That's understandable, given the UK has influence on Canada, South Africa, and Australia. (The legal and cultural take on self defense originates from the UK) In these places, the people seem to have cucked take on self defense. Which makes sense, given these are the same people who argue, that it's the police's job to take out and defend people, against criminals.
Just to get off topic, a lot of the Canadians, as well other European and Europe-influenced people, would rather be a law abiding victim than a self defending outlaw. In America and some exceptional parts of Europe, such as Northern Ireland for example, the people there would rather be an outlaw for self defense than a victim. Furthermore, the restrictions on self defense, in my opinion and in the most extreme cases, is how you get illegal paramilitaries to form and recruit, like what happened in the Troubles. This is also one of the reasons why I lol at the Canadians who say they will wage a guerrilla war against the US military invading. The Canadian government would likely arrest their own people for taking arms against a military invasion, for whatever stupid reason they can pull out of their ass, even if the armed civilians are fighting for the Canadian government. Europe and countries influenced by them, have a lot of bad/flawed takes on self defense/free speech/privacy and so on. I'm also not a huge fan of Japan's gun and self defense laws, but that's a discussion for a different day.
Now that mentioned the Canadian woke red dawn LARP, I wonder if Clara thinks Canadians can somehow resist the US military, or thinks resistence is futile since the US military has tanks and drones (typical gun control L)
Given Clara is Canadian, I guess I shouldn't be surprised she has a pathetic take on Kyle Rittenhouse, based on her likely cringe take on self defense and gun ownership. Still wonder how hard she'd spreg about it.
I worry Clara, might make Sakana tighten restrictions on the Phase talents, regarding political topics/jokes and ruin it for the other talents.