"Somewhere in the world the 14 year old who made a Naruto vs Sasuke AMV backed by Linkin Park is married and happier than you"Dizzy Dokuro

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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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This kind of online oversharing/solicitation etc. is what happens when people like this want a temporary outlet rather than dealing with the work and commitment that it takes to establish a romantic relationship.
Which is why I said she should get a hooker. Cause if she doesnt want to commit, then theres an option of getting laid with an experienced dude without commiting to anything.
I don't think is a sex thing rather I think it's from a lack of contact with men in general giving her a warped view of relationships with the other sex.
Which is why I said she should go visit few places with a sense of community so she wouldn't get the wrong view on men and reinforce these views when some schizophrenic mozumite starts stalking her while also skin walking as her character. If she actually wants to commit.

Tho I don't think she has to do much to actually do either, except of taking a shower and maybe not drink pee that day. For a hooker you can get a cheap room for a night. For a local community dude you are going have to spend some time with him before getting to that point, and then youd still probably do it at the dudes place.

Tho what do i know

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
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I mean on the subject on prostitution, like I could go for a whole spiel about how that is an odd ask in the US. Notwithstanding I live in a major US city and couldn't tell ya how to go about finding a female prostitute. Much less a male one. Plus the male ones tend to be either gay/straight for pay and are, and I'm not joking, riddled with aids.


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it's not just one-way coombaiting to appeal to an audience; she's getting sexual gratification from it too. While I have mixed opinions on sexually explicit content in vtubing overall, at the very least the Twitch whores etc. are aware what they are doing is an act, and are therefore more inclined to push back against viewers who make actual sexual advances toward them. It's harder for a streamer who is at least on some level enjoying it to do that.
Isn't that a positive, if it's something a bit more real and balanced? IDK
I live in a major US city and couldn't tell ya how to go about finding a female prostitute.
Bruh walk into a massage parlour that has curtains over the windows or something (one where you can't see the reception area from the street) and buy a massage, then wait to be upsold. Worst case you'll have to go to like two or three places.


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View attachment 57064

Over the past couple of weeks she has gotten turbo horny out of seemingly nowhere and has amped up the parasocial stuff by 400%. And I don't think its a bit either

In the rest of human existence, high male attention comes with sex, or at least the ability to choose to have it. Unless she's built for it, she's getting the female version of Blue Balls. A little surprising we don't see it more.

This is the biggest part of the problem, really - it's not just one-way coombaiting to appeal to an audience; she's getting sexual gratification from it too. While I have mixed opinions on sexually explicit content in vtubing overall, at the very least the Twitch whores etc. are aware what they are doing is an act, and are therefore more inclined to push back against viewers who make actual sexual advances toward them. It's harder for a streamer who is at least on some level enjoying it to do that.

She probably doesn't view herself as pretty and has inverted a lot of it in her real-world interactions. She's also likely deeply frustrated about that but doesn't have a way out. Vtubing has been an outlet, but it's not what's needed for her. But it's what she has, and thus we can "watch" her spin in circles, sadly.

Do male hookers exist? I know male strippers do. If her concern is that she isnt getting fucked then theres that, if she seeks a meaningful relationship then you cant really do that online, so i dont know whats really the problem here

Haven't heard the term "gigolo" before? Though reality is that if a Woman wasn't sex and isn't hideous, there's plenty of tried & true ways to get it. Paying also would make most Women feel truly debased, far more than picking up a guy at a bar.

The problem with that is that she seems to be very conservative on that front, believing that sex should only come after marriage; though Im not sure if that's just cope to deal stave off her loneliness. Given the evidence, I believe this is more of a loneliness issue rather than an attempt at being a :WHORE!!!: for views. This kind of reminds me of Shiina when she was going through that massive rough patch a while back.

The wonders of horny guys on the Internet is that the general contexts of human sexual needs & interactions are all but "solved" in the philosophical sense. If she still has enough social training form her youth to keep her legs shut, she'll be very well served. Sexual partner changes for a Woman are incredibly costly on the mental and physiological level. Doesn't change the fact she wants a Man and kids, but she's likely deeply conflicted in the easy sex society and the legitimate (that she's seen) consequences of it.

Religious people look down upon hooking up

EDIT: Its also a bit of a personal thing as her sister has hooked up with hundreds of dudes as Mozzu has put it and complains about "Not finding a man long term"

Well thats the thing, like she alternates on streams of appearing well put together mentally, however the piss and soap streams would indicate otherwise. She has also told chat before that she is mental and also she has a complex about her looks. Her parents were also apparently quite old when they had her, but again without knowing more there could be some definite mental hangups when it comes to her and socializing.

