New missive
Why is she so hyper fixated on vermintide? If i hadn't seen her PL I'd assume she is one.
New missive
Oh, that's much better than the alternative meaning of BLM: Boy's Love Manga.To ruin the fun a little bit, the FFXIV Job/Class Black Mage (commonly abbreviated as "BLM") recently had some controversial changes that resulted in dumbing down the class amidst some lows in the overall FFXIV playerbase
Yeah you'd think they'd be the ones leading the charge against men in "womanface".It never fails to confuse me that Rad-Fem types like her spend all of their time bitching and moaning about men but the moment one puts on a dress and wig suddenly he's apart of the sisterhood and not a dangerous predator
you mean fourth female hostClara would be the perfect fourth and only female host of Trash Taste.
That's every college-aged middle-class single woman. Ones are just more spergy than the other.There are many talents who more likely than not lean left, maybe Lia, Eimi, Rie (confirmed iirc), likely Runie. However the difference between them and Clara is they aren't leftist. There's a difference. There's a difference between passively just thinking left wing talking points make sense and housing leftist ideas as your paradigm. The former is easy to debate with even if I think it's just good that they don't express politics in any acount. Clara is the latter.
Also this thread has made me respect Jelly even more than I already did.
Clara is not college aged.That's every college-aged middle-class single woman. Ones are just more spergy than the other.
If my memory serves, she had like one tweet hugging a black man at a convention and put the BLM hashtag on another one.Kiara was a raging lefty in her pl
she sounds college age to me don't ruin the jokeClara is not college aged.
The University of King's College is a public liberal arts university in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Established in 1789, it is the oldest chartered university in Canada, and the oldest English-speaking university in the Commonwealth outside the United Kingdom.
kkklara is cliche. maybe ill draw her fagdad neglecting her@famous artist pipkun my nigga from another bodega, your artistic prowess is needed.
Think she has a hate boner for anything and anyone not "progressive" so a gloating message seems perfectly in-character for her. And IIRC she was owning the chuds even before the election happened.Weird thought but I wonder if all this negativity would've come to light if Mr. Cheeto didn't become president. Would Clara have posted a gloating message on Instagram? Or would she have kept quiet but let her political leanings slowly drip through her content?
I say this because while the election melty sealed the deal, there were a couple of instances that in hindsight seem prophetic (the needless commentary on Grease and being the first talent to open a bsky account).
Weird thought but I wonder if all this negativity would've come to light if Mr. Cheeto didn't become president. Would Clara have posted a gloating message on Instagram? Or would she have kept quiet but let her political leanings slowly drip through her content?
I say this because while the election melty sealed the deal, there were a couple of instances that in hindsight seem prophetic (the needless commentary on Grease and being the first talent to open a bsky account).
I wrote a long post again but that's gay. Best guess is only a maybe. She is Canadian and they have an inferiority complex that makes them hostile towards America/Americans. However, she has been active for a looooooong time in niche communities/cultures that at minimum lean progressive. If she just rode that wave from her Internet adventures she could end up spewing all this sort of hostility. You could arrive at our present state either from being a shitlib Canadian who h8s Drumpf or a shitlib tumblr/otaku/CW superfan netizen.Weird thought but I wonder if all this negativity would've come to light if Mr. Cheeto didn't become president.
Again 50/50, her politics are mostly social, insofar as she would've I'd argue it's rooted in that libtardation. Equally likely she wouldn't and would've just talked shit during and after the election re: Trumps socially conservative positions/positions that "harmed" American racial/sexual minorities irregardless of the actual outcome of the election. Her opinions seem driven by progressive journalists and influencers not who is actually representing the "conservative" faction of the US. Even during Obama libtards had something to be mad about (member Drumpf only accelerated the Obama era mudslime dronestrikes etcetera). Canadians are weird and gay. Tangential, but even their conservative party would still be left wing here, they're gay and love jeets/chinese, they don't actually respect self defense or arms ownership, and they don't give a fuck about industry.Would Clara have posted a gloating message on Instagram? Or would she have kept quiet but let her political leanings slowly drip through her content?
The 2024 win was a nuclear winter for their mental due to Trump winning the popular vote. What a lot of people don't understand is that the nonstop gaslighting about constant victimhood is unironically a tactic used by cults to keep members from leaving. Convince them that the people outside of the cult are out to get them and they're only safe with the "family" to make them dependent on the family. The whole point is to isolate the individual from anyone that could ground them in reality, out of the cult's mindset, and to keep them latched onto the cult's ideology as being their only accepted version of reality.Him winning was a nuke for the woke minded
See, that's the thing. A fair few of them don't (the dreaded TERF). And a lot are browbeaten and prefer not to air their actual opinions on the matter for (legitimate) fears of ending their career and/or violence.It never fails to confuse me that Rad-Fem types like her spend all of their time bitching and moaning about men but the moment one puts on a dress and wig suddenly he's apart of the sisterhood and not a dangerous predator
Really makes you wonder why she even joined Phase in the first place. I get that opportunities to join non-scam corpos are sparse but still.For years the wokest parts of the left had a whole "us vs them" mindset with the American political landscape, hence why a lot of them would respond in polls that if cheating happened, it was morally justified as long as their side won. They felt further morally justified because of the immense astroturfing. Their entire worldview of "we're the right side of history that everyone agrees with and the evil bad guys are just a small group trying to ruin the world!" got shattered. For a lot of them their worldview got replaced by "we're completely surrounded and everyone is against us." This is a really bad perspective to have when they've been indoctrinated with that "everyone not supporting you is out to get you" mindset. For Clara, that is probably exacerbated by her being in a company with evil chuddettes that openly speak in opposition to her political viewpoints. Throw in her being in the Phase discord and seeing fans openly shit talk stuff like Dustborn or Snow White while she has to keep her mouth shut. The end result is Clara likely feeling completely surrounded by people out to get her, so she's lashing out like a cornered rat.
She has already mentioned numerous times she has been put in a mental ward, so her mental stability was already like a jenga tower. Instead of some noticeable wobbling over time as the game goes on, the election results were someone flipping the entire table over.