"My character became a chocoball!... my character became a black person"Shirakami Fubuki

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  1. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Nijisanji L Collection

    God damn, this is the insane jilted woman who just won't quit.
  2. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Could it be - and may Allah forgive me for suggesting such a thing - that these people deserve each other?
  3. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    Seems that either Charlotte or people in her circle are pretty obsessive to have found this random ass post that doesn't even mention her, even if the style is recognizable. E: Has anyone still not confirmed if this guy is sukadrii or not?
  4. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    /vt/ insanity and antis

    The shit you need to pull off to get male /asp/ies to 10ccv or more is evidently insane. I respect the hustle. A bit of context for those not in the know, /asp/ is home to the most insane drama about 1views you've ever seen.
  5. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    They should start their own corp with blackjack and hookers of trans experience.
  6. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Now that you mention the clip merely being cropped from a stream, I recognize the art style on the PNG posted as well. Seems a little doubtful to me, now.
  7. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This guy has drawn loli art on his alt, it's still up even. The same rules just don't apply to him.
  8. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    Yeah, having people sour on donothons would hurt Idol EN terribly. Aviel couldn't really win no matter what. I commend Pochi on her victory, but sincerely hope that the next time she does a donothon, people send her job application forms instead of money.
  9. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Pochi Calls Out Idol Corp

    How do you know Pochi? Do you have any skin in the game?
  10. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    You can tell a bitch be retarded when they give a literal who attention.
  11. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Twitter cringe and insanity

    Late, but this encapsulates my thoughts perfectly. In the case of Lily, the guy is absolutely in the wrong, but the entire thing is just fucked up. If you meet up with someone who's constantly a weird sex pest, and says shit like, and I quote, "OFC I WANNA GRAB YOU IN LA BRING YOU TO THE...
  12. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Chin up lass, you're still officially winning because they're disqualified for doping.
  13. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Not sure if you're implying you've had issues, but anecdotally speaking, I've not heard of people using it having actual problems. Skeb's supposed to refund you fully if the artist accepts but doesn't deliver, but I haven't heard of anyone having to resort to that. Meanwhile, I've had to deal...
  14. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    You pick an artist, leave a request (including refs), and they can either accept or reject it. The main gimmick is that there is no communication after the initial request, as in it's prohibited. The artist will have specified what they're willing to accept (including NSFW or nah). Main...
  15. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    I think enjoying the fruits of OSINT, being racist, and not being malicious towards vtubers are all things that can exist together in harmony.
  16. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    He's been posting there for about three months, they just didn't care or have an autistic obsession with him.
  17. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    The Kestraline Kronicles - Discussion Thread

    If it's this guy, he's a lolcow by definition of not fucking learning shit. God damn.
  18. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Thank you for the comprehensive answer. I am glad if it is a better place than the dire shit that makes its way to the forum makes it seem, even if it's starting to seem like the forum is taking the back seat in favor of the discord in some ways.
  19. 21st Century Pipkin Man

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Fair enough. The exact wording used was that you'd "very likely suspend the usage of discord for posting" and "Also it's worth remembering that I hate Discord anyway. It was exceedingly dumb of me to actually make use of it and absolutely everyone here is correct in saying that it was. If...
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