"ok, ill devour all the fish in the world today"Shisui Michiru

Proctor Zakharov has a Little Moment[TM]

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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
HINDSIGHT EDIT: This all turned out to be extremely gay shit that I'm only not deleting out of pure embarrassment because people would justifiably take it as an attempt to whitewash history. This will be archived in the forum discussion board shortly and everything said here can be considered a massive Woman Moment[TM].

Before I get into anything else, I want to establish something important.

Most people on this forum are pleasant to interact with. I enjoy talking with them, I enjoy sharing time with them. They are a constant reminder of the principles I founded this forum on and want to see exemplified in the behaviour of its members. To those people, I want to give a very sincere thank you. You are why I continue to host this forum at personal expense. You are what motivates me to make posts like this that try to address issues instead of simply cashing out and walking away.

Unfortunately, there are a select few people who don't agree, and these people have recently begun pushing against the exceptionally generous boundaries I have put in place for them, to the point I have been forced to remove them. Some of these individuals have gone on to express confusion and even anger about why this has happened to them, which has not gone away. Therefore I am making this statement to clarify various things, especially for those who persistently demonstrate an inability to understand even the most basic social ques.

For extra context, allow me to cite a few things. (1) Null's legendary Biting The Hand That Feeds post. (2) Pippa's recent calling out of her chat regarding their terminal lack of funniness.

Additionally, I will remind people of a critical paragraph from the forum rules;

I regard this forum as the online equivalent to my garden, and the users here as invited guests on my property. Respect my property and I will respect you, but the latter will not come before evidence of the former. Anything you wouldn't say or do on your neighbour's property is something you shouldn't do here. Additionally, since this is a shared space, I expect you to consider the context of your actions. This does not mean you always need to strive to be nice to everyone. But it does mean you should take the time to read the room before running your mouth off.

With this in mind, let me make something very clear; I am trying to cultivate a specific kind of user. I want people who are in at least some capacity about to act like normal, reasonable, sane adults. These are the kinds of people I want to interact with. These are the kinds of people I am willing to go to bat for and defend.

Some of you may be familiar with the Tragedy of the Commons (explanatory image for zoomers). In this case, the 'commons' are my patience, my indulgence and my tolerance for selfish, destructive behaviour. I accept instinctively that pre-emptively banning certain forms of expression would be ultimately counter-productive and destructive to a community. This concession has recently been trampled over by people who have come to see it as a license to take whatever they like without giving anything back, or providing any justification for why I should tolerate their continued presence here.

To be more specific; I (normally) tolerate people insulting, antagonizing or attacking me and the people I associate with because I firmly believe in their rights to express themselves, and am openly contemptuous of anyone who is thin-skinned enough to allow words on the internet to cause them emotional distress.

More importantly I tolerate this behaviour because it is my sincere wish that those engaging in it realize the futility and wastefulness of their actions, reflect on them and choose to be better people. Unfortunately, this is anathema to some individuals. To them, it is nothing short of a crime to not indulge their attempts to provoke others, and they take it as their sovereign duty to be unpleasant, combative, aggressive and unfunny until they get the response they desire.

This forum is now old enough that the people in the latter category are both clearly identifiable and have been given excessively numerous chances to change. I have received much private criticism for not exercising a harsher and more vengeful approach towards these people. I have had to endure people I like and enjoy the company of coming to me and saying that they think my approach is wrong and that I should crack down. I have resisted this on principle.

Unfortunately, my indulgence has not borne fruit. Instead, those involved in this behaviour have simply looked for better bait, and doubled down on their efforts. This is where we come to the straw that broke the camel's back.

Last night, I went to bed early. During the night, an autism storm of epic proportions occurred on the forum Discord. This storm centred around user @Takodachi. Takodachi is very well known in the vtuber community, for entirely negative reasons. He is known as a troll, an agitator and a persistent nuisance. When he joined this forum, several people questioned the wisdom of allowing him to stay here because of his outspoken and uncompromising dedication to being an asshole. These are not my words. These are not my random accusations. These are his own admissions that can be easily verified.

Despite knowing this, I allowed him to stay on the forum out of my previously-stated belief that people should be given a chance to improve, to progress as individuals, to get a life and stop dedicating excessive amounts of time and effort to pissing off random people on the internet for no reason.

Sadly this wasn't the case. Eventually, his actions got to the point they became actively disruptive in a way that bled over and began to directly affect me in ways I could no longer ignore. When I woke up, I was greeted with half a dozen messages from people who were not only fundamentally sick of his constant verbal effluent, but also reminding me of all the times he has engaged in various behaviours that I am absolutely sick of dealing with. As a result I banned him, my patience completely exhausted.

Happily, the general reaction to this was a huge, collective sigh of relief. However, misery loves company. Instead of engage in any level of self-reflection for this, Takodachi's immediate response was to return to KF and begin blaming his ban on the fact he called a vtuber in my discord 'fat' and then demanded she post pictures of herself. It is well known that I like this particular vtuber a lot, and Takodachi now believes he was banned exclusively because I was annoyed at what he did.

The reality is that while I was indeed annoyed at his behaviour, it was nothing more than the final straw. The incident plainly illustrated to me that my approach has not worked, and that certain people have now become cemented in their belief that my permissiveness stems either from a lack of backbone or an unspoken endorsement of their behaviour.

Henceforth, I will no longer tolerate those whose express and self-admitted purpose here is to drag others down and provoke them for no better reason than because they are joyless, wretched idiots who cannot stand the idea of being reminded that what they do and how they act is inimical to a functional society.

I will no longer tolerate repetitious jokes perpetuated exclusively for the sake of annoying me and other forum members, especially when they are completely unfunny.

I will no longer pretend to evaluate all opinions equally when some are expressed by people who are blatantly trying to manipulate me.

I will no longer allow people with no social lives, no employment and no functional purpose in life outside of shitposting and provoking people online to dominate discussion here.

It annoys me to have to restate that this forum is supposed to be a place where sanity prevails, and the userbase as a whole is able to shake off the numerous allegations levelled against it by various outsiders. When you join here, you adapt to my way of doing things. You do not squat here, stink up the place, criticize people endlessly and then actively work against my efforts, which come at a personal cost. This is not your promised land of eternal shitposting where you are immune from the consequences of your actions. I massively regret ever implying that it was.

I apologize sincerely to everyone who has had to put up with these people and endure their barbs for the sake of my principles. I am sorry. I failed you. I will be more proactive in policing this behaviour in future.
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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
Staff member
Lovebug Proctologist
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
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