"Oh I thought that was Tara Strong, before she got fuckin' weird huehuEHUEHUAHAHUAhua, I mean I rumumbuhr when she was like 'No AI voices! because it hurts the voice actress industry!' but later on, she was 'But AI art is OK!' huhuHUAHUAHuahaha... and I was like lol you can't pick and choose your causes! uhUHUAHUAhaha!"Dokibird

Archiving and You

Text (Mostly Tweet) Archiving and You
  • Kourai

    Early Adopter
    Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

    Text (Mostly Tweet) Archiving and You​


    People delete things. To discuss news and drama accurately, it's important to have a record of who said what.


    Archive sites:​

    Archive sites take a snapshot of a web page as it was on the day you accessed it. Unlike screenshots, they are not easily faked.

    I know of three archive sites. There may be others. Unfortunately all three sites have their own quirks when it comes to tweets, which are the majority of what should be archived.
    • archive.today - Paste URL in. Press Save. The Firefox add-on in the post above reduces this to one button. When the page changes to archive.ph/wip/[characters], copy that URL and put it in your post. You do not need to wait for it to finish.
      • Only preserves embedded images as thumbnails
      • Does not preserve replies to a tweet (currently)
    • ghostarchive.org - Paste URL in. Press Submit for Archival. When the page changes to ghostarchive.org/archive/[characters], copy that URL and put it in your post. You do not need to wait for it to finish.
      • Preserves replies to a tweet (currently)
      • Seems slower than archive.today
      • Seems to intend to preserve full embedded images in tweets, but gets stuck on loading
    • archive.org - Click on Web. Paste URL into Save Page Now and press Save.
      • Has a process for takedown requests, so not the first choice. If you're paranoid that a page which has been deleted is only on archive.org, you can re-archive it using archive.today.
      • Useless for new tweets when I tested it
      • Very useful for edge cases like video, audio, Google Docs that require you to be signed in
    Important embedded media, like images of ominous white pages with text, should be saved separately if possible.

    All three sites can be searched for existing archives as well, provided you have a URL.

    One weird trick (the TVA embed method):​

    If you have a lot of tweets you want to archive, paste them all into a post on this forum and press Post. Then use the Archive Page button on the top right of the page. This opens a new archive.today tab. Edit that archive URL into your post. The embedded tweets will still be visible, even if the original tweets are deleted. However, anything in spoiler tags is not archived.


    Archive sites are an independent record. Screenshots are not independent; they can be faked. But sometimes you have no choice (e.g. site that requires login), and in those cases screenshots are better than nothing.

    Edge: ... (Menu) > Web Capture, or Ctrl+Shift+S - Capture Full Page is an option
    Firefox: Right-click > Take Screenshot - Save Full Page is an option (but see the post below)
    Chrome/Brave/etc. : GoFullPage add-on

    I have not looked into mobile browser options. If nothing else, you can screenshot your phone screen and crop it down as needed.
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    Mass Downloading Videos and Images from Xitter
  • Porean

    Lavender Spider Lover & Tsunderia Scholar
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    Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
    I've been searching for a way to mass download videos and images from twitter for a while and i have now found a solution;
    Now, you might click that and say to yourself; "Porean is trying to give me a virus and make me pay to remove it via Google store gift cards."
    To that i say; "fuck you bloody banchod bitch show bob and vagene"

    But for real, it might look scummy but it works, and as a man with an Oshi who constantly posts drawings and I HAVE TO HAVE THEM ALL it's been very useful, not only does it let you download an entire Twitter accounts media tab, you can also use it on a specific hashtag, useful for art-tags you want to archive. You have to give the programme your cookies for twitter for it to work properly, if you don't know how it tells you in the programme itself.

