"Sasaki-senpai is like an air purifier, like a cleaning room robot mascot"Hayama Marin

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  1. Serbian Peacemakers

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    I almost forgot that in a few hours Riku himself will be putting out a video statement, and unless he pulls a Budd Dwyer live on camera things will only get worse for Niji from here.
  2. Serbian Peacemakers

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    This is probably just the schizophrenia talking, but what are the chances of Niji firing Elira and the other 3 fuckers over this in some attempt save face by "Removing the bad actors"? I know its just a Schizo Rrat but Honestly at this point anything is possible.
  3. Serbian Peacemakers

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    "Mr Riku, a second negligible impact has hit the company."
  4. Serbian Peacemakers

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    Coming out of my Lurker hole to say Holy Fuck. I thought that "Impact will be negligible" statement was bad, but fucking hell. Make them burn in hell Doki, they fucking deserve it. Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen Bomb.
  5. Serbian Peacemakers

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Holy shit I actually sort of respect a twitch stream now, that takes some balls to just say that shit out loud.
  6. Serbian Peacemakers

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    To at least give him credit, saying that a vtuber avatar lets personality and skills shine through could be seen as a jab towards female streamers and the same as saying they are all riding off their looks and not their actual talent, which while very true, would be a massive No-No in the...
  7. Serbian Peacemakers

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    *ninja'd as i was writing my post about this* I think its likely this is about Vesper and Mags graduating, at least I can't imagine any other reason it would be privated without her knowledge, cover might be putting in place a "day of mourning" so-to-speak.
  8. Serbian Peacemakers

    The Termination of Zaion LanZa

    I can only think of one sentence to describe this: Holy Shit. There is not a single timeline where I could have imagined Zaion getting terminated would lead to Niji getting exposed as a fucking MLM tier scam that basically forces talents into a dependency on them and solely them as a source of...
  9. Serbian Peacemakers


    Cross posting from the Homeland: "My Realistic RRAT regarding the Vshojo dropouts is that Vshojo's new contract likely involved them taking a cut of donation and subscriber revenue, this was enough of a issue that Vei and Nyan decided to leave. Twitch already takes a 50/50 split, down from the...
  10. Serbian Peacemakers


    Realistically I doubt any of the Vshojo girls would go to hololive, totally different from what they are used to, going from a total "talent freedom" to a company that actually gives a shit about its image and what its talents do. I think they will stay free agents until the just quit being...
  11. Serbian Peacemakers


    I am pretty sure Melody is working with the Game studio and that Vshojo is not involved at all, but i don't know for sure. That was always a cope and everyone knew it, probably only was said so fans wouldn't think they were going to change content at all, but then again Vshojo never seemed to...
  12. Serbian Peacemakers


    I wouldn't be shocked if we get one more person leaving before the contract renewal stuff is over, my money is on Zen or Melody, Hime is also towards the top of my list but given how little she streams she might be using Vshojo as passive income so maybe not.
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