"~I'm grave robbin' boys~"Kaminari Clara

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  1. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    At this point I would not be wholly shocked to learn all "moderation" for Predditors, Discord, 4chan, Twatter and others is just one singular Uber-Dicksplitter. Sitting in front of a giant room full of monitors, banning people from KFP servers with a thought and deleting evidence of troons...
  2. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Quick heads up before I head to lunch: Nousagi just got outed as a SEAmonkey jannie on /vt/. The tranny subhumans are purging every post, trying to run interference with 3 day bans (so they can't be contested and therefore they can get around the actual admins and dodge scrutiny). Might be the...
  3. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    So here's the thing about Clover and Fauna. As someone mentioned, she adopted him when he was already old. She also had his brother before he passed. That's stuff she's stated outright. I am pretty sure Snail is also somewhat old and was certainly an adoptee. What I suspect based on this, her...
  4. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Okita-san DAISHOURIIII
  5. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Faufau, you're supposed to let the fans write the cringe chu2 edgy fanfics, and get left holding the bag. Not write it yourself. But if it's anywhere near as good as her ideas she pitched to Mumei that one time when they were thinking up competing OP donutsteels and hers was like...Bella from...
  6. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    This Pippa AR is reminding me of the old Twilight Zone bit where the child becomes omnipotent.
  7. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    This is objectively horseshit and as always Predditors are clueless. It IS in fact just preexisting pictures (badly) pasted together. Every eye, every finger, every strand of hair, exists elsewhere already. It's not some big leap forward. Why did you remind me that exists. It's exactly what...
  8. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    AI didn't generate anything, though. It pastes together existing art. So what you propose (if we want an accurate comparison) is the AI pulls Kiwawa's hair and left eye and Pippa's right eye and face oval and CTRL-P it onto Tenma and then adds some 2view's angel wings to "create" a "new" vtuber...
  9. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    This is all neither here nor there. Until the AI can make furry fetish porn of your OC fucking a Navi, seething Predditor/Deviantarts will be able to supplement their disability checks for BPD with those sweet $40 commissions. Right now all the AI does is questionably use a blend tool to past...
  10. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    Lifelong classically trained fine artist here (portraiture and still lifes in oil and charcoal primarily). All artists pretty much hate all other artists. It's like Westerners in Japan when they run into another Westerner. Every other artist is seen as a hostile competitor stealing limelight and...
  11. Tamavitch

    General Vtuber Discussion (V1)

    So, twitch?
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