According to her official(?) fan discord it seems her last retweet was about a week ago. Retweeting Kiara's blurb about having fun with Nabi.
Also in her Discord was thing titled "Return of Butterfly". That being March 31, 2023. No idea if she's mentioned anything about it before.
That's all I bothered to look for. Here's the discord link so you can pester them about it and get subsequently banned:
Most of the following links lead to deleted accounts. Some are still up, but have most content removed. Only the pixiv account seems to be left intact.
Twitter link:
Secondary Twitter link (unsure if this was deleted way before all this):
YouTube link:
Twitch link:
YouTube Twitch Vod link:
Twitcasting link:
Marshmellow link:
Pixiv link (left untouched):
Now here comes my favorite part,
the rrats. Will Nabi be joining a corpo? HoloKR confirmed? EN3 confirmed? Is she tired of and done with vtuber shit? Did Kiara mindbreak her? Who the fuck knows. Release your precious little rrats and let them scurry far into these wretched lands.