New episode of Otachan premiered yesterday:
She counts as a vtuber right?
Some people have posted a bout her but I've never seen anyone do a proper introduction for Otachan, so here it goes:
She started out doing scripted content which were parodies of the kinds of videos you would find on ani-tuber channels.
Eventually the channel crowd funded an animated series which boasted impressive visuals for an internet only animation.
The fist two episodes are the best in my opinion:
In this one she refers to herself as a virtual youtuber
And this one references a certain blue gremlin that went missing around the time the video was made.
The channel even did a collab with MOONSHINE ANIMATIONS, better known here as the guy who made the "robot pipkin" videos.
(the animated series and Moonshine's videos share some voice actresses)
(the video was an April Fools joke that was deleted the next day, this is the only copy I could find)
Otachan even did a live stream but as far as I know this is the only one and the video was unlisted.
The voice actress Frankie Lollia portrays Otachan in all English language content. The animated series recently switched over to showing Japanese and English dubs back to back in the same video, but the most recent episodes haven't been done in English yet (hence why she is speeaking Japanese in the first video in this post and English in all of the others).