The 2024 win was a nuclear winter for their mental due to Trump winning the popular vote. What a lot of people don't understand is that the nonstop gaslighting about constant victimhood is unironically a tactic used by cults to keep members from leaving. Convince them that the people outside of the cult are out to get them and they're only safe with the "family" to make them dependent on the family. The whole point is to isolate the individual from anyone that could ground them in reality, out of the cult's mindset, and to keep them latched onto the cult's ideology as being their only accepted version of reality.
For years the wokest parts of the left had a whole "us vs them" mindset with the American political landscape, hence why a lot of them would respond in polls that if cheating happened, it was morally justified as long as their side won. They felt further morally justified because of the immense astroturfing. Their entire worldview of "we're the right side of history that everyone agrees with and the evil bad guys are just a small group trying to ruin the world!" got shattered. For a lot of them their worldview got replaced by "we're completely surrounded and everyone is against us." This is a really bad perspective to have when they've been indoctrinated with that "everyone not supporting you is out to get you" mindset. For Clara, that is probably exacerbated by her being in a company with evil chuddettes that openly speak in opposition to her political viewpoints. Throw in her being in the Phase discord and seeing fans openly shit talk stuff like Dustborn or Snow White while she has to keep her mouth shut. The end result is Clara likely feeling completely surrounded by people out to get her, so she's lashing out like a cornered rat.
She has already mentioned numerous times she has been put in a mental ward, so her mental stability was already like a jenga tower. Instead of some noticeable wobbling over time as the game goes on, the election results were someone flipping the entire table over.