They think it's a magical power for which muggles should throw them cash. Combine this with muggles usually thinking "drawing is a fun thing I did as kid instead of schoolwork" and wanting to pay you accordingly, and you get the current year shit sandwich where the reality needs to be in the middle. Clients expect art to work the same way as, for instance, roofing your house would work, but they want to pay you like they're doing you a favor and you are lucky they're throwing you a few bucks while you basically play with crayons. Clients view art like they view playing cards or watching tv. And artists act like it's a hobby, yet also like they're granting you a divine blessing.Perhaps AI should replace artists after all, if artists are going to continue treating their job like a hobby and fail to meet professional standards (or even basic work standards)
Nobody wants to PAY like you're doing a job like a carpenter, nor do artists want to work like a carpenter (and work whether they feel like it that day or not). Source: am art school scholarship student.