Youtube has been obsessively feeding me Steven Universe clips and songs lately, and I'll be honest, I'm almost curious enough to watch it at this point.
Is this the gay agenda? The result of watching too much Lia? I'm not sure where this came from.
Youtube has been obsessively feeding me Steven Universe clips and songs lately, and I'll be honest, I'm almost curious enough to watch it at this point.
Is this the gay agenda? The result of watching too much Lia? I'm not sure where this came from.
after season 1 it drops off thanks to it no longer being a monster of the week type of show
then they hired fans to help write and story board the show and we all know how that goes
Congratulations @Zyklon Mag for joining our growing Asian population.
On the downside, you're now nearsighted and probably lost a cupsize. On the upside, you'll still look thirty by the time you hit forty five, you no longer dance like a white girl and you'll raise your children according to your confucian values until they reject you, drop out of college and start whoring out on the internet.
Youtube has been obsessively feeding me Steven Universe clips and songs lately, and I'll be honest, I'm almost curious enough to watch it at this point.
Is this the gay agenda? The result of watching too much Lia? I'm not sure where this came from.
I would've been able to ignore all of the queer shit brainwashing in SU if the writers actually knew how to make a coherent show: they didn't. The main issue it has is that most of the characters are not held accountable for their actions in any meaningful way, they just sing a song and/or cry their eyes out and that's it. Whole thing is as if tumblr became a cartoon and it flip flops between plot, filler and then jumps the shark off a cliff to its death.
The main issue it has is that most of the characters are not held accountable for their actions in any meaningful way, they just sing a song and/or cry their eyes out and that's it.
To be sincere I don't think Rebecca Sugar views herself as human. She makes the zaniest wicca loon seem tame in comparison.
Wish she'd stuff her ukulele up her ass.
This just reminds me that the deaf retard Californian at work with a mail order Zimbabwe husband asked me if I was Dyslexic, which I am fucking old and that is the first time anyone asked me that and I don't know how Californians haven't murdered each other yet
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