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Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Highlights 17
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Miko and Subaru give a gift to Noel in celebration of her surpassing 2 million subscribers. (Days 16 and 17)

Subaru's payback prank on Kanade. (Days 14 and 17)

Day 17:
AZKi asks Watame and Iroha to test out the goat arena.

Towa takes mental damage from reading Subaru-nyumu.

Vivi meets with Kiara and Elizabeth and gets senpai taxed.

Towa and Vivi hang out together.

Haachama meets with Kiara and later Elizabeth.

Su reads the SuHaachama-nyumu Haachama wrote.

(Taken from here.)
Morning (JST) Hours:
  • Gigi logs onto the server. She talks about her plans (She has many plans). One plan is to make an iron farm. Another plan is to make a mini replica of Parkour Civilization
  • Gigi saw Koyori's gift. Its very sweet and cute (diamond and golden blocks), plus the shulker box. Gigi wants to save the sign but taking the shulker box means removing the sign. She immediately takes the gold and makes it into powered rails. Chat has different opinions on how to place powered rails (like what order).
  • Gigi starts to place the powered rails and yaps along. She is thinking of making a canal underneath for those afraid of the train.
  • Gigi looks up a tutorial for making an iron farm. There's a few different ones she find. She finds a spot to the side of the jungle and clears some land for the iron farm.
  • The iron farm is progressing as well as it can for Gigi (I type this out and shortly afterwards she falls into the lava part and dies cause she was trying to escape from zombies, and then almost immediately after that when she was trying to put the villagers into the trap properly, one of them fell into the iron trap itself and died in the lava).
  • Gigi farm seems to work, but when she checked on the villagers, one of the iron golems was seen stuck on a slab and died right in front of the zombie and villager. She makes some adjustments and it works.
  • Gigi goes to give a present to Koyori, as thanks for the gold and shulker box. She'll give a shell. Gigi puts a fence and torches around Koyori's sign and also puts her own signs too next to it, so it doesn't get destroyed. Chat also suggest to enclase it in glass to keep it safe.
  • Gigi then makes her mini parkour civilization. It'll be next to Kronii's tree farm.
  • Gigi arrives at the main area to deliver Koyori's present. She goes to nickname the shell "HAPPY LOVE SHELL". She also puts multiple signs on the chest. Also an iron shovel.

