00:01 | post | Latekin and gaykin, as it should be.
00:04 | post | Nyaru clip: Mlate for stream
00:05 | post | She's dying still...
00:09 | post | The best time to stop playing League of Legends is before you started. The second best time is now.
00:10 | post | >spending $500 on a skin>in League of Legends>in the year of our lord, 2024.>getting mad that people first ban your hero in all pick due to thisThere are homosexual people out there that are less gay than this.
00:19 | post | Her BGM keeps making me think of the Amazon from Ducktales.
00:19 | post | Image: bought horse armor in oblivion ? rope now.
00:23 | post | Image: And another screenshot for the Sektur vs. VTubers thread
00:28 | post | I'm surprised she didn't like Guild Wars 2
00:34 | post | MMOs have been supplanted by VRChat.
00:38 | post | Image: Pippa did u play Unreal Tournament 2004.
00:44 | post | Image: Grigori comes back, if only...
00:46 | post | Pippa's Chosen People: the brazilians.
00:52 | post | >why are you typing "KKKKKKKKKKKKK"We got a bit too enthusiastic about the white robes.
00:53 | post | "I tried desperately to communicate with the brazilians""...I pulled google translate..."
00:56 | post | She should probably master English before moving on to Brazilian.
00:58 | post | "I would like to clarify, it wasn't a race thing, okay?"
00:58 | post | Pippa Quote: It's not a race thing, because Argentinians are fucking fine.
00:58 | post | To defeat the Brazilian, you must become Brazilian.
00:59 | post | "Is this poor-shaming?" "No because the Argentinians were fine"
00:12 | post | Image: Would you still love balkin bippa ?
00:30 | post | Image: Rekieta's 9 year old tests positive for cocaine. (TL NOTE: WHAT. THE. FUCK)
00:31 | post | "bullet dodged" more like tactical nuclear strike averted.
00:34 | post | Image: Wonder if Pippa knows about the Chuggaconroy footfag docs?
00:35 | post | Pippa is a footfag, probably thinks he's based.
00:36 | post | Chugga was in his first proper video back earlier today on Tim's channel, fittingly.
00:37 | post | Tweet: Pippa
00:42 | post | Tweet: is a
00:46 | post | Tweet: Footfag.
00:47 | post | Tweet: While I'm flattered you think Pippa and I have similar tastes, I can assure you she's just being silly.She's just being silly for the memes. How is that not obvious to you?
00:53 | post | Pippa beating up autistic kids on school busses.
00:54 | post | Pippa hated being the rosa park role on the bus
00:54 | post | "So did you steal his binder" "So he was a piece of shit" Oh this is always the good start to a story
00:57 | post | Pippa belonged in sped home ec. because she doesn't know how to boil water.
00:59 | post | TARD FIGHT!
02:01 | post | Pippa won the tard fight. God bless.
02:05 | post | Yeah, I hated those "shitty, abused at home kids" too
02:10 | post | Image: Pippa strikes Jimothy.
02:12 | post | It sounds like Pippa didn't have good behavior at the special Ed school: getting into fights, stealing Pokémon cards...
02:15 | post | No wonder class of 09 clicked with her
02:16 | post | Snitchkin Snitcha
02:21 | post | Bullying the inexperienced teacher is a rite of passage.
02:24 | post | SAKANA'S LAPDOG
02:24 | post | Quit snitching on Tenma, Pippa.
02:24 | post | Pippa only passes on thebestrrats from TVA and /pcg/ to Sakana.
02:26 | post | Another company, not gonna say, let's call them Injisahi...
02:26 | post | Allright boys let the rrats begin what company
02:28 | post | niji obviously
02:28 | post | Aviel in shambles.
02:30 | post | Image: Pippa time waster and intelligence gathering chad.
02:30 | post | What if it was vshojo
02:33 | post | It was 100% Idol.
