"Ahh the coke air, coke air. You know the coke air? The nooo one. I always, I always order the, the cola. Coca cola and without cola. I always order the cola and without cola. Cola! I like cola, yeah. I always, I always order the, the carbionated cola. Ahh how can I explain? I can explain by my drawing! I always order like the carbionated cola that it has cola on here, this part, the ear. Ear of bottle. And then, I order- wh- when I order cola, the ear- it always have a cola on h- on a top, but I pick up these... away! cause I don't drink it. And then I smell the cola air. Okay? You understand? Understandable! Cola air! yes"Kumagai "Beatani" Chisato
I remember checking her a long time ago prior to the brouhaha about her switching to the coomer model but TBH, I personally found her a bit boring. Rin Penrose really leaned into being Bri-ish and high energy which makes for some pretty fun and entertaining streams. Shizuko is just... chill and laid-back? Which I guess given the panda model, is pretty appropriate.
Honestly good then if that's the case and is news to me. Had such a bad experience with RGs a few years ago that I pretty much swore off them and just focused on MGs and PGs.
Imagine shiina building all the fin funnels for the RG Hi-Nu. Or the moving panes from the RG Unicorn.
She's set a challenging goal for her, since she said she wants to build a Perfect Grade RX-78-02 on stream in the future.
Perfect Grade RX-78-2 2.0 is actually easy to build because Bandai Invested all of their highest tech power into designing this kit. It gonna be a good experience.
I would like to see her build the GP03D monstrous Gunpla, or PG Millenium Falcon. That would be nice to watch it live
Note: For peop who doesn't know how bit is GP03D gunpla:
Maybe this is management trying to push her towards being more comfortable with strangers in the hopes that when she finally collabs with Henya or Kson she doesn't drop the spaghetti. If I'm right, then management is doing shit right.
Okay, Time to provide some scientific curse knowledge:
The species that is genetically close to human, chimpanzee and gorilla has Baculum "Penis bone" in their dick. For some unknown reason, Human lost the penis bone and tail during the evolution. So technically the penis could be called Boner......
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