"Bitch that was my new outfit"Kureiji Ollie

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opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
@NolanCrush do not get close to dizzy i dont wanna hurt you

The genuine parts are where I call her adorable, because she is super cute.

Jean Valjean

Brimming with salt
Joined:  Feb 22, 2023
To speak rather uncharitably about AI as a whole- AI is a marketing term, we're nowhere near the scifi stuff everyone either dreams or has nightmares of. I like Neuro, but imagine thinking a machine learning algorithm has actual opinions or a sense of morality, and yet these Twitter people are slamming Neuro for "her opinions" and not mentioning Vedal at all, in addition to the lack of knowledge they display by saying that the first thing she did was to deny the Holocaust when that was nowhere near her first stream.

As for the objections to the Momose Hiyori model that got mentioned in Rev's video, Neuro literally just got a new model of her own and the collab used that model, so while that objection is slightly less stupid it is just as groundless.


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

oh yeah, Ver got his new lore video today


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Next best thing I have an hour long clip
Okay but where's the "Zug zugs ONLY" cut?:pippasquish:
I was going to clip a few things here and there. Might need to be careful last time I clipped some lewd shit I flew to close to the sun and got a channel strike.
Yeah, I'm tempted to make PSA video explaining why Shiina is WRONG about the definition of Piazuri.... but yeah probably can't go on youtube :Fauna-AKSHUALLY:


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Finally some good fucking shit

Johnny Jambalaya

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She's on the first song right now and it's just as good as I figured it would be considering the quality of her debut cover.

Edit: Adding the link to the debut cover. I really quite like it. Kou's was also very good too.

Een Gevolg

Undead Nurse #1
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oh yeah, Ver got his new lore video today

Why, though? Debut lore is one thing, hypes people up for you or whatever, but why do Vtubers who hardly ever bring up their lore decide to do a further followup on it, only to never bring it up again anyway? Unless you wanna go the Mayuzumi route, which I don't think I've seen anyone try so far, it seems like a pointless waste of resources.


Chief Commissar of Holochistan
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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Why, though? Debut lore is one thing, hypes people up for you or whatever, but why do Vtubers who hardly ever bring up their lore decide to do a further followup on it, only to never bring it up again anyway? Unless you wanna go the Mayuzumi route, which I don't think I've seen anyone try so far, it seems like a pointless waste of resources.
Because retards love that shit? People love "lore" even if it's the chuuniest, cringiest shit in the universe written by some edgy college student, people really like creating stupid headcannons for shit and they love it when that same shit encourages this behavior.


I like to watch.
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Why, though? Debut lore is one thing, hypes people up for you or whatever, but why do Vtubers who hardly ever bring up their lore decide to do a further followup on it, only to never bring it up again anyway? Unless you wanna go the Mayuzumi route, which I don't think I've seen anyone try so far, it seems like a pointless waste of resources.
Is basically writing a fanfiction of yourself, if you like writing a creating stories it makes sense to invest into it for your own personal enjoyment, it might be a waste of money in terms of audience grow and revenue, but he probably likes to write a direct this kinda of lore stuff.


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Why, though? Debut lore is one thing, hypes people up for you or whatever, but why do Vtubers who hardly ever bring up their lore decide to do a further followup on it, only to never bring it up again anyway? Unless you wanna go the Mayuzumi route, which I don't think I've seen anyone try so far, it seems like a pointless waste of resources.
The only thing lore is good for is when you want to talk about real-life stuff and you want a fun way of saying "I'm not sharing my personal information". Like, "how old am I? Ten thousand years old, you need to catch up on my lore, man."


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To be honest, Ollie's yabai levels are much higher than Bae's, so her playthrough could result in a man-made horror beyond management's comprehension.

"Ellie's wise beyond her years, I swear... Ever since she started hanging out with her normie friends, she has changed..."

