Alright, real quick. I'm finally watching 4th Fes (yeah super late, I've been busy, sue me). I'm about halfway through Day 1 and there's a word that just won't leave my mind. And that word is:
It's because they're all in idol costumes, I guess, but if you like animu girls in short shorts/skirts with plenty of juicy digital drumsticks, then this is definitely the show for you. So far my award for Best in Show on that front goes to Her Royal Thighness, Omaru Polka. Who knew unicycling was so effective for the quads?
(This is not a thirstpost, btw. It's an entirely disinterested assessment of stylistic choices in a performance. I would never think of these characters in a prurient way. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go do more disinterested assessment of stylistic choices.)