"How would you be born if your dad didn't have pleasure with your mom"Millie Parfait

Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Gonna post here because I don't see a tv/movie/media thread. I got a good deal on a 256gb sd card for my phone and I'm old as shit that I can't seem to remember good movies from my time. I'd like if some of you niggas drop me good movies to download. Anything from 80's-2007 maybe current too if it isn't garbage. Some tv shows might be good too. Thanks :kaelaapprob:
Daredevil (Netflix series). Die Hard. Blade. Rush Hour. The Mummy. Ghostbusters.

If you're willing to watch more current movies, the Mission Impossible films after the initial trilogy are all pretty good (Ghost Protocol, Rogue Nation, Fallout).
Same here. But I guess I classify as one of the "bullies" who keep people down by shitposting or making a snarky quip at their expense every so often.

I guess someone replying "Who?" to an indie shill is what's keeping the forum innacesible to outsiders. Not the fact that we discuss taboo topics, use slurs or are generally unafraid to coddle people's opinions.
Shit talked Gura one too many times I guess.
Speaking of Reddit, I've noticed a comic "artist", named Pizza Cake Comics, has been on a politispreging spree lately.
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You can tell she suffers from Trump and Elon derangement syndrome. I wonder if this is Clara's favorite political comic?

This one has me dying. Lately Reddit has been spreging about how Canadians would launch an insurgency, waging a guerrilla war against the US military, if they invaded.
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Sure dude, the country with unarmed civilian population and strict gun control is gonna beat the US army, the same way Afghanistan did, LMAO:SelenHAHAhere:
I wonder how long til we get some edits.

edit: wouldn't be surprised Nolan is related to Pizza cake.
I don't think Canadians truly comprehend how many Americans would eagerly recreate the Fallout 1 opening. I know a few coworkers that were in the sandbox and they've joked that they wished they could reenlist on the off chance they get to kill Canadians.
Reported to the heccin moderators.


I left Kson
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Cant wait.

I am confused. Who the fuck are you people even talking about? Also i remember spamming that Soraka Starfall-spam tank build. It was fun as fuck.

Of course hes a fucking ponyfag diaper furry.

Im amazing that he has a trail of shit on the internet that is nearly 10 years old.

Holy shit. Thats the same shit he would constantly highlight Taiga for being weird and fucked up for. I know projection is a thing but its always nice to see actual evidence. Its like every day we have more evidence that only highlights how much of a femboy he is.

Woman having a woman moment. Nothing new around these parts.

Gen 3 got ignored by management because they were too busy giving attention to Gen 1 and 2 for their upcomming IRL concert. I have a feeling they wanted to 1-up Hololive because technically they were going to be the first EN Vtuber group to have a concert in the US. Gen 3 was struggling with no promotion, paying the corpo half of their wages and getting no support. They peaced the fuck up.

This is all rrats and speculation but if she did infact reference that when this shit happened over 4 years ago, she is a massive cunt.

This is so fucking good. I honestly want to know what the fuck happened at Niji that they let her go. Yugo was an emotional trainwreck but talented as fuck. Shit i wonder if they would have sperged out at Aster over the alleged sexual harassment given their past.

Marina seems to have learned that farming outrage on Twitter by being an absolute cunt only helped to prop her up high enough for her eventual downfall caused by her own greed and stupidity.

Impressive how the company as a whole is so fucking incompetent that even when they try to gain some sort of public support by having certain Vtubers play the game, they fuck it up and end up banning them. This is the end result of all that DEI bullshit. Every single aspect of the game seems to just fail. Marketing? Failed. Historical accuracy and consultation? Failed. Music department? Failed. Watching one of the biggest gaming companies just keep failing to the point where they might just close is extremely entertaining. :shubaIapprob:
already so far off topic so I put it here.
Tank starfall top soraka was like season 6-7. Lord's Strongest Migo was talking about the wild west back in season 1. Apparently they fucked Soraka's Q AP ratio so she can kill the entire team with it by building AP.
Tank soraka can 1v2 top lane early then become normal support soraka late. I loved that too.

