"Hahaha this is nothing compared to the questions you guys ask me all the time, questions like 'What flavor are Subaru-chan's boobs?'"Oozora Subaru

Kaminari Clara, Owner of Chuds - Memorial Post Dump


Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Not saying she isn't a good entertainer
I will if you won't.
You underestimate how cucked our media is. If you consumed world news through JP outlets only (who get their news from the "trustworthy" western news sites) you'd believe Trump was tarding out every day and America will go bankrupt any minute with the Eurofags being the only nations with a backbone to stop him.
Combine that with our tendency to adopt retarded western policies well after they've been tried and tested to be failures.
I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences.
Japan is not the wholesome hecking conservative xenophobic samurai honoru country weebs think it is.
I know it isn't. I just didn't realize it was so far gone that the average person on the street wouldn't still point and laugh at a gaijin in drag.

Furious George

Low & Lazy
Joined:  Sep 25, 2022
Every progressive ideologue does this. for some private clara feet pics, i'd be happy to draw up a pro mumia abu jamal or whatever gay progessive cause the kids are into for Clara.
There are hour long videos of her padding around in bare feet. How much more private do you want it to be?
If Clara wasn't such a sperg on the alt accounts she'd be a perfect fit for Phase. Great singing talent, previous idol experience, can speak both Japanese and English, has skills with rigging, and she seems to be getting along well with the other talents too, and has that Phase Connect menhera flavour. If only she wasn't such a politisperg on the alt accounts.
This. I want to like her but her particular brand of dumb bitch is grating.
Do you remember which stream this was?

I was gonna say "is there a clip of this" and realized that, for some reason, there's barely any Clara clips nowadays. Wtf happened? She used to be absolute riot with the clippers a year ago, RVE for example got his first boost on Clara clips and only moved to oshi-ing Jelly later on.
Sorry, I will try to remember what stream it was in but I will probably just end up wasting hours filtering through streams trying to find it. I should be noting every time she says something stupid but my main concern is her not melting down and causing problems for the other girls.

I suspect that not many people here are actually watching her streams and the usual clippers are probably avoiding anything problematic. I noticed LEC clipped most of the Pippa collab except for the Depp conversation.


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The modern leftist madness started kicking into gear around 2010 and was off to the races even before Trump announced his entry into the GOP primaries in 2015. His entry into that contest set off some signals that I still can't figure out, as I saw the corporate press treating him worse than I ever saw them treat Dubya - and this was before he even won the nomination. Him winning was a nuke for the woke minded, and it only got more intense from there. Even after 2020, there were no signs of slowing.

Even if Kamela won, I don't think it would've changed the output of anyone in this mindframe. Rather, they'd be more emboldened than they are even now.
What you might not realize is that Dubya is part of the Uniparty club hence why he's all chummy with Obama and Clinton after leaving office, it's kayfabe. The MSM only started calling Trump the second coming of Hitler after he got the nomination that Jeb was meant to get and they realized they had a rogue element successfully stealing the show.
The 2024 win was a nuclear winter for their mental due to Trump winning the popular vote. What a lot of people don't understand is that the nonstop gaslighting about constant victimhood is unironically a tactic used by cults to keep members from leaving. Convince them that the people outside of the cult are out to get them and they're only safe with the "family" to make them dependent on the family. The whole point is to isolate the individual from anyone that could ground them in reality, out of the cult's mindset, and to keep them latched onto the cult's ideology as being their only accepted version of reality.

For years the wokest parts of the left had a whole "us vs them" mindset with the American political landscape, hence why a lot of them would respond in polls that if cheating happened, it was morally justified as long as their side won. They felt further morally justified because of the immense astroturfing. Their entire worldview of "we're the right side of history that everyone agrees with and the evil bad guys are just a small group trying to ruin the world!" got shattered. For a lot of them their worldview got replaced by "we're completely surrounded and everyone is against us." This is a really bad perspective to have when they've been indoctrinated with that "everyone not supporting you is out to get you" mindset. For Clara, that is probably exacerbated by her being in a company with evil chuddettes that openly speak in opposition to her political viewpoints. Throw in her being in the Phase discord and seeing fans openly shit talk stuff like Dustborn or Snow White while she has to keep her mouth shut. The end result is Clara likely feeling completely surrounded by people out to get her, so she's lashing out like a cornered rat.

She has already mentioned numerous times she has been put in a mental ward, so her mental stability was already like a jenga tower. Instead of some noticeable wobbling over time as the game goes on, the election results were someone flipping the entire table over.
Hell just look back at how the left suddenly stopped being antiwar after Obama was installed. They no longer gave a shit about bombing the middle east when it was a brown dude doing it.
You'd think that simply being a political dumbass would be enough but she's actually so fucking retarded she doesn't even understand how basically every social media website works. She spends her time sperging out like a cracked out retard about muh right wingerz, website algo reads that and then feeds her more right wingerz because that's what's most likely to get further engagement from her. It's the same reason why despite me hating all lefty bullshit with a burning passion I keep seeing leftoid retards on X, because those are the people I most often engage with by commenting on their posts about how stupid they are.

