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  1. No Name

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

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  2. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Speak for yourself, I hate everything and everyone. Jokes aside, don't expect the average human to look past the surface, most people never read past the headline. You could post a video on Youtube with any sorts of polarizing title and there would be people clicking the video, typing a comment...
  3. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Vtuber fans being super autistic? Must be a day that ends in Y :smugmoona:
  4. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Including Demona from Gargoyles, pretty based. A niche choice for sure.
  5. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Fauna is back, all is right with the world.:sanasmile:
  6. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    If we somehow end up at the worst possible outcome, I'll be going on a long trip. You gave me hope, you gave me something to be happy about in these Fauna-less times, that happiness was torn away from me. :pikaufuk:
  7. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    And this is why nobody ever will do that to you. :koronehappyl:
  8. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Fauna playing WoH :sanasmile:, if this woman gets better in any way, I might become parasocial for her.
  9. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    This whole MGS thing :deztheroom:. I love it, I didn't give a crap about it, but I knew the fallout would be fun. I shall sleep soundly tonight, knowing there are people seething over it.
  10. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I want to believe, but the vortex of uncreativity has quite a pull. I'm still holding out hope for a RandonxMatara Kan collab, let the old gamer autism flow!
  11. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Now that Nina joined Vshojo, how much are people willing to bet that her ideas of being "home" means being able to just sit and watch Youtube half her streams? It would be the most true Talent Freedom, joining every other popular streamer in the react revolution. :smugpipi:
  12. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    No Luna to be seen, giving up her spot to the commoner filth. Truly a benevolent princess.
  13. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    You mean glorious internet history? Imagine not having one of the greatest movies of all time on every format available. Shameful really.
  14. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Imagine my excitement when I saw all the new pages having been created in the last 15 hours, I almost thought Nolan had returned. Sadly it was a minor autism storm. I for one welcome "checks page" Bannedvtmemes, I don't consume your content and I have no opinions about you. But you made some...
  15. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Still one of the worst shots in the movie, almost as bad as the chestburster sliding over the table.
  16. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Your explanation makes it sound like kiddie diddlers get scared by the loud noise and runs away, like some wild animal. It's not wrong, but the thought gave me a good chuckle. I don't actually think I've ever had the pleasure of viewing Chinese tourists. But you do make an excellent point, good...
  17. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Social cues* I ain't even apologizing over that. "Social queues" is almost as bad as people writing "would of" your oshi would be disappointed. :iryshalloween:
  18. No Name

    Mascot Thread v2: Brown Woman Good Edition

    Left, bunny ears can go or stay. Leg warmers begone!
  19. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Atleast you got a good title. :smugpipi:
  20. No Name

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Thanks my nig, that was truly a horrifying read.
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