This, I don't want another offkai weekend or JP where we're sat for hours wondering if she's going to stream or not. She's been good as of late with announcing cancelations and delays well ahead and thats all I ask. Sucks it took half a year to get back to where she was during the move but at least she's better about it now. I still get annoyed anytime someone posts this in pcg cause it was a genuinely insulting way of handing not doing the offkai streams and leaving people hanging instead of just calling the weekend ahead of time. Glad she's not pulling this kinda shit anymoreShe also missed why people got mad at her. It wasn't for going on trips or pretending she didn't go, it was because since she doesn't say anything people still assume streams are going to happen, but they aren't, and she canceled hours after she's supposed to stream by saying something came up, instead of just doing what she should, like the other girls did and do, by saying she's taking the week or so off.