God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
already so far off topic so I put it here.
Tank starfall top soraka was like season 6-7. Lord's Strongest Migo was talking about the wild west back in season 1. Apparently they fucked Soraka's Q AP ratio so she can kill the entire team with it by building AP.
Tank soraka can 1v2 top lane early then become normal support soraka late. I loved that too.
It's because her Q was just a huge AoE spell around her, so if you saw her on the screen, there's a good chance you were going to get if she casts it. It also gave a debuff that reduced people's magic resistance (which stacked), so there was no real counter to it other than nuking her immediately. Throw in Rylai's and she was just spamming an AoE ability that reduced AP, slowed everyone, and did pretty good damage. She wouldn't burst you down, she was just a blender that would tear you apart if you tried to fight her while healing herself.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
already so far off topic so I put it here.
Tank starfall top soraka was like season 6-7. Lord's Strongest Migo was talking about the wild west back in season 1. Apparently they fucked Soraka's Q AP ratio so she can kill the entire team with it by building AP.
Tank soraka can 1v2 top lane early then become normal support soraka late. I loved that too.
While sorakas AP Ratio (the percentage of ability power that is added to her ability as damage) is PART of what made it cancerous it was also the items that really took it all the way

The thing about supports during season 6 is support items existed and while all of them helped Spellthiefs edge was super broke simply because riot didn't consider how easy it was to abuse

Sorakas Starfall is a pretty ok is powerful ability you are told where it's gonna hit before it does and have decent time to walk out of it. but the other side of the coin is it's a constant menace to play against because it can just swat you while your trying to farm lane

So you get to choose take the hit and give Soraka freegold (allowing her to snowball into a mage as powerful as their ADC carry will be) because of spell thief run back or and lose the minion kill and fall behind in gold (keeping in mind even one minion means you "come online" later and thus spend more time being freegold for the other team.

now picture that happening all game constantly having to deal with sorakas bullshit because starfall just drops on you and bypasses minions and has FAT RANGE and a FAT AOE which means shes not even in that much danger while doing it.

it's probably the number 1 reason riot did some spaghetti code to make certain abilities spread their damage across everything they hit meaning for full effect you have to aim it so it does not hit minions.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
Do the posts in here really seem that agessive, vindicative towards you?
To be fair, I'm sure they do at this point. :gloomiLaugh:

But it wasn't always that way, I was rooting for him for quite a while even after his first breakdown. Thought he was a bit autistic, but most vtuber fans are. Most people seemed to like him too.

But after a while it felt like those events kept happening and nothing was being learnt.

I hope things can turn around. I don't expect it to. But hopefully after a few days, staff will reread effortposts like yours and reflect on them, and then maybe things will change?


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While sorakas AP Ratio (the percentage of ability power that is added to her ability as damage) is PART of what made it cancerous it was also the items that really took it all the way

The thing about supports during season 6 is support items existed and while all of them helped Spellthiefs edge was super broke simply because riot didn't consider how easy it was to abuse

Sorakas Starfall is a pretty ok is powerful ability you are told where it's gonna hit before it does and have decent time to walk out of it. but the other side of the coin is it's a constant menace to play against because it can just swat you while your trying to farm lane

So you get to choose take the hit and give Soraka freegold (allowing her to snowball into a mage as powerful as their ADC carry will be) because of spell thief run back or and lose the minion kill and fall behind in gold (keeping in mind even one minion means you "come online" later and thus spend more time being freegold for the other team.

now picture that happening all game constantly having to deal with sorakas bullshit because starfall just drops on you and bypasses minions and has FAT RANGE and a FAT AOE which means shes not even in that much danger while doing it.