Afternoon (JST) Hours:
  • Off stream, Polka noticed that a fixed camera house has been made for her. Its at the bridge next to Okayu's house (this is where she was streaming her fixed camera POV yesterday. Multiple incidents happened to Polka that day).
  • Matsuri logs onto the server. Today she'll be finishing up Polka's house. She plans to use Sea lanterns for the house.
  • Matsuri takes a walk around, she sees Ceci's music box and tries it out. While travelling she realizes that she doesn't have any silk touch to get some of the coral blocks in its whole. She does however collect tropical fish for Polka. She then goes to collect lots of sand at a nearby desert.
  • Flow Glow made a free brick chest and sign at the entrance of their castle (not sure when but probably before Matsuri's stream)
  • Back at the house Matsuri does work on Polka's house. She digs out and around underneath, making a pool filled with tropical fish. Later, Matsuri meets up with Polka. Polka only responds in head nods.
  • Suisei shows what happened previously at the City Area; Iron Farms were made by Iroha. She also shows what she's been working on (using screenshots from Miko's stream)
  • Matsuri dug out underneath Polka's house, and filled it with water, making Polka's whole house be on the water.
  • From the comments: Polka and Nenechi are exploring the End together, forming the NenePol team. They're looking for an Elytra for Polka. They found an End City but it was already looted. They found another that showed signs of already being looted, but they went in to snag a few things like an Ender chest. While the ship was empty for Elytra, they snagged the dragon head. Their search continues.
  • Earlier, Noel found both Subaru and Miko gifts to her.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Iroha has been making dirt using lava and a mud brick block.
  • Kanade logs online and slowly climbs up to the top where the haachama coaster is. The haachama coaster recently got a large pink tori gate added to it. Kanade was able to climb up so high because of the vines that grew down to her house.
  • Noel has been enchanting her items and armor and giving them names.
  • Azki is planning on making a Guesser Pin above the storage room of their house. Azki then meets up with Iroha, and Iroha shows Azki the Comiket room/circle room that Miko made yesterday.
  • Kanade found the stuff that was underneath her house. She found the sheep and the minecart. She goes for a ride in the minecart.
  • Pekora logs online. She shows the One Piece outfits she made with the armor for those who missed it last time.
  • Sounds like there will be another auction ltomorrow. Azki makes sure to tell folks about it.
  • Azki spies on Kanade at her house. Kanade is busy crafting and getting her items to notice. As she was spying, Azki get attacked by a Drowned. Kanade hears the Drowned and hitting noises, and goes over to help Azki out. Azki thanks Kanade, she tells her how she was spying on her just now (and they talk about other things too).
  • Iroha has to the Stylish City Area, she has her own set of villagers that she can trade for. They're located directly above the nether portal (Not totally mob proof as zombies kept showing up).
  • Azki and Kanade meet up with Noel, and the two congrat Noel on 2 million subscribers. Azki asks Noel what shes doing right now. Noel says she would like to go and get an Elytra. Azki, Kanade, and Noel talk about The End (sounds like Kanade, Noel, and Azki will go?) Azki heads back home.
  • Pekora has been busy making multiple potions of fire resistance.
  • Nene and Polka head back on home. Since its Nene's first time reaching the end, she gets the ending credits when they both jump into the portal. Back at the stronghold, the two punch each other to the death. Nene comes out the winner.
  • Azki meets up with Iroha and asks if shee wants to go with her, Noel, and Kanade to the end to find an elytra. Iroha says she'll go.
  • Back home Nene reorganizes her free items chest that's in front of her house. Nene then takes a walk around using the new frostwalker boots that she got in The End.
  • Polka meets up with Noel. Polka tells her about what shes been up to. Noel also talk to Polka about her CCTV. Noel then shows Polka the Mace like thing thats behind her hamster. Azki comes by talk to the two of them.
  • Pekora has been noticing her villagers have been escaping from somewhere. She leaves it for now. She enters the Nether (hence the fire potions), and will fly on through. She flies until she finds a Nether fortress. She goes in the nether fortress and finds an armor trim (the purpose of her trip, she wanted to collect a unique armor trim found here). She explores more of the fortress and finds that the wither skeletons are here.
  • Azki, Iroha, Kanade, and Noel all go to The End together. They pass by Gigi's village. Chat tells Azki about the place, like who the buildings belong to. They enter the end shortly after and talk walking.
  • Polka back at home see's Vivi's expanded farms. She heads on over to see her house and she really likes it.