She has a front-row seat the consequences of actual Whore. Doesn't change the fact her body is likely screaming at her to get laid (nor that she's put herself in a situation to be unable to land a man), but she's also, apparently, faced with the real consequences of what sluttery does to a Woman. Unironically, her Vtuber career has shown her she does have more value than being a piece of meat, which is all a whore actually becomes.

I don't think is a sex thing rather I think it's from a lack of contact with men in general giving her a warped view of relationships with the other sex.

Same effect that we see that leads to White Knighting. Or the "all women are whores" stuff. Lack of actual interaction leads to spinning observations into places they shouldn't be, but there's no real experience to ground them.


Punished bug girl lover
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Punished bug girl lover
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She doesn't need a hooker. She needs a husband.
She wants physical affection but I have to wonder if a vtuber would see having a SO as a step down even subconsciously since they're already being rewarded with massive amounts of affection and money

And then you have someone like Melody who has affection monetary and sexual needs satisfied. I'm genuinely curious how much that affects your desire for a traditional relationship

Panko Enjoyer

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Joined:  Oct 18, 2023
Femcel is still a foreign concept to me please understand, but like, cant she go to the church/bar/clarinet club/fucking whatever and hook up with a dude?
Some have stupid high standards for men outside their league and expect Prince Charming to come knocking on their door, so they're in eternal denial. Others are too shy or lack confidence in their looks (from ugly duck phase, still ugly, or they think they're ugly), so they never involve themselves in any social situations that can enable themselves to get a boyfriend. A lot of them also don't like hook up culture because they had half decent parents that drilled in their heads that its whore behavior or they had a friend that slept around all the time and know she's a whore and how much of disaster she is.

It's largely a consequence of the new era where people can be more of a shutin. It's why FF14 and Valorant are popular, they're more dating apps than games, especially FF14. Back in the day, women often went to college to find a man, the diploma was often just the side quest to help them cope with their desperate behavior.
Bruh walk into a massage parlour that has curtains over the windows or something (one where you can't see the reception area from the street) and buy a massage, then wait to be upsold. Worst case you'll have to go to like two or three places.
Is this real? I use to play online with an American that mentioned Asian massages like it was a normal thing and a bunch of us just thought he was joking and being pompous.


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She wants physical affection but I have to wonder if a vtuber would see having a SO as a step down even subconsciously since they're already being rewarded with massive amounts of affection and money

And then you have someone like Melody who has affection monetary and sexual needs satisfied. I'm genuinely curious how much that affects your desire for a traditional relationship
It would affect it a lot. Though the larger effect is on things like pair bonding and sense of safety, which leads to conflict resolution issues. (i.e. chat becomes their "out" for having to deal with issues.) But nearly all female Vtubers become parasocial with their audience. (Basically everyone but Suisei. :suiseipyscho:) So it twists up the neurological responses to a lot of stimulus and can easily leave them quite the wreck. There's a reason Phase Connect is Sakana's Sad Girl Club.

There's an extremely small collection of Women that can operate in life without fairly heavy amounts of external structure constantly imposed upon them. That's the reality of the emotional effects of the cycle and the physiological desires of their bodies. For quite a number of Vtubers, they're basically taking parasocial drugs and the effects are functionally the same.

Yet, somehow, MOBAs are still more destructive on the psyche. And the world. WW3 is going to start from a MOBA lobby. I just know it.

Some have stupid high standards for men outside their league and expect Prince Charming to come knocking on their door, so they're in eternal denial. Others are too shy or lack confidence in their looks (from ugly duck phase, still ugly, or they think they're ugly), so they never involve themselves in any social situations that can enable themselves to get a boyfriend. A lot of them also don't like hook up culture because they had half decent parents that drilled in their heads that its whore behavior or they had a friend that slept around all the time and know she's a whore and how much of disaster she is.

It's largely a consequence of the new era where people can be more of a shutin. It's why FF14 and Valorant are popular, they're more dating apps than games, especially FF14. Back in the day, women often went to college to find a man, the diploma was often just the side quest to help them cope with their desperate behavior.

Is this real? I use to play online with an American that mentioned Asian massages like it was a normal thing and a bunch of us just thought he was joking and being pompous.

