He's wrong about it too. For all intended purposes, what she sells is of great quality for very little cost. She even started grooming her audience, this was posted before last sunday (not the post itself, I don't have a sub):
View attachment 88038
People want the experience, she's delivering. That's not the career I wished for her but I'm already at the last stage of grief. She's on 300ccv so it's around 3k dollars a month minus 15% fee. It works.
Speaking of working, she posted this announcement for saturday stream:
View attachment 88044
So this is what happens when two pisstubers get together.
That's crazy, the landwhale that somehow was able to cheat on her husband with a mod (probably her size) decided to monetize her gooning? Say it ain't so.
For the unaware, this is her between her brother and mom.