🎊Check out the new Kamioshi Shrine thread! Shill YOUR kamioshi here! Win prizes!🎊
April is just around the corner, and I'd like to use this time to remind users to donate in support of the site. I am looking into purchasing more add-ons to streamline and enhance user experience, and I am also going to hire another VPS for additional backup space and other important purposes in April.
In addition: I am looking for users who would be interested in becoming Orderlies for the new vtuber threads. Responsibilities would include highlighting and properly collating information in each thread, and also maintaining the announcement widgets for each thread. Knowledge of basic HTML and CSS (very easily learned) essential. DM me your interest.
Finally, I'm looking for anyone with intermediate to advanced HTML/CSS/PHP knowledge to continue work on the forum styles. I am willing to pay for this service, but if I do, I expect commitment and results within a reasonable timeframe. DM me any offers. Thank you.
Fucking fággot, if you're gonna make edgy baitposts (copypaste edgy baitposts from /vt/) then stick to it instead of backing out at the first sign of resistance like a gigantic pussy, I swear between this guy and DN seaYamanbas are some of the most cowardly and insufferable motherfuckers in this community and we should've nuked them instead of japan.
For anyone curious the movie is Predestination, it sounded absolutely horrible and stupid but somehow has decent ratings. I guess if people like the Butterfly Effect, there will be fans for any terrible time travel story. Spoiler is that he (actually a hermaphrodite I guess) is basically everyone, from different timelines. Apparently along with having sex with his girl self, he is also his and his owns baby too?
The only explanation I can think of is that the majority are boo bros who put girl on their google account gender for potential grooming purposes. Otherwise this will be me until further notice.
As soon as I noticed I forgot, I actually started downloading the VOD. Not sure when it was copyright struck, though, so hopefully I have a full archive.
From the latest not-azki graduation live of her slaveworker job, no major news as usual but small tidbits from her past to her freelance future :
She described her last days at the office, returning her belongings and computer, greetings her coworker for the last time, getting some departure gift and all the "corpo graduation ceremony"
She recalled a junior that would have hated her job without her guidance
During her 3 corpo years, she was mainly remote working, that is why she could manage her work with her singing hobbies, the fact that her remote work ended last year and she had to work at the office might be one of the reasons she wanted to quit (the other one was the relationship issue with the new boss)
She had some accountant job and specialized in excel/access as a master user of vlookup/xlookup/sap/erp
She got a driver license, teacher license (couldn't be one because not tall enough to be respect by 6th graders), mos, toeic toelf, worked in a police department for a year.
Talked again about her feelings about the drone life, benefits and woes, same with her new freelancer life (approx. the same things as last stream : trading security for freedom, though no company is safe now and freedom has a cost)
I really wonder what her thought process is that she thinks she'll be successful appealing to English viewers on her own in ways she wouldn't with Vshojo's support.
I really wonder what her thought process is that she thinks she'll be successful appealing to English viewers on her own in ways she wouldn't with Vshojo's support.
It is really bizarre she's still going on as Michal what happened at Vshojo that she feels the need to do this? Did they try to wrangle her? Tell her to stop unicorn baiting? I genuinely don't get what her deal is
It is really bizarre she's still going on as Michal what happened at Vshojo that she feels the need to do this? Did they try to wrangle her? Tell her to stop unicorn baiting? I genuinely don't get what her deal is
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