"I feel like I'm displaying excessive wealth by shopping at 7/11"Pipkin Pippa

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  1. Murrayしないで

    Getting Nihongo Jouzu

    Suzumiya? What does she have to do with nihongo jyouzu?
  2. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    I don't think they are but I might be mistaken. Chieri has links to a streamer who's been around at least a month and went by Dear Chieri on some profiles. If she was someone else in AkioAIR, I couldn't find a link. I can't find anything on Cora. If anyone can for sure link those two to AkioAIR...
  3. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    That's some gay Twitter shit all right. He shouldn't have given in to internet activists like that - they will never be happy anyway. I looked up why McDonald's is on their shit list in the first place since obviously they're not an Israeli company or anything. Apparently when shit went down...
  4. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    This whole forum has been speculating about that for weeks. Go for it. Until something happens the main thread might be a better place for it though.
  5. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    I saw that Metorial (formerly MEW Horizon) had done a recent Twitch stream titled "update." I gave it a listen at 2x see if she announced anything new - her current pinned tweet seems to be of a new model/outfit and has the tag #VtuberDebut so I was wondering if she was planning on redebuting...
  6. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Midori reported on Discord that Poyo/Nophilia/"the minor" and Zuri/Azuri/KiviVT/KibiVT have started up a group called V-Tomo with two others, Cheri Adoette and Cora Velorum. Those last two are apparently also AkioAIR alumni (edit: I might have misinterpreted what Midori said and I no longer...
  7. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji L Collection

    I don't think the 15-minute thing is really significant. It's a nice round number but after thinking a bit I doubt they went through the effort to script something out to be fifteen minutes long when they all read through it. And if you edit a video randomly or stop a stream at a random time...
  8. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Do it. Once upon a time I had an idea of doing a series of streams about Japanese-American relations throughout history and even started to take notes. Got to right before the bubble burst when I gave up on it because it was just too big of a project. I still consider returning to it from time...
  9. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Have you ever seen the model of her former agency-mate Yoro Yoyo? It's stiff as a board and her mouth can't really move much. Fortunately she's going to be debuting a new model when she returns from her current hiatus. Yes? Are these not important parts of black history in the US?
  10. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I gave it a watch. It was mostly fine. First off, if you want to watch the VOD yourself, note it's actually in two parts because apparently Serina got some sort of copyright-related alert while streaming and her solution to this was to quickly end that stream and start another one - I didn't get...
  11. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    I know she was one of the members of Kawa Entertainment who found herself agency-less when Kawa decided to suddenly shutter their agency, so I feel bad for her in that regard. But other than that I don't know of her. Looks like she's got some connections though. On Khyo's stream today he was...
  12. Murrayしないで

    AkioAIR: Hiring a minor was only the tip of the mismanagement iceberg. How to destroy an agency in under 1 month.

    Interesting. The timestamp on those two posts are exactly the same. :ameliaThink: I bothered Megu on Twitter to see if there's something she can tell us. She might not be able to (or want to) but I hope she can.
  13. Murrayしないで

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Only capture game windows! Do not do full screen capture! If you need to capture a web browser window, use a separate browser only for that purpose and use it in private browsing mode! If I can figure this shit out, anyone should be able to. Someone needs to remake that emoticon but with Uki.
  14. Murrayしないで

    Twitter cringe and insanity

  15. Murrayしないで

    The Lazarus Pit - streamers who have/are graduating we expect to see back

    Yes, JP, though she tends to speak a good deal of English in her streams and the chat is mostly EN too, for better or worse.
  16. Murrayしないで

    WACTOR: The company blacker than an Ethiopian in a coal mine.

    Think we could talk him into covering AkioAIR… and bringing me on to do it? Or would I be risking my career and my liver to get involved with these lawtuber people?
  17. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    It literally is directly stated in the document that they tried to talk to her, and apparently successfully talked with at least her emergency contact "frequently," before revoking access. Below is the relevant part from the second page of the document, emphasis mine. Note that the video is...
  18. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    As electronic elephant said, that would have just been a waste of time since management could just private it again. More cynically, she could have been preoccupied with her "attempt" at the time. Effectively all pro vtubers have iPhones and most serious amateurs do too. Some of them might...
  19. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    No idea. I don't know what the truth is. I just know that something that people keep saying is the truth doesn't have sufficient evidence to prove it to be so. How do you know it didn't come from her phone? iPhones will automatically convert apostrophes in most apps too, including the Twitter one.
  20. Murrayしないで

    Nijisanji declares Total Retard War on Dokibird

    "The presumed date of her suspension." What evidence do we have to presume her suspension started on the 26th? Again the evidence from Niji themselves argues against that. Not sure what you're referring to but it was probably wrong. How to debunk the "Japanese apostrophe" bullshit in 30...
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