"I want to peropero kawaii girls"Kumagai "Beatani" Chisato

Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 10, 2022

She never did a feet reveal, but the obsession with feet can, like all the other ills in the world, safely be blamed on Gura and her chumbuds.

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
Joking about streamers showing feet predates VTubers, it just usually remained a joke.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Joking about streamers showing feet predates VTubers, it just usually remained a joke.

Feet jokes have been around for a long ass time.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022


Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 21, 2022

Thank you, Rie, very cool.

You can apply to be Rie's older brother:

The Coffin of Andy and Leyley and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022


Between this, Rie incestbaiting to a point where it doesn't feel like a bit, and Pippa being Pippa, I'm starting to think everyone in this company needs mandatory Church visits.

New Proctor special just dropped

Archive dot PH fucking sucks but here you go


Use ghostarchive.org for Twitter, it actually works
I've found the archive.md domain for the regular site seems more reliable lately.

Superduper Samurai

Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

Stunned But Dumb

Well-known member
Joined:  Jan 29, 2023
Rie is grooming a prepubescent girl in the groomcord, I'm just saying this for posterity.
But of course. Discord has been coming up a lot recently and I've been in a ton of discords over the years because unfortunately I feel bad turning down invites from friends. 90% of these servers have turned out to be disgusting, annoying, horrible, or in the best cases, dead. Hold up, here's a list of the types of "people" you can find on any random, decently sized server:

The Meme Guy - See this sounds like a guy who'd be great fun, but no. This specific meme guy only posts facebook tier memes and "cursed" content, and by cursed I mean he's probably just posting feet stepping on a sandwich or minions jokes. He doesn't interact with the server in any other notable way and people tend to ignore his memes outside of the rare pity react. Shouldn't be more than just a nuisance, but boy are you feeling petty with this guy, huh

The NSFW Guy - Chances are if your server has a NSFW channel, it was created to contain this guy because he wouldn't stop posting porn in general. He seems to have an unlimited amount of coom material, from hentai, to JAVs, you wonder if he has literally downloaded every video on pornhub. If there are more than one NSFW channels (btw a server with nsfw rooms are like a lady with cats: if there's more than two, RUN) he's probably the main character in all of them. The only times he leaves his digital goon caves are to interact with gen pop in a mildly horny way.
"Hmm, does anyone have a source to this? For a friend/research/so I can avoid going to such a horrible place wink wink"
Part of you wishes he'd die of a viagra overdose, but you're also sincerely grateful for that time he successfully ID'd a girl grom a grainy vid you saw from when you were much too young to be online. Seriously, how does he do it?

The Female - Honestly probably not that bad of a person, but good god if her simps aren't awful. Since the dawn of the internet guys have summoned and surrounded the potential whiff of a girl online like a bunch of ants to a sandwich dropped on the ground and these guys have yet to evolve from that. On her end, you can probably expect selfies and the such as if this were instagram. You might notice that I called her The Female instead of the Woman despite the cringy nature of such a name. Thats because, unfortunately, this person has a high chance of also being...

The Minor - First off, if you're in a server with a minor or that allows minors, please leave. Trust me, you don't want to be there. It's ok, sometimes mistakes happen. If you do want to be there however, chances are you'd have a more interesting time playing hopscotch on a busy highway. Go give it a try! This person is a kid with a mind that has yet to fully develop and they fail to understand the dangers of the internet. While they're not completely blameless it's not fair to hold so much against them when there are what should be more responsible adults nearby. Unfortunately there's a 90% chance they're being groomed by...

The Discord Mod - The most infamous member of the general discord hierarchy. Chances are this guy doesn't really have anything else going for them in life and the rush of power attained by cleaning a free chat server under a corporation for free has gone to their head. They have become beasts of control and will definitely be abusing their "power" to win arguments and discussions on silly things that really don't matter. At least they're much better than a reddit mod... except there's a 90% chance they're grooming the minor.

