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A Japanese court ruled on Tuesday that not allowing same-sex marriage was unconstitutional, a decision activists welcomed as a step towards marriage equality in the only Group of Seven nation with no legal protection for same-sex unions.
Alright so from what I could gather so far, the decision to remove the FlaVR branding was made spontaneously and somewhere in the last week closer to the weekend.
Sena claims she had no part in said decision due to not interacting much in talent discord after her removing the tag. Neither she recalls the decision made before she removed the tag. Most of new people like Raimi, Mixie, Juwun and Minta also didnt take part in the decision for various reasons, like not being around for it due to life or just not interacting with other talents, and were nade aware post factum after the twitter post.
Who made the decision?:
Most of the first generation (except Sena) and some of the toxic, I know for sure Nyana voted not to. Everyone else wasn't involved or even informed.
Well reasons for exodus are mostly correct for all talents. The opinions of them are vastly different from person to person from platform to platform, and everyone has their own rrat about it. If you are interested about rrats, read /fvr/
Most of FlaVR backtracked of the decision and returned the branding after the public outcry following the tweet being worded like shit. Everyone is doing damage control, assuring that everything is okay, and nobody is graduating and FlaVR is still alive. Brolime rebrands. People that weren't informed first were shocked, but now are carrying on business as usual.
I am confused by all of this. Its a fucking meme company (which seems to manage their talents about as much or even more) than some of the real small corpos. Why is everyone making a big deal out of this again? What is the point of dropping the FlaVR logo when it was part of what made the group interesting?
While I doubt fishman is THAT retarded, this board is basically a huge PC promotion forum. Sure we get a facedox or two but for the most part PC is promoted heavily here.
That aside, yeah. I imagine Dizzy mostly just wanted to sound different, why I don't know. Maybe she knew her mic setup was off and hoped it sounded better with some voice tweaks. Something was definitely throwing me off so far and that would probably explain what. I'll need a bit more before I believe anything else. As always though, anything that shits up /vt/ for a while tends to be pretty funny for at least a couple days.
Maybe it has to do with her background noises and her mouth sounds. I remember that back when she was slugma her mouth noises were pretty fucking bad. They dont seem to be as bad this time around even if the mic quality is still a bit weird. She seriously needs someone to fix her filters.
My suggestion: Maybe time to touch grass, get some actual irl friends to socialise instead of discord simps, be a wagie and have an actual work? Also, do some exercise as well
I feel bad about Yuri. While some of these things seem to be self-inflicted I do feel like she is the type that will self-sabotage herself when things start working out in her favor.
I have to say, so far I am pretty disappointed with HoloEN and their convention appearances.
I wonder if its because of the Concert in LA but its pretty sad that I dont see a lot of Holo presence this convention season
So the guy failed multiple deadlines in a row, only to proceed to take on even more work with even stricter deadlines, fucked up them too and instead of going "shit, maybe I suck at this and should ask for more time and less money" doubled down on it and somehow managed to fuck up so badly the client refused to work with him period, wrote it off as loss and ghosted him. In the process broke several NDAs, is tangled in multiple lawsuits regarding it and not paying to staff and is trying to blame the shift from himself for being a fuck up to others for being "hard to work with". And to top it off he is playing "uuu, I feel so bad I tried to kill myself" card while refusing to talk to people involved and resorting to lawsuits
On the animation scam stuff: the money is gone. That's certain. You're going to find out he leased a Lambo pretty quickly, once someone on the chans tracks down his rough location. Though if he's Han Chinese in Canada, it'll be a Ferrari.
How much money has to be at stake before a vtuber is willing to put their real name on a lawsuit and dox themselves? IANAL but I'm pretty sure "Bao" and "Saruei" aren't going to be able to sue anyone as anime girls. Maybe that was part of his calculation in all of this.
5m hime recording from the discord with the comment "in regards to recent hime things try to listen to the end without getting emotional" idk where it originally came from
Jesus Christ. That said I agree with whoever the hell said that she should play to her strengths. This is my main criticism of many Vtubers is that they have a clear set of skills and they just don't do shit with it. Look at Reimu. At this point everyone else in Nijisanji has done more Karaokes and Spanish streams than her.
Japanese middle management pussies. Let people play what they want. Bae and Axel can play as sentient cocks that fuck each other in their assholes and that's fine. But show a little violence while they hang dong and it's a big nono.
Rrat time but I feel like Bae playing Genital Jousting is what triggered this. Maybe Takeshi didn't like what people were saying about Holo for letting it go through or maybe JP fans didn't react positively to the game. Maybe they feel letting too many yabai games go through would affect the company rep too much. Either way, the result is now they're being stricter about perms. It's the only reason I can think of for why Trials is randomly banned from both EN and JP, especially since Gura played the beta months ago and was fine. Also the Whistleblower DLC for original Outlast shows a dude sawing a dick in half or something and that was okay for the girls to play so this ban feels rather spontaneous and reactionary.
Maybe I just want to blame Takeshi for something else but hey the guy's an easy target
"The Revolutionary War isn't one of the answers" This bitch retarded^2:wrong century and War of Independence is a synonymous title for that war. If she knew that they were synonymous with each other she'd vote for A
New tangentially related EN/twitch Vtuber hyperdrama
Yakirisu, e-girl from nintendo and pokemon circles turned twitch and youtube vtuber, has been found to be a manipulating hoe who more or less bullied a bunch of beta women and men with her connections, including forcing this guy named Ultima, who was a pikamee clipper now turned official Henya clipper, to buy gas and threatening to use her connections to end his careeer among other stuff
SEA Nig vtuber cringe already did a decent write-up on it
So question to the forum:
Have any of you ever been the "One Guy" and if yes were you trying to be the one guy or were you just having fun in chat when screen person just happend to pick you out and things snowballed from there?
Two times, one has actually been clipped.
1) Elira's 300k stream, she was sleepy or something and speaking weirdly. She was singing til 300k and she hit it quick, and it sounded like she was going to end stream. I posted "unsubscribe so she has to stay" and she read it. She hit 300k three times because of that.
2) Vesper was being asked if he was sure he wasn't a robot for some reason. He was denying it just fine. But after a bit, I asked him "Vesper, are you sure you aren't a Replicant?" and that stun locked him for a good while. I counted 20 seconds of silence.
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