it's probably the number 1 reason riot did some spaghetti code to make certain abilities spread their damage across everything they hit meaning for full effect you have to aim it so it does not hit minions.
I mained soraka I know why. But honestly soraka wasn't that good top, if you just ignore her and pick ranged (like gnar, kennen) or farm heavy, high sustain top laner (like nasus/cho'gath) into her she's a non-issue.
The reason why she was so good was that she has a built-in global taunt so the enemy jungler would keep ganking her and she's really good at early level and can 1v2 . Even if she gets put behind, her jungler are feasting elsewhere in the map and she finished her entire item build with only ardent lelw.
The best counter to soraka top was ganking bot, but most people never figured that out. She's only as useful as her ADC.
They were VERY blatant about their bullshit against dota back in the day
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>dodge stacking Jax solo killing turrets with no minions
>release Xin Zhao 1v5ing and winning
>having to farm up for an entire runebook specifically for one champion, only for that set of runes to get nerfed 2 days later
>pizzafeet Twisted Fate
>your entire team randomly dying because you guys walked near a bush where an AP Nunu was charging his ult
>entire support eco was buying wards and lighting up the map like a Christmas tree
>no more winter map
Yeah we sure don't have hackers, balance issues or quitters in League.

I remember Dodge as a mechanic that had itemization man, Ninja Tabi and Phantom Dancer 32% dodge, brilliant fucking design Riot. The oldschool rune system was so fucking shit, that and the masteries.
Those are all Dota mechanics btw.
The reason season 1 league was so bad because they copied Dota. The game becomes better later on as more and more dota mechanics were being striped off.
Jax was based off Faceless Void in dota, he can dodge attacks randomly and also ... stun randomly with every normal attack.
Getting combo-ed and kill off-vision is completely normal in Dota as Flash in Dota is buyable as an item and has 3 second cooldown. And uh you can buy an item that make you invisble too (25 seconds cooldown). Tiny is one of the worse offender. You will die randomly even if you don't walk near any bushes before you even see them.
Dota is a rng & imbalanced mess, but don't tell that to a Dota player. They think it's the pinacle of game balancing and every bullshit mechanics "makes the game more complex"
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God's Strongest Dragoon

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Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
Those are all Dota mechanics btw.
The reason season 1 league was so bad because they copied Dota. The game becomes better later on as more and more dota mechanics were being striped off.
Jax was based off Faceless Void in dota, he can dodge attacks randomly and also ... stun randomly with every normal attack.
Getting combo-ed and kill off-vision is completely normal in Dota as Flash in Dota is buyable as an item and has 3 second cooldown. And uh you can buy an item that make you invisble too (25 seconds cooldown). Tiny is one of the worse offender. You will die randomly even if you don't walk near any bushes before you even see them.
Dota is a rng & imbalanced mess, but don't tell that to a Dota player. They think it's the pinacle of game balancing and every bullshit mechanics "makes the game more complex"
I never got into Dota and only got into League because of friends when it came out. Eventually people tried to get me to play Dota 2 but after like 2-3 games, I bounced off that game hard because I took one look at what was going on and thought "woah, this is like a pure autism blackhole of retarded shit that I don't want to learn and have no reason to waste my time with just so I can likely be angry at the game".


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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God's Strongest Dragoon

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literal who

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Late and gay, but my 2 cents as a serial lurker who has often been reluctant to post in the General thread for various reasons:

It's baffling to me how the Nolan Penis Explosion Trial of all things was allowed a more democratic, productive, and equitable discussion than the future structure and direction of the site. And why is all of this feedback and discussion about the thread split happening in the banter thread and not, say, the Board Management & Technical Feedback section? The place explicitly meant for discussion on how the forum should be run? Which, now that I mention it, literally had a vote on basically the same topic just over a year ago?

It's not as if forum management has never used polls or dedicated discussion threads to gauge user sentiment before. So why, after a history of doing what at least seemed to work best, did the moderation team decided to ditch the old model of
  1. Float an idea for a site change
  2. Make a banner visible to ALL users asking them to chime in with opinions in the relevant thread
  3. Implement/don't implement the change based on feedback
in favor of
  1. Decide to revisit a previously shot-down idea
  2. Instead of making a publicly available thread, DM mostly the users who proposed the idea and maybe one or two of your other favorite users for feedback
  3. Make the change based on YOUR perception of the best way to do so and not how the users who literally asked for it suggested it be implemented
  4. Announce the upcoming change to everyone else with basically zero room for discussion or feedback
  5. Double down when users push back because YOU like that YOUR implementation works exactly how YOU want it
  6. Reassure users with "trust me bro, the forum will grow into it"
As a dozen people have pointed out already, it's not even necessarily the split itself that has rubbed many users the wrong way, it's how it was decided upon behind closed doors with very little transparency or room for feedback from the community, which staff then tried to handwave away with excuses of "well we talked to some users and they were totally cool with it." I understand that staff may be reluctant to mention specific names involved to maintain some sense of confidentiality, but you have to understand that it comes across as vagueposting at best and outright falsehoods used to justify personal agendas at worst. And hasn't an overall lack of transparency from the forum's key decision-makers been a recurring issue for a while now? So this latest move does zero favors for forum management in terms of public perception, which IIRC some staff have stated IS already something that weighs them down mentally.