The Gamer - This guy has been using discord since it first came out for exactly its intended purpose and no other reason: to game with people. If he is online he almost always has himself submerged in his game of choice. He's probably pretty nice, but you can expect tons of unanswered invites to games that no one actually wants to play like Destiny or Overwatch.
"It's fun bro,"
"Ah, but I've never played, so..."
"I'll teach you, man it'll be fun"
"Oh yeah, but I've gotta go... bake... my... cat's... vet... bye"

The Night Owl - This guy is only active at night for some reason. You're not sure if he's from another country or what have you but you'll only see him pop up to downheartedly interact with posts from ten hours ago. Hard to have an opinion on someone you don't interact with at all, but you can't help but wonder if the guy is a little lonely in here

The Abuser - I know what you're thinking, but no.... this guy is only abusing himself. He indulges in tons of constant drugs or alcohol and while you're not one to judge what someone does on their offtime, you are annoyed about this being the only facet of their personality that they shove into every conversation. Expect tons of low quality pictures of weed and pills while they often tell you just how messed up they are. They'll probably be constantly chatting with the Night Owl because no one else will be up at their demented hours.

The LGBT Major - This person is some form of L, G, B, and or T. You know this because this was the first thing they said about themselves and ever since has been the only thing they have ever said about themselves. They have adopted an identity in lieu of a personality and any (perceived) criticism of this is a criticism attack on them. Expect a lot of eggshells to walk on when dealing with this person, lest you're fine with getting removed from the server for what was probably a misread or a typo.

The LGBT Minor - This person is also some form of L, G, B, and or T, but you'd never know. Instead of being a personality it's just a trait. They're probably pretty cool, too. The only reason they're notable for this list is because they probably despise the LGBT Major and they will get into disruptive spats that the Major can't just win by calling the Minor a bigot.

The Dead Guy - No joke, this guy is actually just dead. The last post from his account is from a friend or family member logging in to inform all of his servers that he has recently passed away. He was probably a well liked member of the server, so there's no reason to kick him or anything. His in active account will forever linger in the Offline Users" section and every once in a while, when you back read the server for some miscellaneous interaction or info, you will run across his post and feel a slight pang over the laughs and conversations that could now never be,

The Murderer - Yeah, this guy killed The Dead Guy at an offline meet up and is a convicted murderer. You're not sure why he's still allowed in the server, but you're not a discord mod...

The Lurker - Outside of maybe an introduction post, you're positive this guy has never actually posted in the server. They're definitely online, but they simply don't interact with anyone. Why are they even here? More than likely they simply tucked the server away in a folder and never bothered to leave or check in on it, but I guess there's always a chance that he's carefully watching every single thing thats said.
The Autist - This guy is a weird and niche one. You're not sure when or why he came to the server, but he seems adamant on live reacting to anything and everything that has nothing to do with the server at all. Even in small chat servers where there generally is no topic, he manages to be off topic. Unlike say The Meme Guy who will post their drivel regardless of if you're paying attention, this guy NEEDS the attention and will wonder why no one is giving it to him. Loudly. He will also drama dump about his life in any channel he can. We all have issues and its healthy to get that off your chest, but you cant help but feel this isn't the right place for it? While he can often be a pretty sweet and nice guy otherwise, he tends to be pretty aggressive whenever challenged on his views, so his bipolar antics make you wonder how much of him truly is Jekyll and how much is Hyde.
No one reading this will probably ever have a form of interaction with this one, the thought is actually laughable since it's so niche. I'm Laughing My Ass Off at it right now, but it's such a strange cocktail of traits I thought I should mention it anyway.

The Couple - You know, sometimes people date online. It's whatever. This isn't that, these two are dating and for some reason using the server as a SMS service for each other? Like why not DM? or actually text each other? Do you know each other's numbers? You're living together?! Why are we privy to every aspect fo your life then? Expect to be entangled in each part fo their existence together, including the arguments and when they ultimately break up because one of them cheated on the Abuser or one of the LGBTs.

