So, this is a bit nothing but I thought I'd post it anyway just in case. Wavywebsurf, a popular youtuber who just talks about various internet history stuff, made a video about youtubers who faked their deaths. Of course there's a section here about sketchek, who as you know became Sonny Brisko of Nijisanji EN
The video doesn't mention Sonny at all, instead saying that sketchek mysteriously stopped uploading in 2022 for no listed reason. I looked through the comments and there's a couple people mentioning it, however the video also includes the infamous Jaystation and many more comments are about that. Just something I didn't expect to see is all
Thank them for having mercy.I still can't believe Cover went with devloping Holo Earth or whatever over an easy cashout with a Holo-themed gacha game.
INB4 she comes back and triples down on "vtubers are literally child porno" because she can smell the attention juice.She got a strike on her old gura video that was slandering her and hololive pretty hard and calling the fans and vtubers pedophiles. Pretty nasty shit which got her that strike for harassment and bullying. Getting one strike is not the end of the world she just can't stream and grift for a bit which is why she is screaming and crying.
The video itself was made like a week after myth debuted, dunno why it got struck 2.5 years later.Didnt this happened a long time ago?
See this is where it becomes uncomfortable for me because I found that entire "Gura's a paedophile" narrative incredibly distasteful; I hate seeing paedophilia accusations being thrown around loosely because not only is it a hugely defamatory accusation toward someone I respect, it also devalues discussion of the topic as a whole, like how "nazi" accusations are meaningless now. The difference is that while the real modern-day nazis are weird larpers at the worst, paedophiles are still a genuine threat, so building a culture where you instantly assume claims are nothingburgers because most of the accusations you hear are from arguments about anime shit will make it easier for actual child abusers to blend into the crowd.She got a strike on her old gura video that was slandering her and hololive pretty hard and calling the fans and vtubers pedophiles. Pretty nasty shit which got her that strike for harassment and bullying. Getting one strike is not the end of the world she just can't stream and grift for a bit which is why she is screaming and crying.
I disagree.It goes without saying that fuck shippers but come the fuck on, you have to be a kind of special retard or closeted gay to have shipping actually make things weird in person. If this was such a problem they wouldn't yuri bait that hard to begin with because I've been around female circles and the girls I know wouldn't say half the shit they tell each other on stream, some girls would even tell you to cool it. They want the yuribait cake and want to eat it too.
Chii-chan and Laplus collabed for the first time in preparation for the Apex Vsaikyo tournament and they have great chemistry together. Two kusogakis causing chaos around each other, one's a chuuni and the other is a gaming addict. Here's Chii-chan saying "YES MY DARK".
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I find Calli to be the perfect litmus test for who to take seriously. I don't even watch or particularly like her, but all of her haters have been either insufferable and jealous twittertrannies, crappy and jealous soundcloud rappers, or deranged unicorns. I find her to be very inoffensive outside of saying "nigga" a million years ago.I saw an interesting post in the homeland that talked about Calli's ability to attract hordes of haters and it was interesting to reflect on.
There's actually a lot of reasons other than the usual twitter crowd that Calli can get a lot of hate which surprisingly come mostly from her roommate's legacy rather than vtubing(the vtubing switch just made her easier to find as well as caused extra friction)
Being a wigger rapper (This shit is fucking old but tbh this sentiment never really went away from black communities. It's just more hidden.
Being a fake rapper (The infamoustweet comes to mind as Calli clearly isn't on the "inside" of the hardcore rapper world. Also the fact that she blew up when she debuted means she didn't ascend to "true artist" fame by hawking her soundcloud mixtapes on the streets of Shibuya like the REAL rappers)
Being a white rapper doing japanese raps (This isn't so much about rapping but Japan's cultural hatred of foreigners runs deep, so having whitey borrow some culture rubs some japs the wrong way)
Being a bad rapper. (This is stupid to talk about because art is art. It doesn't matter how technically skilled you are if the music doesn't appeal. Calli may or may not be as good at rapping as other people but people obviously like it for a reason.)
