"No Service No Life"Juufuutei Raden

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  1. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Huh, for once I'm not late and gay for shilling my oshi She will be doing a maro stream at 10AM JST on Friday btw While we're at it, the top 4 seiso members of Origins will be streaming Liar's Bar
  2. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Local god chats with salarywoman chuuba over drinks
  3. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    >korean plastic surgery joke Nijisisters… Kyo died for nothing… :kyoracist:
  4. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Pancho no do not fist the Pokeymans!
  5. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    OK fine I'll give Saya a couple more viewings… ETA: Pico had a karaoke relay that's just about wrapping up I think And just in time for Yuu to play an actually good game for once
  6. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Yuu's Anime NYC segment is up with subs Hags lusting after phallic objects, mucho unseiso
  7. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    I will marry Biboo for legal reasons but Nasa will be my sexy hot mistress who will inevitably kill me in my sleep and initiate a bloody feud over the life insurance payout
  8. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    I don't watch Biboo but we can get married on paper so my family can shut up about me finding a wife
  9. Unseiso Dragon

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    It doesn't matter how many times we say women don't need filters, women just think you're saying that to be polite and they gaslight themselves into thinking they're ugly without them (and in some unfortunate cases, they are). It's kinda like how women repeatedly say "size doesn't matter" and...
  10. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Tenma living the "funny uncle who still plays with his legos" life Sadly the tweet and subsequent follow-ups were deleted ETA: Not only was I late but my predecessor did far better as well fuck my life Uh… Loki-sama is yapping and has her pacifier on again
  11. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    >I eat microwaved udon straight from the bag OK… >I usually put it in a mug SACRILEGE ETA: NIE Rie abusing her position as a sempai
  12. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    It's all part of the grand plan by Slugma and Fish to bring down the other corpos from the inside Once Rosemi and Lisa fell their respective corpos they will be joined by the other ex-Tsunderia talents for the final battle against Cover
  13. Unseiso Dragon

    Production Kawaii Disintegration & Post-Mortem

    It's not the same, the only ones that come here with an account are so desperate for clout that they're literally scraping at the bottom of the barrel.
  14. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Pippa got me into Phase but oddly enough never lasted as my oshi.
  15. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    >One of the requirements is being able to stream at least 4 times a week Better whip some of your sempais in shape, doggo :annoyedpippa:
  16. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Just you fucking wait, our top Italian spy is burrowing a tunnel under your walls so she may corrupt your sacred garden with yabs. Aaaaaaaaaany day now. She should do a watch-a-long of Cooking with Jack, not only will it be peak content but she'll lose like 30 pounds just from looking at his...
  17. Unseiso Dragon

    Nasa big love!

    Nasa big love!
  18. Unseiso Dragon

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I was browsing Futaba since I had nothing better to do and the posters were numberfagging a relatively new Niji JP talent Tamako Kirara who debuted about a month ago: What stood out was that this vtuber's mama is MOTHERFUCKING NAMORI of all people, the creator of Yuru Yuri. And while Yuru Yuri...
  19. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Here is a list of streams for Yuu's bday marathon ETA: updated last stream content + added PDT for muricans ETA2: there is also a donothon underway. See below image for details: C'mere Imma snip snip your cheeks
  20. Unseiso Dragon

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    I don't fucking care that Shiina has a bf or not, she plays Yugioh and likes Gundams so she's literally me and nothing will change that
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