@The Proctor @Johnny Jambalaya @reinigen Please, if nothing else, see the above. I genuinely would like to better understand the staff's reasoning behind this drastic change in process. Even if the split was something that mods were 99% set on implementing anyway, clearly the initial plan had much room for improvement -- improvement which could have been solicited and integrated during the planning process, had the broader userbase been informed of it. I think everyone would be much less sour about things if that had happened in the first place.

The new thread splits went live March 5th. It is now March 18th. The oldest sign-up I can see in the "Newest members" widget is from March 6th.
asylum new members.png

Using that as the cut-off, in the past 12 days, the site has gotten 12 new registered users. Of those new users, 5 have actually posted:
  • One has made 2 posts on the Nolan lolcow thread
  • One has made 2 posts in the Discord Degeneracy thread (and is probably a shitpost alt)
  • One has made a single post in the Phase Connect General
  • One has made multiple posts in the Pixellink, V&U, and General threads, but specifically stated they signed up to read about the Pixellink drama (which another user pointed out has been an ongoing thread before the split)
  • One has made 2 posts in Phase Connect General and one in the Pipproject thread. This user explicitly stated they are a long-time lurker who signed up to comment on the Clara politisperging and did not want to post in the General thread because it moves too fast.
That last new user is the only one whose sign-up can be reasonably attributed to the new forum structure. I'm not sure a rate of 1 new user/day can really be called a "noticeable uptick," but I don't know what the daily registration rate was like before this. To be fair, I also don't think 12 days is enough time to really judge this stuff.

What about posts in the new split threads? As of writing, ordered by number of posts since inception:

ThreadTotal PostsTotal Unique Posters"New" Posters*
Phase Connect General9817913
Hololive General8548814
Small Indie General146384
Nijisanji General116361
Large Indie General87295
* "New" Posters defined in this case as users with fewer than 200 total posts (many had fewer than 100 or even 50). They are NOT unique to each thread (so a "'New' Poster" is counted for both Phase and Hololive Generals if they posted in both).

For comparison, the General Thread has moved roughly 84 pages or 1,680 posts since the split was implemented.

So yes, the split threads have seen a few fresh faces. It's also true that a few long-term, less active users have come out of the woodwork to post in their preferred General threads. While tallying the numbers, I did see some mention that they didn't like participating in the General Thread for multiple reasons (usually either uninterested in happenings outside their fandom, or that the thread moves too fast). So in that sense, I can see where Proctor is coming from when he says

There are not the activity levels because the setup of the forum is fundamentally structured in opposition to the idea of promoting activity of this kind. The megathread structure is a confusing and inelegant mess to everyone who isn't already used to it, requiring extensive patience and extra effort to catch with.

On the other hand, I've seen this specific part mentioned several times now as one of the justifications for the split:

I personally find it near-incomprehensible at times, and the way people frequently loop about topics that were previously discussed in detail results in warped narratives and mis-remembered facts that cannot be easily cross-referenced or corrected unless someone has the archival autism needed to do so.

I won't deny that loops happen with frustrating regularity, but what "warped narratives and mis-remembered facts" are being referenced here? (I really only have one example in mind that has been mentioned by mods.) And what instances of "bad vibes" have happened in the General Thread to make some users advocate for a split? I get not wanting to be raked over the coals by the rest of the forum for bringing up grievances publicly, but I also think that "bad juju" is not a substantive enough reasoning for a drastic overhaul to the forum's structure. To be clear, I do agree with the sentiment. But as others have said, while some of it was sadly due to controllable factors (namely forum drama), a good chunk of it is due to uncontrollable factors like corpo bullshit.

