This is 100% the truth. I think the large majority of actual dysphoric people should be try to be treated through counseling as much as possible. But at the end of the day, as an adult you are allowed to do whatever you want with your body. There are some people who do the surgery and the hormones and are genuinely better for it like Buck Angel. However, I think that number is significantly lower than the amount of people we're allowing to fast track through everything and go straight to hormone shots and surgeries.
The shitty part too is that in many states, they're starting to say that going "Hey, maybe we should put you through some therapy to make sure you're okay mentally, and don't have anything like Bi-Polar Disorder or some other treatable issue causing this" is conversion therapy. That's right, asking for mental therapy for something that was traditionally seen as a mental issue is on the same level as shocking the gay away.
I say this in many places I visit, but the lobotomy was once seen as a miracle cure for schizophrenia, behavior problems, and other mental issues. It was literally going with with the equivalent of an icepick into the front of the brain through your orbital socket, and swirled it around turning your frontal lobe into mush.

The man who invented this practice actually won the Nobel prize in medicine. Now many decades later, we recognize how much damage this barbaric practice did, and how many lives were ruined by it.
I worry that the current trend in transgender medicine and surgery being handed out without many restrictions and any therapy will be looked in 50 years the same way we look at the lobotomy now. We allowed emotionally disturbed people to ruin their own bodies and not only do we not stop them but we encourage it.