back at any given circumstances, while making you feel claustrophobic on defense because blocking is as bad as getting hit for the amount of resources you lose.
I'm so fucking tired, man, at least SF6 is cohesive, just unbalanced.

John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
Certified Manwhore
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I can't believe I helped fund Eiyuden Chronicles, I doubt they would honor any sort of refund now that the game's out, and I already installed the backer early copy days ago

in other news, Metaphor: ReFantazio won't have romance in their social sim systems, the world's largest Persona fans are in shambles (they haven't played any of the games yet):

(...I'll save you the remaining comments and quote-tweets and steam threads, you get the idea)

I, on the other hand, will lament the lack of Hulkenberg romance and will resort to copium that it's because she's the canon love interest of the protagonist, and if not, that's what fanfiction is for. long-eared elven women supremacy.

otherwise I'll get the game digitally to play, and the CE as a long-term investment to help fund retirement. the weeb market is eternal, tourists or not.

in other news, was your uncle trains? do YOU like trains, or supply chains? you will:



Awawawawa (derogatory)
Joined:  May 23, 2023
To anyone that plays Path of Exile, now that we're a bit into the current league, what do you think of it? Necropolis has been slightly mixed for me so far. I like the changes they made to the base endgame, with scarabs being completely overhauled, and the revamped Atlas tree. The new way to invest into content is nice, with it being beneficial to heavily invest in one or two things per tree (also the addition of 2 extra Atlas trees to swap between is brilliant). I also really hope the Allflames make their way core, as I know the graveyard is getting killed, it's way too overpowered to exist in it's current form.

However, I really am not a fan of the graveyard as it is. I've maybe done, 2 or 3 crafts with it so far, and it's kind of just a slog. It only feels worth it if you want to make top of the line gear, because in order to get what you want you'll have to do a bunch of trades anyway; so you might as well say fuck it and fully invest. I imagine it's a Godsend for SSF players though, being able to just conjure up any base type you choose. In regards to T17 maps, I haven't really done too much with them so far. I feel like they're MASSIVELY over tuned though, being much more dangerous than any of the Uber bosses actually are.

Overall my opinion is this: the base endgame is in a pretty great state, and will be even better if they decide to tweak T17s and put them more in line with where they should be, but the actual league content is pretty lackluster. Here's hoping next league it more interesting mechanically, and not mostly a hideout minigame.

Here's the league content reveal from last month for those interested.
3DR/Slipgate Phantom Fury drama New


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 19, 2022
So there's a bit of drama going on in the boomshoot community currently.

Phantom Fury skipped Early Access and preorders entirely and came out yesterday to some rather mediocre reviews even though the gunplay was improved from the lackluster demo, including a scathing criticism from Civvie himself. Common criticisms include, but are not limited to: Simplistic AI, bugs of all kinds, underwhelming combat, and generally feeling undercooked.

The folks at 3DR/Slipgate decided it was a good idea to start flinging shit at creators who didn't like their game.

Archive sites are fumbling Twitter right now so I can't post any.

Keep in mind that 3DR/Slipgate already have a reputation of pushing out games that were clearly not ready, earlier this year Graven got the same treatment. Not a good look guys.


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Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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You don't hate localizers enough. You think you do, but you don't.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022

You don't hate localizers enough. You think you do, but you don't.

Huh is that so.
I'll just buy the japanese game then, fuck those pozzed out translators.
e: lmao the japanese edition comes with the translation as an option. I guess it's more efficient but really, how else can we let the devs know not to engage in business with these Useful Idiots
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Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022

"Refinement of localised text"
There's hope.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
I wish the folks in the comments weren't so cringe about this. A studio acknowledging they goofed up is rare as it is, but actively looking to fix the translation is unprecedented. If they go through with it, it'll set a landmark to token wokenism in entertainment.


Lavender Spider Lover & Tsunderia Scholar
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As always happens the general thread got off-topic (well kinda sorta) and ended up discussing something kinda interesting; your first game:
>"I started at FPS games from an early age"
>lists MW2 as the starting point

I started with Medal of Honor for the PS1... she could at least choose BLACK or Killzone for the PS2...
Try Doom. 1993 Doom.

If that turned you grey, does this turn me dust?
View attachment 68622

No wonder we all love :holohag:s if this is the sort of shit we played when we were younger (technically not FPS, but what the hell...did Tandy even have one?)...
...my FPS cherry was probably Catacomb 3-D...:gunpeko:
so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?


irc.rizon.net #TheVirtualAsylum
Joined:  Jun 28, 2023
As always happens the general thread got off-topic (well kinda sorta) and ended up discussing something kinda interesting; your first game:

so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?

Rise of the Triad is a strange and interesting first game.