11/5/23 edit: I had considered posting this in gen pop, but decided to filter myself a bit. Kind of wish I did, now.
Last edited:

God's Strongest Dragoon

Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
But of course. Discord has been coming up a lot recently and I've been in a ton of discords over the years because unfortunately I feel bad turning down invites from friends. 90% of these servers have turned out to be disgusting, annoying, horrible, or in the best cases, dead. Hold up, here's a list of the types of "people" you can find on any random, decently sized server:

The Meme Guy - See this sounds like a guy who'd be great fun, but no. This specific meme guy only posts facebook tier memes and "cursed" content, and by cursed I mean he's probably just posting feet stepping on a sandwich or minions jokes. He doesn't interact with the server in any other notable way and people tend to ignore his memes outside of the rare pity react. Shouldn't be more than just a nuisance, but boy are you feeling petty with this guy, huh

The NSFW Guy - Chances are if your server has a NSFW channel, it was created to contain this guy because he wouldn't stop posting porn in general. He seems to have an unlimited amount of coom material, from hentai, to JAVs, you wonder if he has literally downloaded every video on pornhub. If there are more than one NSFW channels (btw a server with nsfw rooms are like a lady with cats: if there's more than two, RUN) he's probably the main character in all of them. The only times he leaves his digital goon caves are to interact with gen pop in a mildly horny way.
"Hmm, does anyone have a source to this? For a friend/research/so I can avoid going to such a horrible place wink wink"
Part of you wishes he'd die of a viagra overdose, but you're also sincerely grateful for that time he successfully ID'd a girl grom a grainy vid you saw from when you were much too young to be online. Seriously, how does he do it?

The Female - Honestly probably not that bad of a person, but good god if her simps aren't awful. Since the dawn of the internet guys have summoned and surrounded the potential whiff of a girl online like a bunch of ants to a sandwich dropped on the ground and these guys have yet to evolve from that. On her end, you can probably expect selfies and the such as if this were instagram. You might notice that I called her The Female instead of the Woman despite the cringy nature of such a name. Thats because, unfortunately, this person has a high chance of also being...

The Minor - First off, if you're in a server with a minor or that allows minors, please leave. Trust me, you don't want to be there. It's ok, sometimes mistakes happen. If you do want to be there however, chances are you'd have a more interesting time playing hopscotch on a busy highway. Go give it a try! This person is a kid with a mind that has yet to fully develop and they fail to understand the dangers of the internet. While they're not completely blameless it's not fair to hold so much against them when there are what should be more responsible adults nearby. Unfortunately there's a 90% chance they're being groomed by...

The Discord Mod - The most infamous member of the general discord hierarchy. Chances are this guy doesn't really have anything else going for them in life and the rush of power attained by cleaning a free chat server under a corporation for free has gone to their head. They have become beasts of control and will definitely be abusing their "power" to win arguments and discussions on silly things that really don't matter. At least they're much better than a reddit mod... except there's a 90% chance they're grooming the minor.

The Gamer - This guy has been using discord since it first came out for exactly its intended purpose and no other reason: to game with people. If he is online he almost always has himself submerged in his game of choice. He's probably pretty nice, but you can expect tons of unanswered invites to games that no one actually wants to play like Destiny or Overwatch.
"It's fun bro,"
"Ah, but I've never played, so..."
"I'll teach you, man it'll be fun"
"Oh yeah, but I've gotta go... bake... my... cat's... vet... bye"

The Night Owl - This guy is only active at night for some reason. You're not sure if he's from another country or what have you but you'll only see him pop up to downheartedly interact with posts from ten hours ago. Hard to have an opinion on someone you don't interact with at all, but you can't help but wonder if the guy is a little lonely in here

The Abuser - I know what you're thinking, but no.... this guy is only abusing himself. He indulges in tons of constant drugs or alcohol and while you're not one to judge what someone does on their offtime, you are annoyed about this being the only facet of their personality that they shove into every conversation. Expect tons of low quality pictures of weed and pills while they often tell you just how messed up they are. They'll probably be constantly chatting with the Night Owl because no one else will be up at their demented hours.

The LGBT Major - This person is some form of L, G, B, and or T. You know this because this was the first thing they said about themselves and ever since has been the only thing they have ever said about themselves. They have adopted an identity in lieu of a personality and any (perceived) criticism of this is a criticism attack on them. Expect a lot of eggshells to walk on when dealing with this person, lest you're fine with getting removed from the server for what was probably a misread or a typo.

The LGBT Minor - This person is also some form of L, G, B, and or T, but you'd never know. Instead of being a personality it's just a trait. They're probably pretty cool, too. The only reason they're notable for this list is because they probably despise the LGBT Major and they will get into disruptive spats that the Major can't just win by calling the Minor a bigot.