DEMONDICE SOLD OUT YOU GUYS (This one isn't really used much these days since Calli has proven that she still releases stuff under her roommate's name but a decent chunk of her old fanbase were really unhappy and thought she was abandoning her roots for profit)
Backstabbed by friends. (It's been a while since she ever talked about it but a lot of people in the underground rap scene dunked on Calli and hated her when she blew up in popularity. It got so bad that some friends and respected peers she admired also shat on her probably for one of the other reasons listed above. Those people she cut ties with are probably spreading shit about her to this day if they haven't moved on.)
Cuckbeats. (We all joke about it but there actually was a significantly loud minority that wanted their "dad" to stop hanging around her bros. Gets weirder the more you think about it)
Hey would you look at that! Most of the reasons relate to Calli being a unique individual in her space and not doing things the "legit" way. How horrifying I wonder what Calli will do to fix this?
Ame might be referring to some subsection of Holo fans that seem obsessed with shipping all of Council into a giant lesbian orgy. A bunch of pronoun-in-bio, trans-flag-in-bio Terminally On Twitter people who go on about their love of shipping all of Council together. This crew seems to assume and even insist that the entirety of Council is either gay or bi or some manner of alphabet combination.
One tweet that I can't find but remember distinctly is one of that community posted something to the effect of "Man they really failed with Myth trying to force ships to happen, but they made the smart move with Council by hiring an entire crew of actual lesbians and just let them do their thing." It really encapsulates that whole mindset to a T.
You'll know you're dealing with one of them if their twitter handle contains a Council ship, especially if it's more than two members, but their Display Name is a regular person's name. One of their hobbies is just lazily copy-pasting the gay rainbow flag into any stream screenshot.
One of that clique managed to go viral with the Kronii Cock Tweet.
It could be that this tweet, and in turn the Gay Council Brigade has caught the attention of actual Council members who are kinda mindfucked by their behavior, and you know Ame will tend to be the one to talk about random fucked up fan bullshit.
does she still smell like cat shit?INB4 she comes back and triples down on "vtubers are literally child porno" because she can smell the attention juice.
The video itself was made like a week after myth debuted, dunno why it got struck 2.5 years later.
In typical venti fashion, she saw chuubas getting really popular and decided to manufacture some bullshit drama to get attention, but later stopped when she realized nobody cared about it that much when people moved onto malding about pewds using a live2d model for a week and then the taiwan incident.
She has been doing this since 2013-ish and it's always the same bullshit. I remember really long ago when she pretended to be retarded and cried when 4chuds bullied her on stream for attention, then in 2016 she appeared in HWNDU for a bit and then she flip-flopped between feministtumblrinatwittard and egirl thot for years on end. If you think nyanners is hypocritical she has nothing on brittany venti, she is the queen bee of grifting, she will suck anyone's dick and slander any group for a drop of attention.
That would be a dumbass move, the best way to deal with venti is to just ignore her, taking her to court or striking her channel only emboldens her and brings more eyes to her bs, it's probably the worst thing you could do. Even if you do take her down she will just get back up again in an alt and continue taking shots at hololive for months or years if it gets her traction from anti-vtuber streamers and the public.The particular discomfort I have is that while I say that, I still don't think it's right for YouTube to have taken the video down. If Gura and/or Cover wanted to take Venti to court for defamation I'd be on their side, but YouTube shouldn't be the judge in a situation like that. Publishing platforms should intervene less, not more, because automated bots and ideologically-inclined big tech employees acting as the judge, jury, and executioner in disputes can, and does, fuck over completely innocent people caught in the crossfire.
Oh no, that shit is absolutely just going to be Holo Genshin.I still can't believe Cover went with devloping Holo Earth or whatever over an easy cashout with a Holo-themed gacha game.
Shark members stream in two hours.
Kiwibuckos are multiplying, just in time for an Amiya Aranha stream.
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Being a white rapper doing japanese raps (This isn't so much about rapping but Japan's cultural hatred of foreigners runs deep, so having whitey borrow some culture rubs some japs the wrong way)
Kronii can have mommy vibes too>One you'd most want to be your mom
I mean who else can I pick but Fauna?