even polka is filtered by kronii's npc stream.
But why?
even polka is filtered by kronii's npc stream.
>doesn't trust realtorsKirsche is learning how to go about buying a house from chat, because she doesn't trust realtors.
Their team is in Top 3 which is nice but that means Rosemi will have to play again.Goddamn Rosemi got whooped by a League player.
Yeah man, for someone that started playing Tekken seriously only recently she's doing fucking great, i'll have to check Sajam's VOD after this.
Losemi JobbermouthMan, MYK jobbed.
Can't choke if you're never up in the first placeChokemi Bronzelock
> Rosemi got to Top 3 with 0 wins.
Vivi did great tho.
Wait who is the smash pro in this? Leffen?> Rosemi got to Top 3 with 0 wins.
Vivi did great tho.