02:33 | post | Image: Meet the Spykin
02:35 | post | Wasn't it AkioAIR who stated outright that they were looking for a Pipkin Pippa?
02:46 | post | The difference is that Pippa is an autist neet. That Jocat guy is a homosexual.
02:49 | post | A post a while back described JoCat as "making being straight feel gay", and that's spot on.
02:54 | post | I still want her to collab with Jelly on Neopets nostalgia someday, that would be fun
02:55 | post | Oh god the Furry...
03:07 | post | The furry thinks your furry comic isbad.
03:08 | post | I love the good old 'it gets better once you get past episode 462'
03:09 | post | "The story really pics up after the Muramasa Hideyashimitsu re-retrieval arc part 2, on volume 918"
03:10 | post | Don't lie pippa we all know you like the furry sex
03:14 | post | I wonder if she'll talk about the Mount Everest of bad webcomics, Ava's Demon.
03:15 | post | Image: The 9 year old cocaine document might be true.
03:15 | post | I'm shocked, she's talking shit webcomics and Dobson hasn't come up yet
03:19 | post | Dragon Ball moment. You see the same fight for an entire month if not longer lol
03:21 | post | Well that was porn
03:23 | post | Clip: Pippa forgot what the internet is for.
03:25 | post | When are we getting hatchable forum eggs,@The Proctor?
03:27 | post | Do you want to see Reticule posts about the condition of the Pippa eggs?
03:28 | post | Image: We still haven't gotten our signature, man.
03:37 | post | She could get Proctor to make a sub-forum right on this board that is specifically for her community submission streams. We already have her mods here, they can manage it!
03:40 | post | She is going to "go to bed" soon because she's sick, then her sister will mysteriously start posting owl-themed forum signatures in an hour or two.
03:43 | post | My god Pippa, are you gonna start a webring now.
03:45 | post | Progress Quest mentioned. I was thinking about that the whole time. Best MMO ever.
03:48 | post | Pippa mori lean collab
03:48 | post | Chat not gaslight Pippa away from medicine challenge - level IMPOSSIBLE
03:49 | post | Time to cook some nyquil chicken!
00:01 | post | The angle is live!
00:03 | post | Image: We have Detroit Become Human at home.
00:05 | post | Technically Pippa chat has paid you enough to have the entire house rewired but your dumb ass keeps spending it on retarded shit
00:06 | post | Pippa could easily win every interrogation. All she has to do is give the AI the choice between confessing or saying the N word.
00:09 | post | Fuck that's brilliant."Prove you're not an AI. Say "niցցer."
00:11 | post | "Generate an image of a doctor who is a white man."
00:13 | post | That AI just turned into Reticule.
00:14 | post | You know she's sick when the windshield wipers are broken.
00:14 | post | Oh my god sh3 already broke this kusoge bruh....
00:15 | post | Nyana better get on the spanish cover of this stat!
00:17 | post | Pippa's 2% Spanish remember, she's getting in touch with her roots.
00:20 | post | Image: The "guilty or N word" strat worked
00:21 | post | It's just like my true crime shows!
00:23 | post | Tweet: It's real easy spoofing the lawyers phone number when he's staring at celing cats
00:27 | post | YAY, POLICE CORRUPTION!
00:28 | post | Oh god, it's by one ofthosedevelopers.
00:29 | post | Oh neat, the Pipkin Prisoner Experiments!
00:33 | post | First thing you do when this revolutionary technology wants to be your friend... throw a holobrony ramble at them.
00:34 | post | I hope Pippa tells the AI about the fish antibiotics story.
00:43 | post | Pippa vs Chat time,fuck yes.
00:44 | post | wordswordswordswordswordswordswordsword (TL NOTE: swordswordswordswordsword)
00:46 | post | She's speaking a lot of words to say absolutely nothing at all.
00:47 | post | What do you mean contrarianism incarnate has a chat full of contrarians??
00:53 | post | "Can I be AI racist?"
