"I'll show you real racism!"Kaneko Lumi

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  1. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    This is what I’ve always needed, thank you. Need more german VTubers.
  2. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Is it normal for side effects to happen after you awake? She should go to the hospital anyways. Who knows what else might happen?
  3. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    See, this is why I hate parties and drinking.
  4. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    They probably argue over who can groom her better first.
  5. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Nanobites will be rebranding as Kibalite on Monday September 23, 4 PM (EST).
  6. Rinfriend

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    You should stop thinking about things like that. Cherish those memories be happy about those who are still here right now. I may be coping, but should I be sad instead?
  7. Rinfriend

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

  8. Rinfriend

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    Hello Pippa Thread. Are the Janny and the Jew at it again? No? Surprising. Hello.
  9. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    Here’s a very good tip to stop the Asperger's from taking over! Consider heavily what you post, re-read it at least 3 times and ask yourself if you should post it. Hope it helps.
  10. Rinfriend

    I’m gonna follow the general thread. I WILL catch up on a tiny schedule. I will NOT skim through...

    I’m gonna follow the general thread. I WILL catch up on a tiny schedule. I will NOT skim through posts. I will KILL myself oh my god they’re already 15 pages in front of me
  11. Rinfriend

    General Thread v3: The Hexagone

    I like this one better anyway. Hopefully her penis doesn't Explode like the last one did.
  12. Rinfriend

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    The day of the Hexagone was truly a fever dream.
  13. Rinfriend

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Just Let it die out silly. People WILL bring it up to get a rise out of you, so until you stop producing milk they won't quit jerking you off. Tried to put it in words he may understand
  14. Rinfriend

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    You start doubting your Heterosexuality after a certain amount of messages…
  15. Rinfriend


  16. Rinfriend

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    General Thread V3: Remember, you’re here forever.
  17. Rinfriend

    Pippakistan's Psych Ward v3

    Is she gonna skin him alive or what? is this some sort of new fetish? I wonder what chase was thinking. he fabricated this one right? i forgot
  18. Rinfriend

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

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