"This ragdoll in particular thinks your waifu is a dirty bitch"Juniper Heartstrings

1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive


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Oh, Jesus Tapdancing Christ, another 10 pages of spergopalooza...
View attachment 19411
No no, there's a spec of value to this. I didn't respond to the BBC at all, but this guy at least thinks he's got something to say.
Overall I don't care
You're just pussing out. You guys always disappoint just like baby driblets Kurt:mold1:
Instead of alluding to Shiina's letters just post the damn things.
We did. Then she asked us not to, now we don't. You don't know shit about the dark powers Shiina hold over her cookies.🌟:shiinawangy:🌟
You also don't know what a unicorn is....or white knighting.... maybe you should try to communicate without internet vocabulary.


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
I hate to agree with the schizo but having an ignore button is kinda hugboxy. I've noticed some people who are tempted to use it for simply avoid seeing specific retards posting retarded things when I really think it should only be used for frantic schizo spammers like sithis bbc enjoyer. Ignore button is a good user feature but could accidentally turn this place into twitter or even worse reddit.
Well, if the spergery calms down and the poster, I'll revoke it, but jeez coming on here tonight, I thought for a moment either another graduation, a big yab, or you know, Nolan. I'll see how things look, but I here to talk about and laugh with/at v-tubers mostly, not watch WWE sperg battle. If that's your thing, go for it, I suppose...

Agreed. but your on it right now and could of removed this fool.

You don't have to be terminally online just online when the shit stirrs.

I figure you already know this but im saying it anyway.

You clearly don't like Schizos despite my whining about it i love touching shit its funny.
I'm only on it for a hour or two. I like funny schizos, not terminally boring ones. If I wanted to touch shit, I'd be posting on Twitter (or Reddit or /v/).


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Fubuki's Best Friendo
Joined:  Feb 11, 2023
Well, if the spergery calms down and the poster, I'll revoke it, but jeez coming on here tonight, I thought for a moment either another graduation, a big yab, or you know, Nolan. I'll see how things look, but I here to talk about and laugh with/at v-tubers mostly, not watch WWE sperg battle. If that's your thing, go for it, I suppose...
Honestly the bbc guy brought like 30 pages in like 5 hours. @1979 did maybe 5 pages in 2 nights. One is retarded and the other is really just entitled to his opinion on whatever theyve been talking about. I dont think its such a nuisance


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
Honestly the bbc guy brought like 30 pages in like 5 hours. @1979 did maybe 5 pages in 2 nights. One is retarded and the other is really just entitled to his opinion on whatever theyve been talking about. I dont think its such a nuisance
Well, perhaps I have a headache and didn't want to deal with it. Probably will be gone by tomorrow, but if it's still here and the replies to the poster show promise, I may change my mind. We shall see. Also, can he/she be more creative with their username than "1979"...A year? How dull. I'll give "Sithis BBC Enjoyer" this, it was a more interesting name.
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this thread is getting unbearable, thought the increased posts would get me up to date with spicy dramas not some /vt/ or discord or whatever the fuck this apeshit flinging some shit.


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Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Jannies, it's time to do some jannying.


Joined:  Apr 6, 2023
You're just pussing out. You guys always disappoint just like baby driblets Kurt:mold1:

We did. Then she asked us not to, now we don't. You don't know shit about the dark powers Shiina hold over her cookies.🌟:shiinawangy:🌟
You also don't know what a unicorn is....or white knighting.... maybe you should try to communicate without internet vocabulary.
I'm not pussying out I genuinely do not care enough to dig and get into it. With how the average forum user here interacts I have no desire to stick around. There's a severe lack of effort in posting outside of a handful who come mostly to dump news and fuck off. I like them more. As per vocabulary, I know what they mean. I don't care if you prefer to call yourself a gachikoi. When the dust settles they tend to be the same thing on 95% of issues. White knight though, yes, for not posting the letters. When she asks you not to you ignore her and do it anyway. Unless you've made the mistake of revealing your main account and feel pressured not to?
Agreed. but your on it right now and could of removed this fool.

You don't have to be terminally online just online when the shit stirrs.

I figure you already know this but im saying it anyway.

