Yeah, I was going to bring this up but smoothbrained. There's maybe not a lot you could get from it other than various account history stats but I also haven't done an extensive search on what kind of data scrapers there are for steamid lookups, though I did find one that places a rough value on steam accounts. Apparently mine is worth over $20,000 going by price of the games in my library, which is both impressive and sad.
I remember Shiina talking it being easy to backtrack and find out shit by digging into her Steam. I think I asked her about doing steam game gifting (gonna shove Worms in her face about a month ago).
This retarded bug greets me every time I open up the Holodex main page. Does anyone else have this?
He keeps popping up on my twitter. I have only "interacted" with one of his posts telling him to stop being retarded and stop apologizing to people that wont accept his apology.
Trying my hardest not to break thread rules rn..................
Genderbent magni 10/10
Numberfags and tribalists pissed me off. Everyone was literally either "Haha Salome > Gura" in that video or "Haha Salome fell off" in the Gura video. So I just decided to change the thumbnails once I uploaded the Kobo video because people were using my videos as some sort of validation for tribalfags on /vt/, my comment sections, and even my personal dms. So in a way, I was helping tribalfags. I know it won't stop it, but I just figured I'll just remove to, at the very least, "lessen" my contribution.
Edited: for clarity
Numberfagging is a great way to learn about trends and while it doesnt dictate the success, its still a pretty good measure of how popular certain streams are. Talents should avoid doing it though.
The fact Pippa made a Make-A-Wish bit on-stream with Lisa last Saturday is the kino part of things, IMO. Pippa doubled-down, and it was hilarious how distressed it made Ms. Kool-Aid Pickles.
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I love how Lisa demands for Pippa to apologize over nothing. She has a zoomer/twittard mentality that jokes shouldnt be offensive. Good to see Pippa kept doubling down.
Look I have no issues with him replying to her tweet, but why is he always late to the scene?
Its part of his schtick. He is always late, clueless and pops in randomly and says shit which causes people to rage. In a way, I enjoy him stirring the shitpot and making people mad over nothing.
Scarle is not bad but at the same time she doesn't stand out to me.
She has a nice voice, and an overall fun/cheery personality so its a bit weird to hear her crying over not approaching her senpai or being too scared to talk to others. I feel like people need to be a bit more autistic, like Rissoto, and actually pop in and talk to others. Less freaking out about the whole "senpai" shit. This is why it feels weird to me whenever someone loses their shit because one of their tweets got a reply from a talent. They are just another person, they are not special, stop putting them in a pedestal and actually treat them like you would any other normal person.
Almost on my 3rd day without power. 3rd world living at its finest. I have like 4 clips I need to edit but due to the power/internet situation, these may take a bit to post.
Imagine having 300k subscribers and bitching about slow growth
She did get like 120k subs before she even debuted and most of those subs and the ones after are basically people subbing because she is part of a group not really because they come to her to consume her content. Basically the same as me subbing to everyone in Phase 2 despite only watching Shiina for the most part and catching glimpses of Airi and Erina. Barely getting to watch Remi, Panko, and Rie because they are not really streaming at a time that is favorable to me.
Numberfagging is something that affects everyone. I'm not one to care much about numbers (I'm a fucking clip channel, who gives a shit) but whenever one video underperforms I often wonder why. I guess the feeling is bigger when you are expected to grow a certain way and you have a group of 5 other people around you and you are expected to all grow at the same rate.
To be fair, Kiara was doing the same back then. Haven't watched the timestamped clip, but assuming she's crying about numbers and not the fact that she feels isolated from the rest of EN members, I don't think it's fair to call anyone out for being concerned for a relatively slow growth or not maintaining the viewership that they would have liked, especially since it's pretty hard to try and live up to Luxiem and even Noctyx's splash. The numberfags comparing them to TEMPUS don't help either.
Been listening to it and her crying started more because she doesn't know how to approach other people. The number is more of a minor thing that bleeds into it but it seems more because she hates herself for being introverted. She brought up Aster about 3 times and how they talk to everyone. She also mentioned her debut being scuffed to shit and feeling bad because she (like every other idiot in this business) went to Twitter and started reading hate posts that she fucked up the debut hype they had going on. She is really hung up on this and it seems like it's been eating her for quite a bit.
Overall it's just sad-girl shit, maybe Fishman should recruit her.
This was going to be the thumbnail for the last vid but I decided to just have Pippa as the cancer-ridden child. It was cuter.