"once upon a time? pekomona collabo! first offcollabo together!! eat derishouse bugermoona buger & pekorabuger foren love!!! Let's her cook! noooooooooooooooo! beef meet ok? Let's make acokkinggggggg!!!"Usada Pekora

Search results

  1. Tamavitch

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Payment processors that get involved in this shit also belong in the electric chair getting the dry burn.
  2. Tamavitch

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Truth: Lando and Vespear were supposed to impregnate Gura so there would be 100 Japanese-hapas to calm Abe-dono's soul in the tenth heaven and give a glorious Yamato future of vtuber dominance. Neither of them were able to penetrate her acidic white woman ovaries with their weak halfbreed sperm...
  3. Tamavitch

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Yeah we got all the real shit a while ago and now we can brace ourselves for 100 crocodile tear shedding jackslaps who "suddenly" "felt emboldened" to "come forward" once they saw someone else taking heat and having a showdown with the boss. Crooked asshole with money treats extremely dumb...
  4. Tamavitch

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    I pick 10 and 13.
  5. Tamavitch

    Discord Degeneracy (And Degeneracy in general) Containment Zone

    I seem to recall that she did some jailbaity shit he was super triggered by. Or she had a lolicon-tier model maybe? I just remember he had one of his series of anime-PTSD meltys over her for whatever reason. If we're going to call any EN chuubas whores, it would be denying reality not to point...
  6. Tamavitch


    "Photorealistic" isn't realistic to begin with, by the way. Cameras can only make a bizarre distortion of reality. That's why photography is a skill. The skill isn't taking "artsy" black and white emo photos or being in the right place. It's mitigating the warping a camera always presents to try...
  7. Tamavitch

    Yep, they are under the mentally ill illusion that everyone is equal and everyone deserves an A...

    Yep, they are under the mentally ill illusion that everyone is equal and everyone deserves an A. That brain damage is inflicted in childhood and they just never grow up, so they think communism could work and that billionaires are just like them, not any smarter or better at business or more...
  8. Tamavitch

    No brah there are money trees with golden apples and huwhite colonists just keep them away from...

    No brah there are money trees with golden apples and huwhite colonists just keep them away from brown people and don't share the money from the money trees, where free money just appears! Even if you gave every Predditor a hundred grand free and clear, they wouldn't turn it into more money like...
  9. Tamavitch

    I read that Robber Barons book you talked about btw, shit is amazing. Dumbfucks really do think...

    I read that Robber Barons book you talked about btw, shit is amazing. Dumbfucks really do think millionaires just keep getting lucky.
  10. Tamavitch

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    I can't believe that the reality was the opposite of the legends, all along. Vesper got fired for NOT impregnating all of our oshis. Vesper FAILED to rampage across North America, Indonesia and Japan, knocking up every streamer girl with a png to her name. Vesper REFUSED to obey Yagoo and go...
  11. Tamavitch

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    The point of "graduation" was never a school thing, it's a euphemism for idols who aged out/got married and is a diplomatic way of implying that they are moving on to bigger and better things in a wider world (rather than being washouts, undesirable hags, or failures whose glory days are over)...
  12. Tamavitch

    The Graduation of Magni Dezmond and Vesper Noir - WE'RE SO BACK ORC BROS

    Gramps will be back any day now. Piloting a Hiyaku Shiki mobile suit made of gold TY Play Buttons recovered from the yacht he just torpedoed, with Talent Freedom in one hand (represented by a pair of panties stripped off of Kson) and Haruhi Suzumiya Season 3 in the other hand. He will lead...
  13. Tamavitch

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Hi I was afk for the whole trial thread but I'd like to use a time machine to go back and vote for HARD EXPLODE THE PENIS.
  14. Tamavitch

    1979 joins the fourm to a-log superduper archive

    You really are her! Hatred is the Emperor's greatest gift, but don't waste it on low-IQ ESL tourist retards doing drivebys then fleeing after being btfo repeatedly for their terrible grammar and lack of reading comprehension. Just a friendly reminder to everyone.
  15. Tamavitch

    Pikamee Graduation Thread

    No activists were involved.
  16. Tamavitch

    Pikamee Graduation Thread

    No "activists" were involved. Retard faggots tweeting at women from their parent's basement are never "activists". And sad though I am, Pikamee is a tool for letting said diseased subhuman trash have a huge win and get to celebrate like this. If she was going to quit anyway she should have...
  17. Tamavitch

    The Scuffies First Annual Asylum Awards 2022 - Winners Announced!

    Best Corpo of 2022: Hololive Best Indie Vtuber of 2022: uuuhhh Kirsche? do I get my $5 now? Most Creative Stream of 2022: Pippa memes vtubers into reality Best Reincarnation of 2022: ? Best New Character of 2022: Rin Penrose Best Corpo Original Song of 2022: DO U Best Indie and Tiny Corp Song...
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