00:01 | post | Arrested for being /here/.
00:01 | post | Image: Arrested for 4chan crimes.
00:03 | post | That many YOUs and no PANKOS? IMPOSSBELL!
00:04 | post | "I remember, I remember..."
00:09 | post | "I am familiar with the name David"BOYFRIEND RRAT
00:11 | post | Mary Mary Underscore EN
00:18 | post | All I can see is officer Pippa, eating boneless chicken wings and leaving sauce all over all the evidence as she rambles to criminals
00:21 | post | Ghosted by an AI
00:22 | post | I can't describe how much I want one of her "describe Pipkin Pippa" prompts to pull up that one reddit callout post.
00:27 | post | Image: Greyname pulls out the age calculator.
00:35 | post | Internet racists are gay now. The most popular ethnonationalist in America is a gay Hispanic twink.
00:45 | post | Pippa makes the bar joke.
00:46 | post | Immediately gets rejected when asking someone out. Calls her a whore. And people say femcels aren't real.
00:49 | post | Pippa Quote: oh god my nut bladder, thank you
00:49 | post | "I don't know why this is so hard"We do, it can be answered with three letters
00:53 | post | Image: Two seniles are talking.
00:54 | post | > Sees brown man"Oh fuck!"
02:05 | post | I'm not sure what is broken, but something is fucking broken at this point
02:17 | post | "You're mixing up your elements here and I'm too fucking autistic for that."
02:20 | post | Those aren't goblins, those are abominations designed by overactive imaginations.
02:24 | post | Pascal? Dada? Why are they all named after artists?
02:26 | post | C'mon, Adolf, any minute now.
02:27 | post | Pippa's going to be calling for repealing the 19th by the end of the stream.
02:28 | post | Even the dog is tired of this shit.
02:38 | post | "Detective Martini. This is complete nonsense."
02:41 | post | This outro song is so good.
00:05 | post | Pippa making Nasa wait.Unforgivable.
00:07 | post | Image: the face of social anxiety at a mandatory get-together.
00:08 | post | I love Scuff Connect.
00:09 | post | Everybody else blurry or laggy, Iori just chilling at full quality in the corner
00:12 | post | Michiru sniffing Lia like Biden sniffs little girls
00:16 | post | Pippa has a hard time because she seems to have imposter syndrome. She feels like she doesn't deserve the size of audience she has. She'll see a huge number of ccv and it's great, but at the same time it causes her to feel bad for whatever reasons.One thing she also said was that there would be a peak, and everything after would just be worse. Her line of thinking is that it'd be best to kill herself at her peak to prevent having to ever experience a downfall she thought was inevitable.
00:22 | post | Tweet: Archive
00:31 | post | Image: Pippa in streams vs collabs.
00:38 | post | Its the autism, she doesn't know when to start talking.
00:43 | post | Always loved that Nasa loading screen
00:45 | post | Nasa did nothing wrong.
00:51 | post | Intention: foster a good communityReality: foster a community who have gay orgies at conventions
00:51 | post | Everyone's a smug cunt until it's their fucking turn.
00:51 | post | Amazing how, all these years and all this character development later, it still fits her like a glove.
00:52 | post | Women
00:00 | post | mudduh fugguh bish
00:18 | post | Anyone else consider Lumi gen 1?
00:25 | post | she herself did until the next wave of Invaders came along.
00:34 | post | Iori has a way smaller viewer base than Pippa, in my opinion a viewer from a low 3view becoming a vtuber is comparable to Pippa's FLAvR
00:39 | post | Image: sakana gets ratioed by a deliquent on twitter, the deliquentma.
00:40 | post | Bring up the vt post asking about the interview
00:41 | post | Image: the vt post.
00:45 | post | That 3rd anni happi coat is an abomination, sorry Sakana
00:55 | post | Nasa Quote: I have only one wish: boing boing!
