Fauna building a shop and selling lottery tickets has been really good for the Enrico entertainment value. It gives them a hub where they can all go interact, and a motivation to go there and create content by talking/arguing about the lottery (whether it's a scam, etc).
EDIT: Reckon I'll be switching to Green Machine again now that she's started.
EDIT: CC, Biboo, and ERB playing together. Biboo and CC just bullied ERB into adopting Biboo as her daughter - with CC being the notary for the official adoption - so that Biboo could take the name "Koseki Bijou Bloodflame".
EDIT: Calli is now showing CC the restaurant she made. I had no idea she was building that.
EDIT: CC played a ukulele for Calli in exchange for finally getting her pointy hat.
EDIT: CC just showed her new pointy hat to Fauna, who already has one.
Fauna: "Let's touch tips!"
EDIT: Now CC is trying to convince GiGI of her conspiracy theory that the Lebestans are lying to them. GiGi thinks the kind is possessed by a Stain, and is recruiting CC to her plan to assassinate the king at the royal wedding.