"'FalseEyeD said you have more Phase Connect members coming soon, is that zurue' FalseEyeD needs to suck my big fat... caulk! and leave me alone! OK? I kinda give you a lot of content on your fucking table and I'm not... I don't like you at all FalseEyeD, I fucking detsesst the living shit outta you, you fucking PEST of existence"Maemi Tenma

Search results

  1. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I'm slow reatrd and just realised this is a Elden Ring reference, Soulfag possibly?
  2. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Why you gotta remind me man I was actually happy for a bit there. :fishmandispair:
  3. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Really surprised by Shiori's looks completely different from what I expected from the trailer probably my favorite of the bunch, honestly the Loli is the only one I not very interested in from the go.
  4. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    They have to be either the GGN twins or someone else that are realted, no way they commited to this without knowing the talents can make it work
  5. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Few barely made it home in time
  6. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I just don't see it, after 3 weeks there no way a tech issue is the problem, and specially no way someone would not come out a say something about it if it was anything like that, honestly right now there one thing I'm sure of and is that Magni and Vesper are capable of streaming and Cover isn't...
  7. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I'm be honest the only reason I suggested it is because from my understanding that what the GGN twins did, I honestly never watch them myself so I don't know how they operated on stream.
  8. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Curios to note is that she is followed/follow only 3 accounts I imagine those are here gemmates but why only 3?
  9. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Holo-X feels like the Saturday night cartoon/Super sentai style of evil even in their previews you could tell they weren't suppose to be a good at the whole being evil thing, I'm getting more of an anime "evil" group of criminals is what they are trying to go for here. I was thinking that...
  10. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    By the same guy who drew porn of Fauna's silhouette before they even revealed their models.
  11. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    Honestly I have been wondering the same, will the long wait has build so much hype that their numbers will explode on debut, or did the long wait killed people interest and they don't care anymore? edit: Honestly yeah regardless of the outcome someone is gonna get shit on, if the new girls...
  12. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Yeah I'm exited but I cant be as excited knowing this guys fate still unknow, I would event take whatever news good or bad, just so the uncertainty is over.
  13. Aliepheese

    HoloAdvent En3 Talent Discussion/Debut Thread

    I didnt expect to try to keep tabs on like 5 different places that are talking about htis would be so hard, my head is already spinning. :ponrys:
  14. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    The loli give me La+ vibes probably meant to be a kusogaki, the sisters probably will have the generic smart one and dumb one dynamic, the blue one really looks like Kronii a little to much if you ask me, and the "leader" is literary this bitch from Genshin Ultimately I wont get...
  15. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    BTW should we be using the thread someone created for this yesterday or not? https://thevirtualasylum.com/threads/possible-new-hololive-en-talent-discussion-debut-thread.103/#post-142312
  16. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    A this point I expect to wake up one day to an announcement from the HoloEN twitter, prepare for the worst knowing this is it, and then is gonna be one of the girls leaving instead, least see how many crazy shit can happen before we find out what Vesp and Magni are doing.
  17. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I guess the Mysta business completely buried this but just to add, as you can see she is also changing her name/ rebranding to "Rita Koito" she also getting a new Oshi Mark and Fanbase name, not really sure if it means Mikeneko is being abandon but it looks like she is changing everything so...
  18. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I kinda wish what happened with Kawaii gen 3 could happened to others, a corpo group leaving but staying together as a unit with the same inter dynamic between them, IMO I think the fact that most of NijiEn seems to legit like each other and want to stay as a group is probably a reason more of...
  19. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Yes, she beat FF16 in like 2 streams of playing non stop.
  20. Aliepheese

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    I don't think almost anyone unironically hates the idea of EN3, except for people who already hate EN and want it to die, when it comes to wanting it I guess many people just feel is has been too long, and many also think lack of EN3 directly correlate to the decline in the current EN popularity...
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