They actually very likely have low standards (Women will actually not take shots outside of their range, in terms of attraction hierarchies), but the female experience never requires taking a risk in starting a relationship. It's important to remember that, at least in areas without pedos, Women go from invisible pre-puberty to suddenly the centers of attention from about age 14 to 28. They don't have to engage, beyond the moronic Princess Mentality. The Prince always comes to them. But, well, if they're playing hikikomori, it's a little hard for a guy to find them.

There's also something about especially Western Women being incredibly short-sighting and mindbogglingly stupid with regards to this all, but that's a completely different forum to cover.

As for the massage bit, yeah. Massage is a very useful physical therapy and neuromuscular maintenance tool. It's also the most classic dodge for prostitution in the West.
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Clown Penis

To Be Continued
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So basically, this song wasn't wrong though?


As for Mozu (and Uruka too); don't fuck yourself up by going slut. Men of "worth" (beyond a financial context) look favorably on women not having a body count of 5+, dicks taken measured in miles, not having ever had an OnlyFans, etc. Not having to cognitively process your wife having done all of these things does wonders for your relationship.. invaluable in post-Sexual Revolution Clown World.

I know I sure do. :painpeko:
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Fucking Riggers
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Some have stupid high standards for men outside their league and expect Prince Charming to come knocking on their door, so they're in eternal denial. Others are too shy or lack confidence in their looks (from ugly duck phase, still ugly, or they think they're ugly), so they never involve themselves in any social situations that can enable themselves to get a boyfriend. A lot of them also don't like hook up culture because they had half decent parents that drilled in their heads that its whore behavior or they had a friend that slept around all the time and know she's a whore and how much of disaster she is.

It's largely a consequence of the new era where people can be more of a shutin. It's why FF14 and Valorant are popular, they're more dating apps than games, especially FF14. Back in the day, women often went to college to find a man, the diploma was often just the side quest to help them cope with their desperate behavior.
I don't know, but the vtubers that we somehow know how their previous boyfriends looked like, the dudes didn't look like a 10/10, they were a 6/10 being generous, fauna's may have been an average looking asian dude, mumei's was a random spic, and kiara was when she was like 13 and the dude looked like fucking CallMeCarson ffs. most fans would have a chance by pure looks if it wasn't because they are spaghetti dropping spergs.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
If it's anything she said she was like this last November and she ain't the only acting like this right now (Katta...).

Now I didn't watch her back then. In fact I only ended up watching her when she was playing boomer games and I shit you not thought " oh cool, an older vtuber who is pretty smart". And she didn't do any coomer or stuff that was that parasocial at all for most of this year. I really only found our later that she was super young and a tad mental, as who knows what is a bit and what isn't at the time right?

I'm also not gonna be too hard on her for stuff like this partially because she legit has more stress put on her than a normal vtuber having been fired from a company which forced her to essentially create and manage her own. So in a way it makes sense for her to be in a trickier position and let the stress and matters like this get to her head.

Luckily she at least is pulling all that stuff off. Now I would be concerned with her fanbase, but I don't really know them that well. So I'd hope that no one jumps in and tries something stupid and I'd hope that for her if someone did that she'd see the warning signs.

Panko Enjoyer

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I don't know, but the vtubers that we somehow know how their previous boyfriends looked like, the dudes didn't look like a 10/10, they were a 6/10 being generous, fauna's may have been an average looking asian dude, mumei's was a random spic, and kiara was when she was like 13 and the dude looked like fucking CallMeCarson ffs. most fans would have a chance by pure looks if it wasn't because they are spaghetti dropping spergs.
I was talking about femcels and you listed women with boyfriends :annoyedpippa:
But seriously, it is often just a "why don't I get asked out?" while they go full hiki like @PleaseCheckYourReceipts mentioned.


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I was talking about femcels and you listed women with boyfriends :annoyedpippa:
But seriously, it is often just a "why don't I get asked out?" while they go full hiki like @PleaseCheckYourReceipts mentioned.

There's something called "Indicators of Interest" that Women do. They're subtle actions that they want you to notice and to give them more attention. Which is a real problem in text, since most subtlety is lost generally. Then you have these Women that only communicate in text. It's pretty easy to understand why they might be sexually frustrated.

Though it would also be good if Western Society didn't actively attack anyone that points out those exist and you need to teach young Men what they are. Even saying that, a Woman showing up half naked asking to sleep with a guy will still confuse a solid 25% of dudes because being deeply oblivious to reality is a super power in most of life.

Panko Enjoyer

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Even saying that, a Woman showing up half naked asking to sleep with a guy will still confuse a solid 25% of dudes because being deeply oblivious to reality is a super power in most of life.
A good amount of man that aren't oblivious won't act on it because they're afraid they might be wrong and don't want to be labeled as a creep.