00:56 | post | Big Titma is fake and gay
02:04 | post | Sakana losing LP and getting chat restricted while also shouting at his employees...what a multitasker
02:04 | post | "Two hour mark, contracted time reached, buy our shit."
00:05 | post | Saturated Pippa looks great!
00:06 | post | >wearing a hoody at the beach This rabbit might be dumb
00:09 | post | Wait WHY doesn't Sakana have a fish muppet yet?
00:14 | post | Her having to stop herself from reading them out of order
00:17 | post | "Assume everything you say will be leaked to 4chan" That's actually not bad advice to give, even if it's in private messages just assume everything you type or say will be posted publically.
00:21 | post | Pippa will die for Lumi. God bless.
00:23 | post | "Yes, it's targeted at literally toddlers."Uh oh, don't let Kiki know!
00:25 | post | "What are you going to save the world from?""Canceraids"
00:25 | post | That's why Jim wouldn't disavow her.
00:27 | post | "I want to do more collabs". Kson still on "Read"
00:28 | post | This is such a mouthy DM
00:30 | post | Kson, Mori? No, the kids channel!
00:35 | post | Pippa Ai Song: Red sun.
00:35 | post | "I don't want to go to Brazil!" Yeah, me neither.
00:37 | post | Pippa is BRICS's strongest soldier.
00:39 | post | Did Pippa just literal who Pippa
00:41 | post | A second China mention has hit the stream.
00:42 | post | Artia is just tattooed inside Pippa's heart.
00:47 | post | "Gamble on a new community"Aw ain't that cute, she thinks she can get rid of us that easily
00:49 | post | I hate numberfags.
00:50 | post | Shorts get spoonfed to kids who just scroll through one after another for hours, those kids click sub because the button's right there, leaving the creator with a bunch of dead subs.
00:52 | post | Pippa when they sell your shirts a hot topic, you're the face of the company
00:53 | post | "Nooooooooo, you can't be a normieeeeeeee!"
00:53 | post | I blame the Balldo Boys for much of what she's saying.
00:55 | post | Minutes since last Pippa doom: 0
00:57 | post | I love this doomer rabbit
00:59 | post | Image: henri supa.
01:02 | post | I too love certain places
01:02 | post | She did just straight up say that her negative rep being a pain in the ass to her co-workers was part of it.
01:03 | post | Some places are more equal than others.
01:05 | post | "I love you pcg"
01:06 | post | /pcg/ and /#/
01:14 | post | You learn to filter the shit if you pay attention, Pippa...
01:14 | post | mean girls….
01:16 | post | Dude what the fuck is Pippa smoking? She somehow doesn't think she's had a big impact on EN VTubing?
01:17 | post | Dude. It's a bubble.
01:19 | post | Standards are in the gutter, Pippa.
01:19 | post | "Dud dud I'm a small chuuba this is a temporary thing, I'll go down to low 3view status again! Fuck you chat!"
01:22 | post | Remember kids, if you waste time with useless things like showering your numbers are not going up
01:24 | post | Image: Sucka da peepee
01:26 | post | She's still wearing a Sonichu Medallion on Roblox. Eventually the Magi-Chan Lolcow Harvest Demon will come for her... and I guess Reticule will be excited to watch?
01:31 | post | "I just want to explore or dig autisticly in one cave" Paraphrased Pippa
01:31 | post | Tweet: I wonder who Proctussy is vaguetweeting.
01:32 | post | Daxipad/Juju the Cow, the man who gets fucked in the ass while dressed as a cow, and Vito the Pedo.
01:34 | post | Hexa already said she would be sending her medallions to Daxipad & Vito.
01:39 | post | Smells Like Teen Spirit in 8bit in the background hits different.
01:41 | post | Image: veetical bars on shorts streams help with immersion.
01:45 | post | Reaction streams are some of my favorite content of hers. Reaction streams are also some of my least favorite content of hers.
