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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
I love this man's corpo speak and his subtle sense of self importance.
He doesn't say much of anything he hasn't already said before, most of it is just his thoughts on events, this isn't anything other corpos don't already do.One of the ways we plan to do this is by being more open about what's happening behind the scenes at idol. We understand that fans might be curious about what goes on in a VTuber agency, and we want to share more about it with you.
We know that people usually only hear about the behind-the-scenes stuff when something bad happens or when a talent leaves, but we want to change that.
It works really well for others but if he doesn't think he can keep himself from getting more of an ego than he already has... (see below)But first, I want to make something clear - this blog isn't about me. I prefer to stay in the background and let the talents take center stage. While I appreciate the support I've been getting lately, I don't believe in idolizing managers or company owners. I think it can lead to ego inflation and make it hard to hear constructive feedback. That's why I mentioned in the past I avoid interacting with the talents publicly and won't appear on their streams.
What does that even mean? Kizuna and vtubing in general didn't take off because of the models, or the tech, those are gimmicks, vague novelties that only serve as accessory to the real appeal. The personality, the characters and the disconnect between reality and kayfabe is what made vtubers popular, otherwise they are nothing more than regular streamers with a dumb gimmick. Being virtual has little to do with it.I used to binge Ai-chan's videos and was always amazed at seeing how far content creation could go when you weren't limited by the physical world.
Agencies didn't "Pop up" in 2020, they have existed since the beginning and both of the current industry leaders have existed since 2017 and 18 respectively. 2020 only marked the popularization of vtubing overseas due to covid lockdowns, spearheaded by hololive and then vshojo.Back then, I had no idea how much VTubing would revolutionize content creation. But everything changed in 2020 when VTuber agencies started popping up.
It is pretty presumptuous to think that he is the one who knows what the industry lacks in, and just throwing money at talents and letting them do whatever they want isn't it as Vshojo has already shown.When I looked at the VTuber industry, I saw a couple of things that could be done better. That's what inspired me to start my own agency, idol, back in November 2021.
Firstly, I felt like agencies weren't doing enough to help their talents develop their skills and become even better content creators. I wanted to change that by funding passion projects, improving content quality, and pushing creators out of their comfort zones to help them break through their boundaries.
The second thing was expanding the niche. Did you know that 60% of VTuber viewers come from outside of Japan? It's clear that there's a huge potential for VTubing to reach new countries and territories, and we wanted to be part of that growth.
The only true "innovation" idol can claim is their excellent methodology to wring as much money out of people as possible, which doesn't help the industry as much as it will probably help shorten its lifespan and make people loose trust in agencies and see them as purely profit focused (which they are but you could at least pretend).
Idol's only foray into niche markets was HE, and well...
Some people just aren't cut out to be entertainers, most vtubers are very driven and passionate people who have clawed their way to achieving their dreams, not everyone has that in them.When we started idol, we wanted to prove a point - that with the right training and audition process, anyone can achieve global recognition as a VTuber, no matter where they come from or what their background is.
I wouldn't call Israel small by any metric except respect for others.So we decided to take on an impossible challenge - debuting a VTuber generation in one of the smallest countries in the world and giving a lineup of talents with almost zero experience in streaming the chance to grow.
Our first idolHE generation debuted back in May 2022, and we were thrilled to reach almost 2000 live viewers during the debut. We successfully helped our talents grow their own small communities, but we also learned that content creation isn't for everyone. Some of the talents we auditioned realized that streaming wasn't for them, and sadly, they ended up graduating.
So they didn't prove their idealistic point, big whoop. Of course we aren't going to be told exactly why they actually graduated, which isn't much different from the rest of the industry's way of communicating, way to go.
So they stumbled upon a working formula, that was already proven, in an advantageous period with little new competition.That's why these days, we focus on talents who already have experience with streaming and are passionate about it. We want to make sure that we're giving them the best possible chance to succeed and grow their careers as VTubers.
We are however extremely proud of all the talents and the things they achieved, and thanks to them we realized that this task is possible and we want to continue with our mission to help talents around the world.
What task? Didn't we just establish that hiring randos without experience and catering to niche markets with no prospects doesn't work? Oh now it's a "Mission", wow they really are saints, helping the poor menhera women of the world become 4chan shitpost/fapping material.
Look, other corpos might say "Oh hello random internet person, why don't you audition and if we like you we could help you become famous!" but I haven't ever seen any other corpo frame it as some sort of philanthropic venture. It ain't a mission dude, you just want shitloads of money and everyone knows that.
I seriously doubt many of idol's audience is converted normies, most of them are probably veteran vtuber fans who looked away from the big corpos to find smaller talent that they canWe're also excited to announce new partnerships and sponsorships that will help grow the VTubing community.