Hello Retards,
I happen have connections in COVER offices, i have just been informed of a meeting to decide what to do with talent Ninomae Ina'nis after she was found to be pregnant with two african american babies and having tried to hide the fact for several months. The word around the office is that she will be graduated and memory-holed posthaste.
Yagoo has since inhaled 3 bars of cocaine and given his executive permission to go ahead with the plan, the managers cheered and poured each other glasses and smoked cigars after having gotten rid of another gook, Ayame's manager has confirmed that her work strike will be ending as promised.
The statement of her graduation will go up in 2 weeks or less, and generation 3 will debut in January as a diversion mechanism, the talents have been held hostage for months in order to complete their re-education.
Be sure to check the state of your Opsec after reading this message, Yagoo's information network is indeed extensive and he has poured many resources into tracking down whistleblowers, i expect that our friend Nolan might not make it, he will be remembered fondly.