I think it's time for you to make actual big boy clips. Download OBS and
DaVinci Resolve 18, for free. You set up OBS to record the youtube parts you want, them edit them in resolve and you can add imagess and stuff. You can use
https://www.irasutoya.com/ to get the little dum people images like in Rin and Shiina's shorts for the authentic "vtuber clip" look. Don't put more then 20 in one clip or they get mad though.
I'm retarded so there's probably better ways to do it, but this is at least an easy start.
Make a new google account, make a new youtube, don't call yourself superduper

I don't think they have the capability to IP ban you, so unless you goof again I don't think you can be banned.
You gotta win her back doooooooood!