Kuri Rinji

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Since Uruka has been mentioned here. I'm not surprised that with her incredibly strict upbringing, overbearing family, and lack of leisure time, she has been seeking outlets in lewd material. The more restrictive your existence is the more chances there are for you to become frustrated with your station in life. I imagine there are very few things in life that make Uruka feel truly liberated. Frankly, I think she deserves a lot more freedom, but to get that, she needs to take the initiative and usher in changes.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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I don't know, but the vtubers that we somehow know how their previous boyfriends looked like, the dudes didn't look like a 10/10, they were a 6/10 being generous, fauna's may have been an average looking asian dude, mumei's was a random spic, and kiara was when she was like 13 and the dude looked like fucking CallMeCarson ffs. most fans would have a chance by pure looks if it wasn't because they are spaghetti dropping spergs.
Because women will often settle for less if they feel safe in that spot.
In ye olden days, women would only interact and be acquainted with their local selection of men, maybe 20-50 available bachelors at any one time, they would weigh every available man on their strengths both as a defender and provider and then subtract their own differences in social standing/caste/education/physical attractiveness in order to decide if the man was "in their league".

That is how women are SUPPOSED to work, that is what nature wrote their programming for, any suitable man they knew had a chance at getting together with them because the selection was limited. Problem is, this is no longer the 1950s, and now women can hook up with ANY man halfway across the world and have a nearly infinite selection of very high value men at their disposal as if it were an all-you-can-eat buffet. This fucks with their biological programming and they become completely lost without any communal relationships that they can fall back on, so women have essentially regressed into either 1. Sleeping with everything that moves or 2. Going full hikki and becoming increasingly sexually frustrated.
And people wonder why the incest game is so popular when a girl's brother is often one of the only men her age she knows well and feels comfortable around nowadays, absolute fucking mental degradation.

Technology and the rise of post-industrial society has been the worst curse to ever be placed on the fairer sex, it has destroyed them in an irreparable way.
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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Because women will often settle for less if they feel safe in that spot.
In ye olden days, women would only interact and be acquainted with their local selection of men, maybe 20-50 available bachelors at any one time, they would weigh every available man on their strengths both as a defender and provider and then subtract their own differences in social standing/caste/education/physical attractiveness in order to decide if the man was "in their league".

That is how women are SUPPOSED to work, that is what nature wrote their programming for, any suitable man they knew had a chance at getting together with them because the selection was limited. Problem is, this is no longer the 1950s, and now women can hook up with ANY man halfway across the world and have a nearly infinite selection of very high value men at their disposal as if it were an all-you-can-eat buffet. This fucks with their biological programming and they become completely lost without any communal relationships that they can fall back on, so women have essentially regressed into either 1. Sleeping with everything that moves or 2. Going full hikki and becoming increasingly sexually frustrated.
And people wonder why the incest game is so popular when a girl's brother is often one of the only men her age she knows well and feels comfortable around nowadays, absolute fucking mental degradation.

Technology and the rise of post-industrial society has been the worst curse to ever be placed on the fairer sex, it has destroyed them in an irreparable way.
Or it could be just people not getting enough human interaction cause stuck in a room playing videogames, drawing bullshit, writing fanfics and reading yaoi manga for most of the life cause people in school suck, parents stuck on a job to provide bare minimum while demanding maximum in grades and achievements, while substituting what little interaction they can get with internet and family group chat.
You are talking here like you are bald, about to ask me if i have a Ferrari, and about to get arrested for human trafficking


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Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Or it could be just people not getting enough human interaction cause stuck in a room playing videogames, drawing bullshit, writing fanfics and reading yaoi manga for most of the life cause people in school suck, parents stuck on a job to provide bare minimum while demanding maximum in grades and achievements, while substituting what little interaction they can get with internet and family group chat.
You are talking here like you are bald, about to ask me if i have a Ferrari, and about to get arrested for human trafficking
I'm a spic, I'm poor as shit.

God's Strongest Mozumite

Mega Mozu Milkers.
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Don't let @God's Strongest Mozumite see this. He gonna superchat/simp 24/7 for her so he could get into her pants :smugselen:
Joke's on you, this is old news :Pekora-EVILGRIN: seriously though, I hope Mozu finds another male presence in her life that isn't chat, if the parasocialism stuff keeps up chat is gonna be infested with /vt/ groomers and that'll be the beginning of the end.

I can't believe you just called out @God's Strongest Mozumite like that

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