You clearly don't like Schizos despite my whining about it i love touching shit its funny.
It's telling to me that you post nothing of value and desire to have things you don't wish to engage with removed.
As my good chum superduper up there said, you guys risk becoming reddit.
Well, if the spergery calms down and the poster, I'll revoke it, but jeez coming on here tonight, I thought for a moment either another graduation, a big yab, or you know, Nolan. I'll see how things look, but I here to talk about and laugh with/at v-tubers mostly, not watch WWE sperg battle. If that's your thing, go for it, I suppose...
I came here with a specific purpose in mind and that purpose is now fulfilled. You can enjoy your hugbox now, I'll no longer shit in your potted plants.
I hate to agree with the schizo but having an ignore button is kinda hugboxy. I've noticed some people who are tempted to use it for simply avoid seeing specific retards posting retarded things when I really think it should only be used for frantic schizo spammers like sithis bbc enjoyer. Ignore button is a good user feature but could accidentally turn this place into twitter or even worse reddit.
With this I'll bow out. Not, however, without a parting message.
@The Proctor What do you hope for this forum to become? I'm going to try and put this as bluntly as possible. You will get more people like @NolanCrush, @superduper, that bbc poster, and me in time. People like Nolan will gain you notice, while people like superduper will gain you notoriety. Currently, such behaviors are seemingly considered acceptable and are well past normalized. You will have more containment breaking over time, you will have more people using this forum as a platform for malicious gay ops, doxing, and raid campaigns, and in time you will catch the ire of groups who will work to destroy you just like the farms did. I somehow doubt you have the autistic spitefulness of Null enough to keep going when it all reaches a head.
My advice? Immediately get the site unlisted and force people to use unique names not tied to other platform accounts.
Apologies for the double mention but I feel it's better to leave this in the public general than elsewhere.

And with that I bid you you gaggle of autstic fuckwits adieu. o7


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
I have said it before elsewhere curate your own shit don't whine about it to others. You dont get to dictate how others act online and you being so terminally kiwifarms that your afraid of using the ignore feature something that exists for you to curate to your own preferences is your own damn stupidity.

Tired of Nolan block him.

Tired of me making low effort jokes block me.

Tired of Drive by Schizos push de button.

using a standard site feature does not make it a hugbox and anyone who says otherwise is either deluded or knows otherwise and doesn't want the loss of attention and endorphin generating stickers.

and before someone mentions it yeah I should stop touching shit I refuse to hit de button.
I'm not pussying out I genuinely do not care enough to dig and get into it. With how the average forum user here interacts I have no desire to stick around. There's a severe lack of effort in posting outside of a handful who come mostly to dump news and fuck off. I like them more. As per vocabulary, I know what they mean. I don't care if you prefer to call yourself a gachikoi. When the dust settles they tend to be the same thing on 95% of issues. White knight though, yes, for not posting the letters. When she asks you not to you ignore her and do it anyway. Unless you've made the mistake of revealing your main account and feel pressured not to?

It's telling to me that you post nothing of value and desire to have things you don't wish to engage with removed.
As my good chum superduper up there said, you guys risk becoming reddit.

I came here with a specific purpose in mind and that purpose is now fulfilled. You can enjoy your hugbox now, I'll no longer shit in your potted plants.

With this I'll bow out. Not, however, without a parting message.
@The Proctor What do you hope for this forum to become? I'm going to try and put this as bluntly as possible. You will get more people like @NolanCrush, @superduper, that bbc poster, and me in time. People like Nolan will gain you notice, while people like superduper will gain you notoriety. Currently, such behaviors are seemingly considered acceptable and are well past normalized. You will have more containment breaking over time, you will have more people using this forum as a platform for malicious gay ops, doxing, and raid campaigns, and in time you will catch the ire of groups who will work to destroy you just like the farms did. I somehow doubt you have the autistic spitefulness of Null enough to keep going when it all reaches a head.
My advice? Immediately get the site unlisted and force people to use unique names not tied to other platform accounts.
Apologies for the double mention but I feel it's better to leave this in the public general than elsewhere.

And with that I bid you you gaggle of autstic fuckwits adieu. o7

Edit: You clearly do since you literally just did dumbass you posting is just as low effort as ours because you use more words to do it is irrelevant.

Getting parasocial with another site member swear we had a 3-4 page discussion about that a day ago. We are not your friends and for all your bullshit sperging on the subject and holier then thou attitude how do you not know this

Yeah you did to be annoying and then run away like you had a point to begin with gone the way of the BBC like I predicted.

Holy shit you said something of value. Counterpoint there is no way to stop containment breeches it will happen and while some people (Nolan) need to be more discreet about it the actual counter to it is to not become more farms like you absolute tosser.

You made an account here your just as autistic as the rest of us
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Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 14, 2023
Well, perhaps I have a headache and didn't want to deal with it. Probably will be gone by tomorrow, but if it's still here and the replies to the poster show promise, I may change my mind. We shall see. Also, can he/she be more creative with their username than "1979"...A year? How dull. I'll give "Sithis BBC Enjoyer" this, it was a more interesting name.
Blocking someone but then continuing to talk about them is peak reddit.


Gods Strongest Chiramigo
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Hugbox? Were you not online when Kson shitsow happened just another day, when thread was mocking Kson for things she didn't say, then mocking people who jumped to conclusions without full context? We should discuss vtubers in the main thread, there is a reason why separate threads for vtuber adjacent lolcows exist.

I don't care about your specific definitions of retards, and by the looks of it, the forum will sooner turn into 4chan than reddit, if you enjoy your slippery slopes.

I'm not telling you to not poke shit, I'm telling you not to shit where everyone else gather to have fun and then demand us all to watch, lest we turn into reddit.
You're probably right. Considering most people here are Kiwi's it was probably pessimistic of me to consider having a ignore button enough to turn this place into a hugbox.