The Dead Guy - No joke, this guy is actually just dead. The last post from his account is from a friend or family member logging in to inform all of his servers that he has recently passed away. He was probably a well liked member of the server, so there's no reason to kick him or anything. His in active account will forever linger in the Offline Users" section and every once in a while, when you back read the server for some miscellaneous interaction or info, you will run across his post and feel a slight pang over the laughs and conversations that could now never be,

The Murderer - Yeah, this guy killed The Dead Guy at an offline meet up and is a convicted murderer. You're not sure why he's still allowed in the server, but you're not a discord mod...

The Lurker - Outside of maybe an introduction post, you're positive this guy has never actually posted in the server. They're definitely online, but they simply don't interact with anyone. Why are they even here? More than likely they simply tucked the server away in a folder and never bothered to leave or check in on it, but I guess there's always a chance that he's carefully watching every single thing thats said.
The Autist - This guy is a weird and niche one. You're not sure when or why he came to the server, but he seems adamant on live reacting to anything and everything that has nothing to do with the server at all. Even in small chat servers where there generally is no topic, he manages to be off topic. Unlike say The Meme Guy who will post their drivel regardless of if you're paying attention, this guy NEEDS the attention and will wonder why no one is giving it to him. Loudly. He will also drama dump about his life in any channel he can. We all have issues and its healthy to get that off your chest, but you cant help but feel this isn't the right place for it? While he can often be a pretty sweet and nice guy otherwise, he tends to be pretty aggressive whenever challenged on his views, so his bipolar antics make you wonder how much of him truly is Jekyll and how much is Hyde.
No one reading this will probably ever have a form of interaction with this one, the thought is actually laughable since it's so niche. I'm Laughing My Ass Off at it right now, but it's such a strange cocktail of traits I thought I should mention it anyway.

The Couple - You know, sometimes people date online. It's whatever. This isn't that, these two are dating and for some reason using the server as a SMS service for each other? Like why not DM? or actually text each other? Do you know each other's numbers? You're living together?! Why are we privy to every aspect fo your life then? Expect to be entangled in each part fo their existence together, including the arguments and when they ultimately break up because one of them cheated on the Abuser or one of the LGBTs.
It varies by topic honestly. My guild in Classic WoW was the #2 guild on our faction (mainly because #1 guild were turbo sweatlords spamming raids on their own private server so they had raids down methodically). Our guild was incredibly racist and all the other guilds on our server fucking hated us immensely (except the #1 guild that liked us) because our members were always fucking with the shitters on our server. They labeled our guild as a white supremacist guild and were shocked to find out that we were the most ethnically diverse guild on the server (mostly spics though). Our guild discord was basically TVA, a lot of racism and decent memes.

Superduper Samurai

Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
They labeled our guild as a white supremacist guild and were shocked to find out that we were the most ethnically diverse guild on the server (mostly spics though)
Average white supremacist (spic) group


Stunned But Dumb

Well-known member
Joined:  Jan 29, 2023

Pompmaker and Izumi did an in depth feet tier list stream for the hololive members. I put it here because it's... pretty degenerate.

Nigel Nigerman

bitch please, yo mom's ghey.
Joined:  Dec 22, 2022

Hello, you absolute autists. Since I am a degenerate autist it is just fair for me to share my degeneracy in this forum, mostly YT vids of the vtuber variety.

Bonks are welcome and also some Migos.

Let's go!!!

Milkywayz showing how accurate her vtuber model is.

Brown Korean woman Sansin has nice cake (calling @God's Strongest Mozumite )

Sansin's model is just... :yagoodafuckisthis:

Scarle is such a sexy dork. And brown!

Hololive dai senpai being sexy AF.

And lastly, something for @Nenélove
Choco and Mel teaching Nene how to be sexy.

That's all for today. See you next week for more degeneracy.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Let's see what Katta was cooking today


Also I guess Riro heard Katta's Las Vegas gangbang joke and got a tad too excited about it if those general clips are to be believed.


Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
Joined:  Jan 5, 2023


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023


Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 21, 2022
When Rie was talking about being someone's younger sister, this was not what I was imagining.


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023
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