On that note, to @Trap Supremacy specifically:
Thank you for actually speaking up. Despite all the shit you've gotten for it, I think most people here can at least respect the fact that you actually have the balls to own your stance instead of hiding behind upper management. Regarding the vibes stuff, let me reiterate that I don't necessarily disagree with you on that point. However -- and I genuinely do not mean this as an insult -- if you're seeking a more positive place to chat about vtubers without people bringing up irrelevant or petty drama, have you considered joining fan Discords instead? Yes, Discord gay and all that, but from what you've said about feeling burned out with vtubers, I get the impression you're trying to chase the golden years of the industry when the reality is that the scene, and by extension this forum, is just a different place now. With TVA in particular, most people who are still active after all the bullshit are ONLY here because they're thicker-skinned and better able to compartmentalize, or they just love drama (or both). The things you said you like about the Pippa thread sound like aspects you could find in a dedicated fancord, like liveposting/reacting with others to ongoing moments, a sense of camaraderie and fun with fellow fans, or organized fan projects.

I had this thought a while back while reading reinigen's post during the events that led to the Rrat's disappearance. It sounded like he was dealing with a burnout similar to what you've expressed, and my unsolicited advice is this: it's okay to take a step back from a community if you feel like it no longer provides what you're looking for. If you have shit going on IRL, it's okay to log out for a while, or even permanently if you need to. I understand feeling attached to TVA, and that some people have developed camaraderie and maybe even genuine friendships here. That's great and the ideal goal for a forum, but trying to force good vibes rarely ever works as intended, especially if the discussion for doing so isn't actually inclusive of the entire community. I respect the ideals behind the split, but not the implementation.

And finally, a bit of sperging to rep a few users I feel have been done extra dirty by the split:

I think some degree of segregation COULD work, but right now the split is so granular that it does a massive disservice to users like @Willemshaven and @Shuba, whose excellent effortposts -- exactly the sort of posts that might encourage people to check out the chuuba or event they're shilling -- will be relegated to the same circle of users who probably already watched or were going to watch that stuff anyway. Staff should be looking to make the discoverability of effortposts better, not shunting them into their designated corner.

While the General thread did move too fast at times, I liked that I could easily see content from a variety of vtubers and keep a pulse on major industry happenings all in one place. Now, I might miss some things unless they're cross-posted or put in a banner. Take @VSoyBoy's post on the NijiHolo interleague for example: I first learned about it when he cross-posted to General, then had to check the Niji and Holo threads to see if there was any additional discussion or information. It's added friction, and if the goal is to attract more users, changes should be made to reduce friction and increase accessibility. Wanting people to branch out and discover new things is great and all, but with the current setup how/why would anyone feel incentivized to look outside of the threads for their dedicated fandom? If you want people to try new things, you have to stoke their interest first, otherwise why go out of their way for something that might not even pay off?

If staff are so dead set on never returning to the megathread structure, it would at least be nice if there was a widget on the frontpage that could aggregate and display recent Threadmarks or highlights or whatever they're called from ALL the general threads, like a newsfeed of sorts.


I left Kson
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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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Drink Milk
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Oh we have a thread branching shit in here.
I used to browse some of the threads for the first week. Nowaday I only browses general and the holo one.

I still see vsoyboy posting about niji and vshojo and other people posting some small corpos stuff in the general thread. But I dont think I have seen a single thing about phase in the past 2 weeks as Im not opening their thread. If this is @The Proctor's intention then he clearly succeeded at it. Seggregating an already small community into smaller ones and isolating them

God's Strongest Dragoon

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does this imply that they might actually "take action" otherwise.

fucking jannies not even once.
Retardation like this is why I advocate for the US to start firebombing Canadian cities instead of tariffs.


"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Okay instead of whining about im just gonna post exclusivelly in general when sena comes. Not only cause i think the split is stupid but also because shes bigger than hololive

God's Strongest Dragoon

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I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
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Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Retardation like this is why I advocate for the US to start firebombing Canadian cities instead of tariffs.
defending the jannies I don't understand you man i thought you were cool. :smugpipi:
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