"Even if she's dead, she still looks cute"Axel Syrios

General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

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The Peanut Gallery

His smile and optimism: Restored. 🕯️👁️
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Reminder that she follows Pippa


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
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God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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Elite Miko

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Shuba Saber

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Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
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It's easy to say this when you already have an incredibly successful channel.

For the majority of of talent pandering to ANY type of audience that will be loyal enough to show up and watch your streams in an incredibly successful and smart strategy. While the threat of audience capture is real - there are plenty of examples of streamers who used their initial core audience to grow and then replace them with new fans. As long as there is this edgy audience looking for vtubers to pander to them it will be a good idea to engage them. The only genuine worry is that having an edgy audience might negatively impact the ability to join a large corporation who would want to avoid negative fallout.

If they want people not to pander to the edgy audience they need to create some kind of alternative, of which none exists. Moral outrage will do nothing when talent sees that pandering leads to views and donations, while NOT pandering does nothing for them. Until talent starts growing slower while pandering to edgy 4channers than not, they are incentivised to do so by the only metrics that matter - views and donations.
The accusation of "pandering" is projection. This is obviously a Pippa subtweet given the last few days and the somewhat cope-laugh reply (archive); someone who actively argues with her audience about literally anything because that's become a dynamic both sides enjoy. Literally the opposite of pandering.

The distinction here is by intentionally recruiting a politically-motivated fanbase like metal commie does with the Discord application form shit etc., she's not inviting an audience that's there for the entertainment. They are simply there to hear someone else say things they agree with, and will cheer them on when they score points for their team. If the streamer steps off-course or shares an unpopular opinion they no longer serve that purpose, which is why these people are constantly infighting and have Twitlongers written about them every week.

/vt/ might be cringe, but as long as the content itself remains entertaining they'll stick around. It's a much more sustainable audience than an incestuous political hugbox will ever be.

Jolted Cookies

Ohmies don't snitch
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Gotta open with the company song, but Ame sounding pretty good!


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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INB4 they announce gura graduation :pekol: I see they found yagoo's stash of cocaine, they sound hyper af


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opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
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Jolted Cookies

Ohmies don't snitch
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I just realized this is on the Hololive English channel, interesting.


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Man two years and they are on stage dancing and singing like idols. Makes me tear up man.

The Rrat

Phoneposting, Rat-loving menace
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God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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> Design the official Hololive English stage to be in outer space
>Sana will never get to perform in her natural element

"Look at these beautiful bodies" I concur Kiara :smugrys:


booba gif.gif

Jolted Cookies

Ohmies don't snitch
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Shuba Saber

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A throwback to their very first group collab. I'm loving this already.

God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Kiara is quite proud of her cake update


Menace of the Asylum
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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Myth 3D at last, My hope in humanity is restored


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Can't believe I never noticed this before, but the whole criminal investigation, lineup, mugshot etc thing reminds me of this:
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