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023


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Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
>I'm not pussying out
> I have no desire to stick around
>With this I'll bow out
>(Giant Gay too-duh-loo cartoon speach)

Yeah he's making an new account just like a redditor who looses an argument.:smugselen:
@1979 I know you'll be lapping up every Shiina post I make, whishing you had the balls to openly love and support your Oshi like I do mine. But balls don't grow back.


Dread Father
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They're anonymous. He has a post history. I need do no such thing.

Do you pride yourself on building a hugbox away from criticism or fault? This forum has all the downsides of the farms with none of the checks and balances on collective idiocy. You don't have global mods or Null popping in to keep you in check and because this is such a tiny community you become normalized to and accepting of the bad behavior of others. Should I also mention the dangerously parasocial butter cookies who speak about how bad and dangerous unicorns are, while simultaneously acting exactly like them?
Wanna know how I know you're just a tourist of the farms, and thus not someone anyone should listen to regarding forum ethos?
Null himself advises people to use the ignore button because it keeps retards from shitting up his site with slapfighting.


Gods Strongest Chiramigo
Nolan's Widow
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Rie's Publicist
Joined:  Nov 7, 2022
I'm very disappointed in you Rie, this is why we can't have nice roomate collections :gunpeko:
I didn't actually try clicking this link until now and have discovered you can search for specific terms on 4 chan through warosu. I am now learning people on the FlaVR thread were debating if I hated Mixie even though I didn't watch her and only knew of her as being an apparent schizo and apparently I was the person who made the Mixie raid happen even though I don't even remember any of this. I did enjoy the one stream Pippa raided into though. Oh God I'm ego searching myself in 4chan what am I doing?


Pig in human clothing
Joined:  Oct 3, 2022
Oh God I'm ego searching myself in 4chan what am I doing?
You really are her!

superduper inspires me to continue to nurture my hatred as it proves time and time again to drive someone to greatness.
Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift, but don't waste it on low-IQ ESL tourist retards doing drivebys then fleeing after being btfo repeatedly for their terrible grammar and lack of reading comprehension. Just a friendly reminder to everyone.


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Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
I hate to agree with the schizo but having an ignore button is kinda hugboxy. I've noticed some people who are tempted to use it for simply avoid seeing specific retards posting retarded things when I really think it should only be used for frantic schizo spammers like sithis bbc enjoyer. Ignore button is a good user feature but could accidentally turn this place into twitter or even worse reddit.
Let's see what le based not-hugbox not-Reddit Kiwifarms has to say about the ignore button:

To be fair to you:
Wanna know how I know you're just a tourist of the farms, and thus not someone anyone should listen to regarding forum ethos?
Null himself advises people to use the ignore button because it keeps retards from shitting up his site with slapfighting.
I agree this was and is Null's stance, but whatever he was doing to inform users didn't work, because retarded posturing about the Ignore feature ("getting blocked means I win", "oh nyo your hugbox" etc.) used to be a lot more common. Explicitly endorsing the use of the Ignore feature seems to have helped the Thunderdome, but I'm hardly the expert.
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The Proctor

Manager Arc Unlocked?
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@The Proctor What do you hope for this forum to become? I'm going to try and put this as bluntly as possible. You will get more people like @NolanCrush, @superduper, that bbc poster, and me in time. People like Nolan will gain you notice, while people like superduper will gain you notoriety. Currently, such behaviors are seemingly considered acceptable and are well past normalized. You will have more containment breaking over time, you will have more people using this forum as a platform for malicious gay ops, doxing, and raid campaigns, and in time you will catch the ire of groups who will work to destroy you just like the farms did. I somehow doubt you have the autistic spitefulness of Null enough to keep going when it all reaches a head.

This is a very long and convoluted way to say 'i am physically incapable of using the ignore function and demand that a space be curated exactly to MY personal tastes rather than use the very simple and effective tools at my disposal to filter out the elements I don't want to see'.


Find your own damn thesaurus!
Joined:  Jan 4, 2023
I look forward to seeing your schizophrenic breakdown, good sir. Kindly become a highly entertaining sideshow for me.
Look out doods! We got the master manipulator bastard baby of Shane Nokes and Henri here!


Asylum's lurker
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I hate to agree with the schizo but having an ignore button is kinda hugboxy. I've noticed some people who are tempted to use it for simply avoid seeing specific retards posting retarded things when I really think it should only be used for frantic schizo spammers like sithis bbc enjoyer. Ignore button is a good user feature but could accidentally turn this place into twitter or even worse reddit.
I don't normally use the feature because I too am a person looking for funny internet entertainment at times, but when we're being presented with a retard who lacks reading comprehension and willingness to comply with basic forum rules-- even doubling down on their whole "I'm le right so everyone else is wrong reeee" shticks, I don't think ignoring this particular user counts as being hugbox-y. There's no merit in entertaining people like this because you're essentially talking to a wall at that point


We have some serious streams to discuss 🔨
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Unlike your bog standard 4chanite, I can scroll by messages full of retarded white noise, and thus do not need to use any sort of ignore function.
You may I say I have a super power.
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