"I like trans people"Merryweather

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Punished Anime Discusser

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42k in 8 hours
ayo this shit doin' numbers muhfugga, shieeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Faceless Waifu

prompt: sister cleaire, event horizon, no eyes
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She's just half filipino half mexican, if vtubers taught me anything is that 3rd worlders will hear a bird singing on a even day and call it a spooky ghost
And when they say its spooky ghost, they will just ignore it, in fear that it really IS spooky ghost and if they acknowledge it, they die a horrible death or something.

Just 3rd worlder things.
I still have no bloody idea what was the actual cause for AR Live cancellation, given it's obviously not covid related. Yugo was never in promo material, so her cancellation should be irrelevant. They already said before cancelling that Fulgur won't make it to 3D because of his health issues, so that's not it either. Was Yugo supposed to be in it, had it in contract, and after getting shitcanned tried to sue them like a mentally sick fuck she is, or some equally nonsensical unpredictable bs? From everything that everyone has told, they knew it's going to be cancelled before announcement, but they were given a different reason and covid is just yet another excuse to safe face from Nijisanji management. I mean, Holo is holding an event just a couple weeks before this one was supposed to be no problem. Is this related somehow? Did upper management decide they share fanbase too much and it's easier to spit in the face to livers than present low ticket sales? How far does management need to go before someone goes nuclear and just start spilling the beans on PL account
No matter how many rrats people espoused and how much vagueposting the EN talent gonna say, Nijisanji ain't gonna say shit beyond the covid excuse. Don't waste your breath trying to figure it out.

Though then again, this is just the inner nijifag in me being super disappointed with that the company been doing to their foreign branch, so take it with grain of salt. Chances are they really can't say anything without causing trouble so they just use the world's usual target aka the chink virus, and they gonna use that narrative despite the fact it's not gonna work.


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Gege I'm here.png


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
No matter how many rrats people espoused and how much vagueposting the EN talent gonna say, Nijisanji ain't gonna say shit beyond the covid excuse. Don't waste your breath trying to figure it out.

Though then again, this is just the inner nijifag in me being super disappointed with that the company been doing to their foreign branch, so take it with grain of salt. Chances are they really can't say anything without causing trouble so they just use the world's usual target aka the chink virus, and they gonna use that narrative despite the fact it's not gonna work.
At this point, I'm kinda hoping Zaion somehow finds a way to avoid an NDA, or just doesn't give a fuck, and when she's out shut goes full "Burn it all down" mode and dishes ALL the fucking dirt. The amount of stuff in the last few months that have made Niji seem really fucking shifty behind the scenes has been stacking up surprisingly quickly despite how well put together they seemed when their EN branches first premiered.
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Dread Father
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hololive ruined /jp/

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I'm curious, did she mention this on stream? I seen Randoms say she's this or that, but never any source or reason. I could easily be missing clues in her stories though.
in the wonton clip she says her grandad is korean.

another pl clip where she says says shes chinese and does chinese things like grave cleaning.

Shiina seemingly understands and responds to things that airi and rie say in koreandespite not knowing the language.

Probably half chinese, half korean.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


Dread Father
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I'm sorry Uruka, it was "help me bro, I'm stuck" in google translated traditional Chinese.


Asylum's lurker
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I still have no bloody idea what was the actual cause for AR Live cancellation, given it's obviously not covid related. Yugo was never in promo material, so her cancellation should be irrelevant. They already said before cancelling that Fulgur won't make it to 3D because of his health issues, so that's not it either. Was Yugo supposed to be in it, had it in contract, and after getting shitcanned tried to sue them like a mentally sick fuck she is, or some equally nonsensical unpredictable bs? From everything that everyone has told, they knew it's going to be cancelled before announcement, but they were given a different reason and covid is just yet another excuse to safe face from Nijisanji management. I mean, Holo is holding an event just a couple weeks before this one was supposed to be no problem. Is this related somehow? Did upper management decide they share fanbase too much and it's easier to spit in the face to livers than present low ticket sales? How far does management need to go before someone goes nuclear and just start spilling the beans on PL account
No matter how many rrats people espoused and how much vagueposting the EN talent gonna say, Nijisanji ain't gonna say shit beyond the covid excuse. Don't waste your breath trying to figure it out.