  • Noel, Kanata, and Hajime log onto the server. Lamy talks about how she and Kanata want to get Pet Striders for Minato City. Hajime checks out Marine's house, with Polka nearby to chat. Polka also shows Hajime her house that Matsuri made.
  • Hajime meets up with Lamy and Kanata who've been chatting. Kanata been showing Lamy the Conan outfit that she's currently wearing. Lamy also notices that inside the heart that was made is a plant to grow Chorus Fruits, Chorus Flower. It was in a shulker box given by Koyori. Kanata and Lamy head to Miko's place ot get a strider, only to find that all the striders are gone. They hear that the striders got moved and go searching. Kanata then gives Lamy a present of items they would need for adventure to find pets. Lamy appreciates it.
  • I also noticed that next to Polka's CCTV house, either Okayu or someone took the area at Okayu's house and bridge, turned it into a makeshift Pale Garden Biome.
  • Hajime does some exploring around the server. She finds Raora's house and Biboo's Animal Cafe. Hajime enters the cafe to get a look. Shes's surprised by the polar bears and snowman. Sasuga Biboo. Hajime climbs up towards Biboo's chair. After some more wandering, Hajime does a bit of fishing. After more exploring Hajime checks out the Nether. She follows the path that leads to the Europe City Area. She explores of the nether around here. She was looking for her nether portal that lead to the snowy biome she was at the other day. (when they were exploring an ocean monument).
  • Pekora is able to obtain 3 wither skeleton heads. She got all 3 within 10 minutes, which is very lucky. After getting the skeleton heads, Pekora heads back on home. Back home she shows off her treasures.
  • Kanata and Lamy enter a jungle to find pets. They find a red parrot that Lamy tries to befriend. While it takes Lamy many attempts, Kanata is able to befriend it easily after one click. They then find a grey parrot that Lamy was able to quickly befriend. The two then spot a blue parrot, and Lamy works to befriend it. It's a success. They find a jungle ruin while explore but see that its already been looted. They find nearby a cave with a mineshaft that people were previously in. Lamy and Kanata find themeslves a small base in a flattened desert area (I think Korone was here before when she was gathering all the sand). They then eventually make it back home.
  • Vivi logs onto the server. She continues working on expanding her lava dripstone farm. Vivi then works on fixing the stair blocks that are at the front of her house. She then does some trading with her farming villagers.
  • Pekora leaves a present in front of Kaela's house (well in front of Biboo's house but she puts a sign with Kaela's name on it). Its an armor trim along with multiple netherrack blocks. Since its a trim Kaela doesn't have yet, Pekora wanted to give it to her.
  • Azki, Iroha, Kanade and Neol find a portal they can use to get them back to the main island. Iroha sets up some blocks near it so its easily to climb into, with Kanade writing down the coords so people don't forget. Iroha also seems to have made improvements to climbing up to the portal at the main end city, and also adding a waterbucket to help people get down from the first portal that leads to the outer islands. They all been making paths to try and find the End City.
  • Hajime went to the ocean monument she explored at before to get the sea lanterns there. After getting the lanterns, Hajime heads on back home (she also notices that Calli had logged on, most likely to check and prepare for her next Minecraft stream).
  • Back home Kanade and Lamy check out the local mineshaft and find the amethyst geode. The girls go and collect the amethyst. They do more exploring and find a Deep Dark Biome. Lamy and Kanata take off their things and decide to go explore it and summon the Warden. This is Lamy's first time experiencing the Warden, so Kanata explained how it works. They summon the Warden and both of them get one/two shotted. After the warden trip, the two go back to prepare to find Axolotls.
  • Pekora heads back to the nether and goes hunting for ancient debris. She uses the TNT method of finding them. Pekora eventually ran out TNT, so she had to dig for it manually.
  • Vivi has been using the emeralds she made from her farm to buy lots of enchanting books, and then using those books on items like her diamond sword.
  • Hajime spotted some pillagers and asked for help in dealing with them. Pekora responded but only in a jokingly matter. Hajime did get the courage and defeated them. Hajime looks and sees the green parrot at Azuiro's place enclosed in glass.