    I will attach an image here to show you my folder after I've downloaded Amiya's media tab and her fan-art hashtag;
    folder example.PNG
    As you can see it sorts via username if you tell it to, which i love, so i very much recommend this if you have a lot of images you wanna download from Vtubers you follow. It is slow if it has to search through many posts (Ami posts a LOT.) It also works on other sites, how-ever i have not used it on other sites so i cannot speak for it's efficacy there.
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    ytarchive member stream setup

    "Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
    Early Adopter
    Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
    Hate to bother you again, but is there anyway make the ytarchive setup work with member streams too? ytarchive is what I have been using. I setup yt-dlp, but I'd like another option just in case I fucked it up.
    yes if you use
            Only download members-only streams. Can only be used with channel URLs
            such as /live, /streams, etc, and requires cookies.
            Useful when monitoring channels and you only want membership streams.
    --cookies COOKIES_FILE
            Give a cookies.txt file that has your youtube cookies. Allows
            the script to access members-only content if you are a member
            for the given stream's user. Must be netscape cookie format.
    Archiving Tweet threads using Ghostarchive reliably V7 by Willemshaven
  • Willemshaven

    Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
    True & Honest Holofan
    Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
    Im currently having this issue with one of Kuri Rinji's twitter thread that i have shared on the niji thread. I can archive but it doesnt load. I press "Archived page not showing up" but since it flagged as sensitive content for some reason, the screenshots wont show up. The archive basically become useless.
    Well, I've tried archiving the Tweet on Firefox, making sure the unnecessary bits in the link are removed (hover here). Not only does the Tweet load on first try, the "Show" button fully works. (FYI, I've opened the archived page back in Chromium.)

    LAST UPDATED on 19-2-2025
    Searching in Ghostarchive works without requiring the input to start with 'http' or 'https', so a Tweet ID from an embed is enough/ It's still good practice to embed the Tweet URL somewhere in your post in case this situation changes again. [Example]

    Archiving Tweet threads using Ghostarchive reliably
    Version 8 by Willemshaven - Appendix about Nitter

    Ghostarchive is currently the only remaining web archiver that can save entire Twitter threads and NSFW-marked Tweets, but it can be a crapshoot to successfully get it to archive Tweets.
    That is unless you're using Firefox. It's by far the most reliable way to archive Tweets with Ghostarchive for some reason. FYI, my Firefox setup also has uBlock Origin and LocalCDN add-ons installed.
    Despite it being very good tool, there're still a few important things and caveats to keep in mind:

    And there you have it. You can now reliably utilize Ghostarchive to archive entire Tweet threads at a time. I will keep updating this post when new developments happen.
    Version 1
    -Initial version

    Version 2 (11-4-2024)
    -Updated the situation on archiving Tweets with videos.
    -Re-worded some of the items.
    -Changed closing words.

    Version 3 (12-4-2024)
    -Added situation of archiving quote Tweets of Tweets with video's.

    Status Update (14-4-2024)
    -Added notice regarding Twitter archiving not working.
    -Update ~8PM UTC: Twitter archives work again.

    Version 4 (15-4-2024)
    -Added example of a fully successful archive of a video Tweet. Revised images and videos item accordingly.
    -Updated archiving status to edit time.

    Version 5 (18-4-2024)
    -Added another scenario where archiving won't work fully.

    Status Update (19-4-2024)
    -Added notice regarding Twitter archiving not working, again.

    Status Update (20-4-2024)
    -Added notice that archiving Twitter with Ghostarchive works again.

    Version 6 (20-4-2024)
    -Added link to my new Appendix about Nitter.
    -Updated status on "read more" Tweets.
    -Shortening of most "Archived page not showing up?" parts.

    Status Update (24-4-2024)
    -I went away and Twitter archiving broke again.
    -It worked again since ~9PM UTC, but it's in CAPTCHA hell since ~11PM UTC.

    Status Update (25-4-2024)
    -I went away for a long time and Ghostarchive is no longer loading.

    Status Update (26-4-2024)
    -Ghostarchive is working again.

    Update (01-5-2024)
    -I won't update the status of Twitter archiving anymore. I will only update the guide itself from now on.

    Version 7 (25-6-2024)
    -As of the switch to x.com, Premium Tweets have been consistently archiving without needing to click the "not showing up" link.

    Version 8 (12-8-2024)
    -Archiving Tweets has become more relieable than ever before. Most of the caveats in the initial guide no longer applies.

    Important Update (01-9-2024)
    -Added notice that Tweet ID's aren't enough anymore to search on Ghostarchive.

    Status Update (19-2-2025)
    -The search function in Ghostarchive has been restored to the previous situation.
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