"I want to vore Phase Connect Gen 3 and keep them all safe and happy in my tummy. With love 😊💕😘"Kaneko Lumi

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    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    That seems to be a management thing though. "Oh man, wouldn't it be great if we had them do a back to back relay everyday for the next week?!". I'm sure that the talent's themselves will actually find their own, completely new and different, schedules to avoid overlap 🌈 yes, hence the rainbow...
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    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I liked the twins. Twins good. Fuwawa's voice is like EN Mel. Very pleased. The weird unicorn pledge at the end was cringey though. bau bau
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    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Late, only got to watch the debuts recently. Here's my brief thoughts on them though. On Shiori - so much for my hornyposting... She's just a dusty librarian with a fancy title. Koseki's voice was very reminiscent of Finana's at some points. Almost though it was her. I hope I can catch the...
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    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    What is this forum's stance on NSFW? Some lads on vt shared Shiori lora stuff. I went ahead and played around. Long story short would it be fine to share a spoilered nsfw Shiori image here? Pg-13, no seggs, no genitalia. edit:
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    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    oh boy, holo is going to push gura hard for holosummer huh?
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    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    aaaaaaaaahh give me en3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    holy shit they actually like love her? i thought that was just a meme
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    Hololive 4th Fes: Our Bright Parade & Hololive Super Expo 2023

    alright, big retard moment here. the deco 27 thing doesn't happen until 3 more hours correct? the live stream with deco 27 in the title is throwing me off. is that just for ads? fuck
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