  • Noel and Kanade find an End City (Azki and Iroha are somewhere else making a path). Since the End City looks to be unlooted they go inside and explore. Noel much later on spots another end city and this one has a ship. Granted its pretty far from where she is. Noel goes and tries to make a path towards the city and end ship. Kanade meanwhile makes it to a ship and gets herself an Elytra. Noel also gets her own Elytra too. The group meets back up in VC. Kanade ends up dying I think while falling and forgot to put a lot of her items away. At the very least her Elytra is safe in the ender chest. She spawned back at the Stronghold. Everyone else goes back to the stronghold. Noel gives the Elytra she found today to Azki. Everyone goes back into the teleporter so they can all see the ending credits. While Azki and Iroha make it back home, Kanade and Noel are still in the stronghold and need to break the beds. After breaking the beds, everyone makes it back to the spawnpoint.
  • Kanata and Lamy head out to find a lush cave. On the way they meet and befriend a couple of dogs. They find a nearby lush cave (thats been explored btw) and look for axolotls. They find Axoltols in the cave. AFter finding the Axolotls they head back on home again. Kanata's dog kept on trying to attack Lamy because Lamy hit Kanata, so Kanata left the dog sitting in the middle of the forest. They eventually make their way back home. Lamy was able to bring back home her dog. Back at Lamy's house, they put the ceiling flower they found at the lush cave. Lamy also makes a pool in the roof of her house for her axolotls.
  • Hajime places dirt by the river, expanding the land. It looks like she's making some space to create a home for herself by the river. She also works to place dirt in the river, creating a border for herself. There's still some river to pass through but its a lot smaller. To get more dirt for her project she digs out the hill that's next to her. Hajime places a sign in front saying that she'll be making a water house here in the future. (hence the blocking off of the river with dirt).
  • Watame logs onto the server. Since its been a few days since she last played, she looks a bit around to see what's changed. Then Watame continues her work in making the wool farm. Watame sees that the river nearby has been altered.
  • Azki and Iroha meet up with Hajime and tell her about their adventures in The End. Hajime shows the two of them what she's been working on. Pekora then comes by meeting up with them.
  • Towa logs onto the server. She says hi and Watame also replies with hi. Towa also meets up with Hajime, Azki, Iroha, and Pekora. Azki tells Towa about the upcoming auction that will happen tomorrow. Towa and Pekora head off to do their own thing. Hajime follows Azki and Iroha.
  • Towa goes exploring around the server. She checks out Vivi's farm. Towa discovers a new photospot was made Looks to be a bench with a heart on it. (unknown who made the spot, most likely Reine since its close to her library and the library seems to have gotten updated. Ollie is also another contender). Towa then heads over to Fubukingdom. While heading there, she meets up with Vivi. Both Towa and Vivi head out the nether portal to the fubukingdom. Towa notices there's been some changes since she was last here. Even Vivi says it looks like Europe. After looking around a bit, they head back into the nether. Towa hits Vivi along the way as they head back home. Vivi then takes Towa a tour of her home. Towa then heads off for now.
  • Iroha helps Hajime out with the water house. She grabs sand and uses it to help drain the water from the pool. Iroha also explains how to use sponges in the water. Once the water is drained. They also work on cleaning up the blocks from the water. Iroha uses sand to help drain the blocks. Azki comes by to watch two work. Thank to their help the entire area gets drained of water.
  • Kanata and Pekora talk in the Minecraft chat. In the chat, Kanata writes: God is PEKORA. Pekora shows up next to Kanata. and her armor with the trims makes her look like a tiger. She makes it out of Netherite and gold as a gift for Niko. Pekora also shows Kanata her other armor clothing (based off of One Piece) and her turtle farm. Pekora is planning to sell the Sanji and Zoro armor as a set tomorrow at the auction. Kanata then leaves Pekora's house for now.
  • Towa comes by to Kanata's house and see the Subaruium book at the 2nd floor. Towa proceeds to read it. She keeps pausing though to laugh or cringe at the text. Page 5 got a big laugh from her (and big cringe too). After she finishes reading it, she writes a review on the wall.
  • Azki meets up with WAtame. She asks Watame about attending the auction tomorrow. Watame has no money but Azki says that's fine. Watame considers selling her pants. Azki helps to take her to the Pale Garden Biome nearby to get some Pale Oak wood and saplings. Both Watame and Azki gather the mats from there. After collecting a good amount, the two head on back home. Azki can't wait to see her at the auction tomorrow.
  • Vivi asks to borrow some nether warts from Noel She wants to take some and make her own nether warts farm. She makes one underneath her house. Vivi asks the Minecraft chat about getting Blaze rods. Iroha responds to her. Vivi learns about a Blaze Rod farm so she heads there with the Minecart (there is much screaming). After getting the Blaze rods she heads back on home.