Though then again, this is just the inner nijifag in me being super disappointed with that the company been doing to their foreign branch, so take it with grain of salt. Chances are they really can't say anything without causing trouble so they just use the world's usual target aka the chink virus, and they gonna use that narrative despite the fact it's not gonna work.
I know people are so eager to blame someone and started randomly pointing fingers but I can assure you Yugo most definitely has nothing to do with all the shitstorm considering she has found a comfy spot after her re-brand and just doing her own stuff, though nobody will know what actually happened in regards to her termination and if she will ever move on from it but for now she seems to be chilling as U-san at most.

The rrat-ing aside, it does make no fucking sense that they could just cancel a planned live while simultaneously announcing LIVE VENUE event for some of their JP talents the next day, and of course, some people would be upset over it as shown by all the vague tweeting done by some of the EN talents following the news. I have no basis whatsoever about what other possible reason is there but it's just... So weird when they're also boasting about their growth over the recent years.

At this point, I'm kinda hoping Zaion somehow finds a way to avoid an NDA, or just doesn't give a fuck, and when she's out shut goes full "Burn it all down" mode and dishes ALL the fucking dirt. The amount of stuff in the last few months that have made Niji seem really fucking shifty behind the scenes has been stacking up surprisingly quickly despite how well put together they seemed when their EN branches first premiered.
She was already quite sassy in the early days of her suspension (the genshin message screenshot) and doing that above would be very dumb of her
...But also I'd like to see this happening too, imagine the sperging we'll see on twitter and /vt/ for weeks

Edit: reminds me not to type while drinking
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Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
in other words:
(don't worry, I'm joking...maybe)

Continuous Retardation

Ame Gosling
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Based Shondo from her stream yesterday.

"I did a civ stream where I roleplayed as... good hitler"
Damn I nearly keeled over after hearing that lol. So to be good hitler, do you forcefully ship all the jews to Auschwitz, but only use the ovens to bake them cookies?

After reading @Azehara's post, I'm sure the piping would be quite intense

At this point, I'm kinda hoping Zaion somehow finds a way to avoid an NDA, or just doesn't give a fuck, and when she's out shut goes full "Burn it all down" mode and dishes ALL the fucking dirt. The amount of stuff in the last few months that have made Niji seem really fucking shifty behind the scenes has been stacking up surprisingly quickly despite how well put together they seemed when their EN branches first premiered.
I am forever hoping that any agency vtuber who leaves on bad terms just starts spilling the beans about the way their company operates. I'm so tired of just having little disparate pieces of info. I want some full blown inner workings type stuff.

Jean Valjean

Brimming with salt
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
Zaion doing that would be the most entertaining thing we've seen in a while. A dumb idea on her part, but the most entertaining thing we've seen in a while.


Dread Father
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Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
in other words:
(don't worry, I'm joking...maybe)
And I thank God for that every day


Dang it
Ward Security
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
"I did a civ stream where I roleplayed as... good hitler"
Damn I nearly keeled over after hearing that lol. So to be good hitler, do you forcefully ship all the jews to Auschwitz, but only use the ovens to bake them cookies?
And yes, she kept the mustache the entire time.


42k in 8 hours
ayo this shit doin' numbers muhfugga, shieeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Found the video. Just so we can have them next to each other someplace.
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I should watch some of Kanata's Dark Souls DLC streams. Looks like she had a great time



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At this point, I'm kinda hoping Zaion somehow finds a way to avoid an NDA, or just doesn't give a fuck, and when she's out shut goes full "Burn it all down" mode and dishes ALL the fucking dirt. The amount of stuff in the last few months that have made Niji seem really fucking shifty behind the scenes has been stacking up surprisingly quickly despite how well put together they seemed when their EN branches first premiered.
The problem with that, if she is crackhead enough to do so, who is to say she is stable enough to not make up all of this stuff inside of her head like Rushia did? No one trusts Rushia when she pulls out shit like "my senpai bullied me" or "everyone was jealous of me and did mean things to me all the time". Also people would be prone to believe whatever she says, so she could make shit up for lols and we would never even doubt it. EN started out nice but quickly went to shitter with fujoshi pandering, ethyria being shitted on for merely existing and then hiring people who had weird background at best (beauty blogger, really, what they thought she could do as vtuber)
Personally, the biggest issue with Nijisanji management over, say, Hololive, is their reasoning is beyond what mortals can comprehend. You can disagree with how they do it, or should they do it, but you still get when Holo goes apeshit on brand image protection with not allowing collabs, banning certain ideas for streams, pulling out suspensions to let things blow over etc. Nijisanji on the other hand - they clearly must have reasons to explain why they do things they do to higher ups, you can't just rebrand a whole branch from IN to EN on a whim and not say why, or shitcan it and merge with a different one like ID. Except no one outside of company understands this reasoning

