I dislike that he posts too much in chats and calls attention to himself. He is not a talent or a manager, he has no business trying to wrangle talents. He upset the mood of a Shiina members stream when she was no where near breaking TOS during her December ASMR. This threatens her $$$ because believe it or not, an intimate sensual moment being interrupted by a literal fag got who is worried nip knobs is a no no word, makes the experience less valuable to the members. Mods should be silent. There's more too but this the main behavior of his I have a problem with.
^This is what I think too. Even if he doesn't do anything
horrible, he attracts too much attention to himself because he does not just do his janny work silently. He says dum shit in their company discord and gets other mods snitching on him. He says dum shit to the talents and gets them (probably) snitching on him.
They should have him stepdown as head mod and use another handle,
if he really cares about PC, he needs to just mop it up and shut up. Of course, as a big shit janny, he would just throw a fit and leave rather then just do honest mopping. Good riddance.
Another important tip for Sakana:
Don't give the head mod and special role in the public discord. This should not be know to viewers and if it is, that's a sign the mod is behaving inappropriately.
I think he wishes he was that important. He just inserts himself into everyone's chat and butts into everything until there is some perception of authority, but he's a paper tiger with no actual value.

He's also an
albatross of potential PC hires: If any Gen 3 are still streaming after being hired, Xalabussy is very likely to be in their chats (and in thier DMS/discords) already asserting his presence. He did this for gen 2 and he probably is doing it right now too.