Blue hair woman bad, danger to all Phase Connect tribe. I would suggest that we've moved a bit beyond documentation and into furious hand-wringing that might give Mr. Jewticule a run for his shekels. While I agree in principle that libsperging can spread like a virus, it's going to be Muumi and co - and ultimately Sakana - who decide what qualifies as a real danger to the talents' ability to function. One rarely gets along with all of their coworkers. In any case if PC is going to be destroyed from within we all know who's going to be responsible.
I don't care about her "libsperging" and am specifically talking about
if the posted message was from her and potentially made about Jelly.
If it is true, one rarely needs to act antagonistic towards a coworker they don't get along with, even if indirectly either. Something like that can be grounds to get HR/management involved.
As I've stated, I need more concrete evidence before I believe it's real and directed at Jelly and condemn her for it. It's why I constantly said "if it's true" or something along those lines before giving my opinion on the matter. I've also never claimed that she was a danger to all of Phase. My concern is any antagonistic behavior between her and Jelly specifically that may cause problems. As of right now, and the time I made that initial post, I still lean towards this not being the case.
She can continue "libsperging" all she wants on her separate account. That's never bothered me, and at most, I just laugh at her being retarded (derogatory). I will be bothered if it is proven true that she is being antagonistic towards anyone in Phase, whether directly or indirectly, but until then, I don't plan on continuing to post about her unless it's to make a joke and just leave my opinions to reacts.
EDIT: After rereading my initial post, I did indeed say that it would be a "detriment to Phase as a whole", which you even quoted me as saying, so I acknowledge I did imply "blue hair woman bad, danger to all Phase Connect tribe", so I was wrong when I said I never claimed that. Definitely a bit hyperbolic on my part with that line, and fair criticism against me. I do think it's not good for the whole of the company if this sort of behavior was to exist, regardless of who it was coming from, but I acknowledge that claiming it to be a "detriment" is a bit drastic.