I could spend hours being MATI about the subject but the sad truth is there are no true right wing vtubers, Clara is a spergy attention whoring retard who is fighting ghosts. Some of them have various causes they get attached to that also gets them labeled by other retards as RW, like Pippa, but I don't think even Kirsche is actually RW, if it was still the 90s she'd be a standard American Democrat.

Tl;Dr Clara dumb
You're on to something as Trump is "right-wing" mostly because the Overton's Goalposts have been dragged so far left, most of his policies are that of a JFK Democrat and he even has the son of RFK on his team this time around.

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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famous artist pipkun

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Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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in my dms

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

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Honestly maybe that hag garden stream destroyed my brain but even before all this I stopped watching Clara because I found her annoying. Like sure I guess she can sing. Sing music I don't like, from genres I don't like, in a voice I'm not too fond of.


But still on her main Clara account she was sad vagueposting when Trump was not aced during his assassination attempt. I can't remember who grabbed the tweet first. I want to say @Lurker McSpic @thhrang or @JMForte but I could be wrong. Shit maybe it was Pipkun. I know the one to primarily have a down opinion before that on her though was Mcspic.


Psalm 51
Joined:  Dec 25, 2024
RVE became Jelly's ededitor.
He chose the superior idol :jellySlurs:
I suspect that not many people here are actually watching her streams and the usual clippers are probably avoiding anything problematic. I noticed LEC clipped most of the Pippa collab except for the Depp coconversation.
It makes sense not to document problems like that with clips. If they're paid by phase it'd put their job at risk.

Unseiso Dragon

Seiso? Say No!
Joined:  Jun 8, 2024
I know it isn't. I just didn't realize it was so far gone that the average person on the street wouldn't still point and laugh at a gaijin in drag.
We love to conform and not make a fuss. A tranny in drag might get a few whispers but won't encounter much hostility unless they start acting obnoxiously. Also tarentos in drag being "the voice of reason" has been a thing for years.
Fetishizing euro culture (and euros in general) is a big thing here. If you asked a normie here they'd still think the nordic states are efficiently run with free healthcare and basic income for all with everyone happy,


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Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
We love to conform and not make a fuss. A tranny in drag might get a few whispers but won't encounter much hostility unless they start acting obnoxiously.
Yeah, I suppose the average Japanese wouldn't actually point and laugh, but I didn't think they'd approve of it.
Also tarentos in drag being "the voice of reason" has been a thing for years.
I'm afraid to ask, but what?
Fetishizing euro culture (and euros in general) is a big thing here. If you asked a normie here they'd still think the nordic states are efficiently run with free healthcare and basic income for all with everyone happy,
European culture used to be something to admire, but that was a century or more ago.


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Joined:  Apr 24, 2023
I know it isn't. I just didn't realize it was so far gone that the average person on the street wouldn't still point and laugh at a gaijin in drag.
That's just your average weekend in Tokyo except it's Japan's locally sourced traps


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All this actually makes me curious about whether the managers have enough time and mental resources to monitor atl/roommate/PL accts.
Like, have the Phase staff seen this shit or are they completely unaware it's been going on for months now.


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Wouldn't surprise me if she joined knowing Phase's culture, yet still joining to try and change their image and culture into something she'd rather want, aka progressive shit.

"I can fix them"

Unseiso Dragon

Seiso? Say No!
Joined:  Jun 8, 2024
I'm afraid to ask, but what?
Okamas (men in drag, gay men, etc.) are stereotyped as being sages of wisdom due to having "lived both as a man and as a woman". You see this trope in anime, and I believe there was one Niji vtuber who plays into that type as well. One of our more popular prime time/late night presenters looks like this
Surprisingly he's more masculine than most American late night hosts.
All this actually makes me curious about whether the managers have enough time and mental resources to monitor atl/roommate/PL accts.
Like, have the Phase staff seen this shit or are they completely unaware it's been going on for months now.
I think JP managers can't speak English, and in general I don't think the managers can/are willing to clamp down on talent's spergouts on PL accounts.


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and in general I don't think the managers can/are willing to clamp down on talent's spergouts on PL accounts.
Not what i asked about tho, is it.
The point isn't to "clamp down on PL/RM accounts", it's whether or not a potential spergout on main will be anticipated by them or will it be a complete shock.


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famous artist pipkun

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Mindflayer and Master Baiter
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He chose the superior idol :jellySlurs:

It makes sense not to document problems like that with clips. If they're paid by phase it'd put their job at risk.
xynchro is an idolfag and depp trial is old news. someone else clipped the depp talk. no one archived the yuni watchalongs

Surprisingly he's more masculine than most American late night hosts.
matsuko delux is funny person tho, he's great on downtown and the panel shows.


Well-known member
Joined:  Mar 17, 2025
Okamas (men in drag, gay men, etc.) are stereotyped as being sages of wisdom due to having "lived both as a man and as a woman". You see this trope in anime, and I believe there was one Niji vtuber who plays into that type as well. One of our more popular prime time/late night presenters looks like this.
Do most Okamas just act like transvestites though or do they do full delusional throwing violent tantrums if you don't treat them like a real woman letting them into the ladies restrooms and locker rooms?
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