Somehow I'm back to watching Neoporte's Itoi Toi screaming and getting angry at the calm BGM while playing Only Up.
Re:AcT's Lisa Makoh will be singing at 5.30PM JST before her cover premiere.
The Mephisto premiere is at 7PM JST.
For those who missed Tier's 3D Live, here are some screenshots.
From her singing and dancing bit.
Flexibility compared to May.
First person 3D ASMR, if you also love underboob/sideboob this is probably close to heaven.
A relatively new clipper who clips Usuwa Suu contents have uploaded a short brief about her agency Re:AcT from three of their talents. One of them naturally being Usuwa Suu, the other two are relatively more obscure, Mizugame Mia and Sumeragi Rose.
Also noted Re:AcT's anniversary at 7 July so there might be some collab/celebration on their main channel.
Here's a clip with various Vtubers both popular and obscure.
I have shilled a few from here, Nagino Mashiro for singing streams and Shigure Mito for Monster Hunter stuff (currently she's playing WorldBorne from scratch using her trusty bow).
A relatively short clip from Aizawa Ema's new outfit reveal.
From the dedicated Flare clipper, here's the elf being cheeky.