Though note the original thing here was first FPS, not first game. My oldest memory for my first game was playing Duck Hunt on the NES... which I guess is partially a First Person Shooter. Shooting Gallery, if we're being more technical, and not quite an On- Rails Shooter.

Banana Hammock

Born to Sneed
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
As always happens the general thread got off-topic (well kinda sorta) and ended up discussing something kinda interesting; your first game:

so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?
A Link to the Past. I was too young to really understand what I was supposed to do, but I remember running around Link's house and the front of the castle.


The abominable amalgamation known as "chyaaat!"
Joined:  Apr 1, 2023
I can't exactly remember what my first game was. Probably a Mario game or something on the NES or SNES.

I think my first FPS was Golden Eye on the N64. I didn't really do much PC gaming aside from Diablo/Diablo 2 until I was in my mid-teens, so any FPS games up until that point were console ones. While Golden Eye was fun, I do remember being surprised at how good/fun Medal of Honor on the PS1 was compared to Golden Eye when I played that years later.

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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First game was probably Super Mario Bros. (NES) at a friend/neighbor's house.

First FPS might have been Dark Forces.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
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My first game was either on the Master System or NES, I can't remember.

My first fps? I'm gonna cheat and say SNES Jurassic Park, those fps levels scared the shit out of me as a kid.

First full FPS was Doom 64 or Turok, not sure which I played first.


menhera addicted sister
Pipproject Producer
Joined:  Jun 21, 2023
so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?
I literally cannot remember, I was too young, I know my mom brought me to the arcades when I was very small, like 3 to 5, I think the first game I ever played was a racing game with a lot of traffic and a timer limit, but the one that I remember the most was Rock n Roll Racing in my cousins place, followed by Megaman X that we had to get together to be able to finish it, I think I was 6. I remember vividly when we celebrated beating Storm Eagle, to the point my aunt (housewife) even gave us popsicles because we tried for hours.
I'd say those games made my taste to this day: I like games that proposes a very well drawn challenge with tight designs, and I love bastard devs: I enjoy Megaman, Sonic and Crash much for all the traps and comic deaths, I think that's why I don't like Mario/Kirby as much, they're too tame, but SMB3 is a blast because it's a bastard game.
But I know my racist tendencies came from that single arcade racer I played sitting in my mom's lap while she reached for the pedals, I vividly remember the screen but I cannot remember the game, it was definitely something before 2000.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
As always happens the general thread got off-topic (well kinda sorta) and ended up discussing something kinda interesting; your first game:

so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?
I honestly can't remember what was my first game because I was too young and my dad had a NES, Sega Genesis, and this "100 games collection" shareware thing on his computer with shit like Joust, Duke Nukem 2, and Bow & Arrow. My parents almost never got married because on one of their first dates, they went to a place where there was a Pac-Man console built into the table and he ended up spending most of the date just playing that.

My first FPS was Doom (1993) but I never really got into FPS games for the longest times. I got really into Golden Eye for the N64 and then again with Jedi Outcast on the Gamecube but I didn't really go deep into the FPS genre until stuff like The Orange Box, Halo 3, CoD4, and Left 4 Dead.

Outside of that shareware collection, the only PC gaming I did was SimCity, The Sims, and Caesar 2 until WoW came along and the indie dev scene blew up.


Dang it
Ward Security
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As always happens the general thread got off-topic (well kinda sorta) and ended up discussing something kinda interesting; your first game:

so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?
Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt combo game and Seasame Street 1 2 3.


Soldier of Godrick
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
So there's a bit of drama going on in the boomshoot community currently.

Phantom Fury skipped Early Access and preorders entirely and came out yesterday to some rather mediocre reviews even though the gunplay was improved from the lackluster demo, including a scathing criticism from Civvie himself. Common criticisms include, but are not limited to: Simplistic AI, bugs of all kinds, underwhelming combat, and generally feeling undercooked.

The folks at 3DR/Slipgate decided it was a good idea to start flinging shit at creators who didn't like their game.

Archive sites are fumbling Twitter right now so I can't post any.

Keep in mind that 3DR/Slipgate already have a reputation of pushing out games that were clearly not ready, earlier this year Graven got the same treatment. Not a good look guys.

I could tell from looking at it on Steam that I probably wasn't going to like it, nice to have Civvie confirm it for me.
As always happens the general thread got off-topic (well kinda sorta) and ended up discussing something kinda interesting; your first game:

so for me it was "Rise of the Triads", the shareware version, why my dad thought that was an appropriate game for a two year old, i cannot say however, it did instil a love for Classic FPS'es (i refuse to use the stupid marketing term "Boomershooters") that I've kept to this day. So, chyat forums-thread what was your first game and how did it effect your gaming disorder?
For me it was unfortunately Pong and a few others like "shoot the boring white square." They were all together in a TV console, from Sears I think. It had built in games, two controllers and a gun. It was pretty lame.
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