Faceless Waifu

prompt: sister cleaire, event horizon, no eyes
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
EN started out nice but quickly went to shitter with fujoshi pandering, ethyria being shitted on for merely existing and then hiring people who had weird background at best (beauty blogger, really, what they thought she could do as vtuber)
Being shitted on aside, Ethyria is still able to do well anyway, so that's not exactly shitter-worthy. If anything I say the fujoshi pandering was the bad one, but then they went mixed-wave so it's not exactly an issue anymore (aside the existing ones.)


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She was already quite sassy in the early days of her termination (the genshin message screenshot) and doing that above would be very dumb of her
...But also I'd like to see this happening too, imagine the sperging we'll see on twitter and /vt/ for weeks
Hold on, I've been gone for a while. They terminated her? I thought they were still doing the obvious rational choice of keeping her suspended indefinitely so that...people can shit on Nijisanji for not keeping them updated?

BTW, I would love to reply to everyone explaining their need to spend money on virtual women played by real women, but the alerts are gone and I can't find them anymore:painpeko: I do remember some of the numbers you guys mentioned and most of you spent less than I did this month, so I can't even make fun of you. I guess I could drop an SC in Ami's chat next month...

Speaking of Ami. I gave her chatting streams a chance and is it just me or is she much more dangerous than your usual coomerbait GFE streamers? A cute funny girl who likes playing games, is willing to spend all time with you inside, and isn't disgusted by you. Isn't that like every nerds dream? Sure, you don't go out and do anything, but it feels like more and more guys actually like that. She's also either a great actress or actually parasocial with her chat, more than a normal healthy person should be. Anyway, her ASMRs are pretty good, if you can ignore the kettle...


Asylum's lurker
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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Hold on, I've been gone for a while. They terminated her? I thought they were still doing the obvious rational choice of keeping her suspended indefinitely so that...people can shit on Nijisanji for not keeping them updated?
Sorry my mind was away while I was typing that, I meant to say suspended


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you can't just rebrand a whole branch from IN to EN on a whim and not say why, or shitcan it and merge with a different one like ID. Except no one outside of company understands this reasoning
Eh, I think these are bad examples. The AR concert cancellation is the strange one. Those other decisions are pretty easy to understand. Whether they were good decisions is another matter, but they aren’t mysterious. IN streamed in English anyways so Anycolor likely just decided to rebrand them and try to get into the growing EN market. Didn’t work and the branch got canned (though Noor became staff, idk about the other two). ID (and KR) merger is also pretty understandable - it was almost certainly just about saving money. The two branches weren’t growing much, so just can their management and bring it all under the main branch.

I think Anycolor has made good decisions and bad ones (unfortunately often the latter when it comes to foreign branches). I don’t think that most of their decisions are hard to understand, however. The bad ones usual just share the common characteristics of either involving chasing a quick trend (often without investing enough to properly capitalize on it) or saving a buck.

IIRC Cover’s financials showed that in spite of the massive international success of Hololive they still don’t make as much money as Anycolor. So as long as Anycolor is making a bunch of money there likely isn’t much motivation to change how things work. I know the IPO is sometimes used as a scapegoat but I don’t think going public has had much of an effect on how they operate, at least not yet.

This also explains their recruiting. People here will bitch about fujo pandering but Luxiem and Noctyx almost certainly make the most money of any waves. Aia iirc is the beauty blogger, and she also makes more in donations than most of the other girls. Scarle outearns basically all of the girls these days. I think people would do well to remember that this thread’s view of what makes a good or successful vtuber isn’t that universal - if it was Pippa would be bigger than Gura.

If I had to speculate on the EN concert, my guess would be that management wanted to cash in on EN’s popularity (their IR reports show that EN members make more revenue than JP ones on an individual basis) and do a concert, but rushed the announcement, fucked up the scheduling, and had to cancel.
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