Ollie: I thought that girls who come to my meet and greets are like, they're coming just for haha, you know, just for the funni, but it turns out they're all die-hard fans and I was shocked!
Chat #1: After 2 years, Ollie, really?
Chat #2: You've got the bi powers, ma'am.
Ollie: Bi powers, is it? <incredibly smug smile>

Her next song will be in Indonesian, but there's a small problem as her language has too much syllables and the translated version of the text doesn't match the original melody. :selenpointandlaugh:

"That's an impressive doctor: old but buff, and can fly! Amazing!" - talking about her physician, who doubles as her gym trainer somehow and apparently tries to get her hooked on bodybuilding

ID Gen 2 collectively decided they're going to wait for the proper 3D showcase instead of using it casually, because they want it to be something special both for them and for the audience. Truly, the paragons of anime waifu tradwives.

"If I get another outfit, I've already drafted what I want to look like, and it's something you've never seen in Hololive before! Pray that it comes through, okay? I think it's an innovation, like really no one in Hololive has done it, ever! And I've checked! (checks chat) Naked? NOOO! Not naked! (reads another) Is it a fursuit? No, I think Korone-senpai has done a fursuit before... (reads some more) Olivia? OLIVIA'S DEAD, SHE'S NOT SHOWING UP."
okay but why is she not in Indonesia rn? Also did she bring all her VR equipment with her to do todays Holoro VR collab then?
Spill more of Ollies beans


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Joined:  Apr 24, 2023
Nanos schedule. Looks like she got a collab with krumroll whoever that is

90 days, provided without comment

“had some sympathy”

He made a shitty video about black VTubers. He didn’t seem good even before this hypocrisy.
Maybe it's clout chase, I think it's just being autistic as fuck. There are people that can't keep secrets and they talk before they think. Evan strikes me as this. He has that shit inside of him and it's taking all of the willpower in the world for him to just run his mouth off. Multiple times he had to stop himself from revealing too much and I am guessing it's because he doesn't want to get blacklisted from working with some of the talents that he works for.

He mentioned one girl getting fucked over with her contract (could be Vei, could be Nyanners, could be Silver, who knows). Also mentioned that some of these "new" girls that suddenly have popped up and become super famous were basically given $50,000 to invest in marketing which goes to show you that in part, the game is (in part) somewhat rigged.
I have watched him for awhile when Nux Taku was pushed hard by yt algorithm. He struck me as one of the more decent people in his videos. In my reading, yes, he's autistic as fuck AND heavily depressed, hence my sympathy. I still think he is honest and credible, even if he hypes up his knowledge a bit for stream content. However, my sympathy ends when he makes statements which IMHO can be result exclusively of either uncritical succumbing to societal pressure or clout chasing.

Tenma was a really small channel when that collab happened. As much as it might leave a sour note, it was still a good way for her to promote her character and content to a wider audience that she would probably not get access to normally.
There was another collab month ago with Koe, Nagzz and Onigiri. Anyone knows what is Koe and Nagzz stance on loli? Normally I wouldn't care but I'm curious if they share similar level of retardation with Evan. My assumption at the moment is that they are smart and just avoid the topic.


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90 days, provided without comment
Three streams in a week? A collab with a two-view?

When I said Nanobites was speedrunning turning from a three-view into a two-view, it was a shitpost. I didn't think she was trying it for real.

God's Strongest Wardog

Wigger Daisenpai Stan
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
i've never seen a fresh coconut in my grocery store. or coconut meat. just almond joys and coconut oil.
because there are much fewer growers and much fewer places where they can grow and it's much more profitable to process them into oils shampoos chocolates and other such items that a local grocer would rather stock up on

your only hope to get a real one is to go native or specifically order one from an international market.It's also far less used in cooking so even shops that carry more exotic stuff like starfruit won't carry it.
Here's a terrifying thought, go to a Walmart if you don't have a coast nearby.


opsec doko
(He's Nolan Crush)
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
So for whatever reason Mooman, Krono, and Calvin were in a My Story Animated (one of those fake shitty story time animations channels) video