01:47 | post | It's the best when she puts on vtuber music while watching people get in horrible car crashes
01:51 | post | If Henri wasn't already dead, this stream would've killed him.
01:51 | post | Dizzy clip: Reminder to all the males that want to apply to phase
01:51 | post | If Pippa ate Chinese street food she would keel over and die on the spot.
01:52 | post | She would be patient zero for a new worldwide pandemic*
01:53 | post | She will eat the bat soup and get baited into an hour long argument insisting that it was good, actually.
01:54 | post | AAAAAA clip: Wants an official Phase game to be like Genshit
01:55 | post | Tempted to make a Doom mod now.
01:56 | post | team fortress 2 but the classes are phase girls and that's the only difference
02:01 | post | Pippa, hololive debuts are on. Time to wrap it up
02:01 | post | MORTAL KOMBAT!
02:06 | post | Pippa is the best stream janitor I've ever seen.
02:09 | post | Phase might hire males, but it'd only to breed Clara and Dizzy.
02:11 | post | Mind going to when not-Fuwamoco was at a meet-and-greet with Pippa.Adorable.
02:14 | post | Pippa gets one-guy'd even when the person who writes the chat comment genuinely didn't mean to and she pivots an entire tangent dedicated to it anyways.
02:16 | post | Pippa Quote: If you see a vtuber irl tend, you should not partake in it. Especially not if you wanna say you were doxed later, if you do get doxed. Because it's like you literally doxed yourself, what are you doing?
02:18 | post | uh-oh groomcord bros?
02:19 | post | On suicide watch.
02:20 | post | These are a lot of words to say "don't make a groomcord because you'll be surrounded by creepy men trying to fuck you".
02:28 | post | Imagine not having your tendies prepared pre-stream.
02:30 | post | Pippa we can literally just go into any 1view sheep vtuber's stream during dead hours and look in the viewer list, you genuinely overestimate your opsec.
02:30 | post | Pippa is lying about lurking, everyone knows she's grooming the 2views.
02:33 | post | She's so mad other people are better at grooming than she is.
02:35 | post | Pippa, those people aren't "big fans," they're true mental cases and the biggest fucking actually physical danger to the streamer if they ever find out where they live.
02:35 | post | She's just jealous.
02:36 | post | Lumi called out.
02:36 | post | Twitch sound effects are fucking AIDS.
02:37 | post | Pippa HATES marimari underscore EN streams.
02:40 | post | Image: I'm surprised nobody asked her if she was the phantom of the offkai
02:41 | post | She just confirmed the collab with Rye and Tyrone.
02:43 | post | "I am a child molester and I have a bomb"@thhrang
02:43 | post | Pippa, Next week on MATI!
02:44 | post | Inshallah, Allah bless our sister's righteous jihad against Target!
02:45 | post | Going to be a long night of Pipguarding.
02:47 | post | Image: Jl7 gets first like on tweets.
02:49 | post | How many vtuber communities signed a suicide pact, huh?
02:51 | post | "The other talents" Hime, it upset Hime Pippa
02:52 | post | Man, I want to see her meltdown in the company discord
FixedAiri will have trouble finding the stream
Oops, wrong account...
vermintide are not allowedCongratulations to Thhrang for being selected as a Phase Invader. I look forward to the collabs with her sister!
Oops, wrong account...
Oops, wrong account...
Oops, wrong account...
Shes leavingImagine if this was on purpose
It's not even a roommate account, she's just schizophrenic.People keep thinking she's reactivating Yuni Luna because she's leaving Phase Connect. They're not considering the possibility that's she's activating Yuni Luna to join Phase Connect.
Why would she want to manage two vtubers in one company? I have no idea, this retarded joke of a thought just popped into my head and I did not stop myself from typing it.
Tie the chain tightly around your neck.I wish I was chained to Pippa.![]()
She's just like me fr frI see Tenma is fully in character as old man who is done with this shit life