I can't believe Bijou is extorting chat like this.
"Now draw her giving birth" -Biboo, 2023
Based talent scout ahead
Like Yagoo, that guy knows the chinese are more trouble than it's worth
Like Yagoo, that guy knows the chinese are more trouble than it's worth
chinese you say? probably fishlipped.Born in China, she talked about her mom baby bird feeding her (chewing up the food and spitting it in her baby mouth). Don't know when she moved to Toronto but she must of been fairly young.
View attachment 46068
(I assume she isn't missing the bottom of her face)
Airi is imploring people to go to youmacon, Phase apparently has a lot of big stuff planned for it that you don't want to miss.
But is it worth risking your life to go to Detroit for?
Hisalarm started going off
Wait shes Chinese?
Mozu "My fluids are sticky today"
Sort of like how Pippa mentioned buying moldy Coca-Cola watches at garage sales on her brainlet stream recently.Anyone who knows this woman understands to react to a statement like that with thinly-veiled terror and apprehension.