The Pontiff of PonWolf
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Nux weighs in on the Idubbz apology drama

I'm not watching the guy, what's his point?
Sure deep dive below

Keep in mind this is my first video I watched on the drama I never watched Idubbz or his apology so all my context will come from Nux

He started by saying both sides (pro edgy humor and anti) are cringe for imposing their own morals on anyone

He says he hates how there is no nuance when people are discussing any topic it's always extreme one side or the other

In this case everyone is either "all edgy jokes are cool and slurs are funny and stuff"

Or " Idubbz has seen the light and is a beacon of hope of humanity"

He says neither himself or anyone has any right to tell you what is morally right

Every culture has different morals based on different things and that makes the world beautiful
People say this is wrong but he says that unless it's a crime or actually hurts someone else he disagrees

For him personally Nux says shouting slurs should not happen cause it hurts people (people are gonna bring up his N-word video not knowing the n word was nipple and that was the joke)

He says he doesn't think reasonable people disagree that Idubbz slur usage was bad they just think he doesn't need to act like he caused 9/11 over it because he used the N-word 8 years ago

Nux reiterates he doesn't use slurs and he thinks it's a bad attribute to do so but he acknowledges that is his subjective viewpoint

He says that slur usage can be a factor in determining if someone is a good or bad person but it's far from the only qualifier

he thinks people that harassing and tell people to kill themselves over slur usage is just as bad as saying the slur (sounds like an indirect veibae defense)

"Same toxicity in a more flowery package"

He thinks the Internet is largely this form of flowery toxicity nowadays

He thinks the Internet is more toxic now than in 2016 when slurs were used as shock comedy (agreed)

He says content cop vids were videos making fun of bad content and said that Idubbz dunking on leafy in leafy style is not very bad compared to today's cancel culture

"The packaging was edgy and does not have a place in today's society in his subjective opinion"

He thinks the Idubbz hate comes from 2 things

#1 when you get cancelled you only get truly cancelled if you betray your audience you can be as horrible a person as you want and never get truly cancelled if your audience supports your behavior

But if you claim to be a good virtuous person and then people find out you are a POS behind the scenes then you are not the person you sold to your audience and the audience will betray you and the cancelation might stick

In Idubbz case by making his apology he has betrayed the audience he garnered so he is "losing the war"

If you do genuinely want to change should you never show that to your audience? Nux thinks you should be able to change your content however you want

he believes that his audience isn't mad because he changed he is mad he denounced them (unlike filthy frank)

Nux doesn't believe that Idubbz is grifting because edgy content not monetizable anymore he believes Idubbz actually hates himself for who he used to be but the timing is unfortunate for him

#2 Idubbz has become the flowery toxic based on his treatment of froggy fresh (firing him for collabing with Sam Hyde and making him pay back the money they used to train him) and it sent a lot of hate at both him and Froggy from different sides of the internet

Ironically it's the same kind of harassment that targets of his content cop vids got

He did not make a content cop on sam Hyde but basically made a serious documentary version trashing him and again any harassment Sam got was the same kind of any Content cop target but it wasn't a fun comedic poking fun video like Content cop was "it was the 2023 approach to content where everything is incredibly serious"

"In Modern day drama you aren't making fun of someone for making bad content you are trying your hardest to eviscerate them not just in the public eye but in the eyes of sponsors and the world"

So despite the entire video of Idubbz saying he has grown from being " a 26 year old child" seems like he is still doing the exact same thing without the slurs he is packaging the same harassment and attitude in a more woke style than before and this is the ultimate betrayal of an audience

He says that he uses the word betrayal in this case not as a crime or something he can't do but it is the reason he is getting all this hate

He says he wants and has tried to be objective in this analysis

Cancel culture works through betraying the audience you foster so that they no longer support you that is the only time it can take root

Nux has haters but as long as his audience does not get betrayed his audience will be on his side he will be fine despite the fact 100k people on Twitter remind him relatively frequently they want him dead

He believes Idubbz is completely within his rights to do all this

So far in the vid Nux has talked about this from a monetary objective perspective

But he wants to make it clear that despite all the Idubbz hate and his understanding of where it comes from Idubbz is allowed to do whatever the hell he wants just like anyone else

Both sides in this debate are wrong

He hates having a nuanced take because he is gonna get taken out of context

One side is saying only racists hate Idubbz now
"As the inclusive people that don't want to offend others I hope we can round them all up and shoot them" (mocking that side) " as a person that wants to be kind to others i wanna shoot people that disagree with me" (lol)

The other side is saying is saying he is a traitor and is wife is a monster

Nux says both sides are wrong he has the right to change even if you don't consider it growth maybe you don't think he grew but from Idubbz own perspective he did and he wants to be happy

The Idubbz apology was not sad because he changed or got hate for it it's because it was a man didn't like who he was and how he wants to change but will live his entire life being a man he hated

Whether you like the man he was before or not thats not why it was so sad

The Idubbz vid is one of the saddest Nux has ever seen the Internet is a scary place everything you do is judged by Millions and everyone is different if he wants to be a certain person who are you to tell him not to be that person but tbf "who is Idubbz to tell you to be"

Moral grandstanding is one of Nux's least favorite things if you are toxic he will be toxic back if you are wholesome he will return that too
It's The only correct mindset

Nux thinks he is a more wholesome and inclusive person than 99% of the people who try to cancel him

The packaging doesn't matter personally to him he cares about what is inside and if doing your best and you are trying to be a good person then he can get along with you

If you are trying to be an asshole he can still get along with you Nux is kind of an asshole himself

He requests his Audience to be the bigger man and not harass anyone just laugh like him

"Do something dumb no need for harassment
Betray ideals no need for harassment
Just Sit here and laugh, laugh at the idiocy of the world don't lower yourself and demean yourself by getting involved in it"

He is going to do a video on Sam Hyde
Last edited:

hololive ruined /jp/

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Joined:  Oct 29, 2022
Here's a terrifying thought, go to a Walmart if you don't have a coast nearby.
the walmarts here sell more pork neck than coconuts.

yuri nano's ccv dropped between debute and her 2nd stream right?


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Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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He is a very well-known video editor and he got access to shit regular people don't have access to

Just because you have behind the scenes info doesn't mean you go treating it like some kind of secret weapon. That's some high tier femboy energy and only ever done to make them look more important than they actually are. By all means unleash the doomsday weapon when the time is right should it come to that, but don't keep the bipedal nuclear armed tank under a sheet in the background and keep saying "Oh man if only you knew what was under that sheet! It's a real shit disturber!" I inherently distrust anyone that acts like that, because they'll generally take any opportunity they can to make themselves look good.

This is why most of them are the ones reporting loli-lewds on twitter to the FBI despite the FBI openly stating that this shit only fucks them up more because they have to research/investigate every report as real.

No, they do that as a smokescreen because they know it wastes resources that could go into actual investigations, so as to buy more time to abuse kids.

The only thing lore is good for is when you want to talk about real-life stuff and you want a fun way of saying "I'm not sharing my personal information". Like, "how old am I? Ten thousand years old, you need to catch up on my lore, man."

"The last time I went to a proper theatre production I ended up having to pick bits of Lincoln skull and brains out of my waistcoat, and we didn't have Oxyclean to get out the blood spatter. Very inconsiderate affair that was."

God's Strongest Wardog

Wigger Daisenpai Stan
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
Sure deep dive below

Keep in mind this is my first video I watched on the drama I never watched Idubbz or his apology so all my context will come from Nux
He started by saying both sides (pro edgy humor and anti) are cringe for imposing their own morals on anyone
And he fucks up on the first swing. None of this Eyedubs shit is about morals.

Opinion discarded.
He is going to do a video on Sam Hyde.
LMFAO, good luck with that.
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