  • Towa heads to the allay house next door and checks it out. She plays the jukebox and it makes the Allay dance. Towa continues her exploration of the server and Ina's house. She also checks out Marine's house. Towa ends up running to Noel's house and meeting up with her before moving on. Towa stops by Subaru's house and checks out the ducks, along with playing the music thats in the jukebox there (Towa must have some fast boots on or something shes running all over the server). She next visits Mio, Niko, Lui, and Okayu's houses (since theyre all close to each other). Next she checks out Kiara's Flip and Flop House. Afterwards, she finds Pekora's house and the Pekomid.
  • Moona logs onto the server. She's in low energy right now. She starts by chopping some cherry trees. Moona by pure chance got a 4 horsemen of the apocalypse summoned in front of her (it gives her a startle). She gets her bow and arrows and shoots at them, leaving behind skeleton horse. Moona takes the skeleton horse and brings it back to the ID area's horse stable.
  • Moona then checks out Azuiro's Iron farm and sees that the crafter isn't connected properly. She wants to ask Azki about it. She sends a message and they tell her that she can go ahead and fix it. Moona begins work on iron farm repairs. While working on the iron farm, Hajime stops by to pick up some iron.
  • Pekora has been exploring the server, travelling far and wide. She finds a village next to a Mesa biome. She travels to Jungle ruins to look for their treasure (I think she's looking for a specific armor trim). Pekora heads back on home to go and repair her equipment.
  • Hajime begins construction work on her Water house. It'll have glass walls around it.
  • Haachama logs online and shows what she worked on off stream. She made a large dirt platform in the sky thats connected to her rail. Haachama walks about and meets up with Hajime (Haachama is still in her towel minecraft skin btw). Haachama meets up with Ollie. She thinks Ollie is poisoned but she tells Haachama that its just the effects of Fire Resistance. Ollie gives Haachama a potion and she drinks it immediately, giving her fire resistance.
  • Azki and Iroha are back at the mountains building their goat horn activity game (where you try to get the goats to ram into the wall and drop their horns). They have one of the goats in their pen for testing, to see if it will ram)
  • Noel heads back to her own set of villagers at the Savannah biome. She's trying to keep the villagers inside this house but they're able to climb up the scaffolding.
  • Vivi learns to make her own brewing stand. Seems like she wants to learn how to make potions. Vivi makes some potions and tries them out, like the night vision potion.
  • Towa goes looking for a place to make her house. She finds some clear empty land and gets to work. It looks to be directly behind Elizabeth's house and also beside Okayu's house (It connects between Liz and Okayu's houses in a diagonal way if you were took at from above).
  • Haachama visits Su's house. The two talk for a while and then Haachama visits Vivi's house and farm. Haachama then proceeds to farm all of her watermelon. Vivi came by and told Haachama about what had happened. She says that its okay. After Haachama and Su get some watermelon, the two of them head into the mines to do some branch mining for diamonds.
  • Pekora does more travelling and comes across an actual pyramid. She digs into the pyramid to find treasure. She flies around and finds another pyramid to dig for treasure in (armor trims from the pyramids). After getting the treasure, Pekora uses her Riptide trident to fly on back home.
  • Watame does another prank inside Subaru's house. Its an ojameri wack-a-mole game. Towa comes by (she's asking for amethyst). Watame also shows Towa what she's been working on. She wants her to do a test play. The games work with Watame being the one to wack. Towa takes to it right away. She ends up falling in it directly. They decide to switch turns but Towa takes the upper hand with her bow and arrow at Watame.
  • Hajime finishes putting up the glass walls surrounding her house and slowly begins removing the dirt and sand that was preventing water from entering (now the glass can do that).

Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • Moona gets a nametag to name her Skeleton horse. By chat's suggestion she names it Dinnerbone and puts it on the horse, which makes the horse upside down.
  • Towa goes to collect more amethysts for her house.
  • Moona begins construction on her wool farm. She starts with set up of where it'll be (which is next to Reine's frog prison). Moona goes into a single player world to better construct and plan out what the wool farm will look like. After some experimenting and testing Moona goes back into the server and chops more trees.
  • Azki and Iroha continue their work on the goat horn area. Azki puts fences on the sides to help present the goats from jumping over (note goats can jump very high). Iroha brings the goats from the outside over to the inside. Azki also goes and rounds up as many goats as she can to bring inside of their pen. Once their pen is completed, they remove the old smaller temporary pen they had set up before. They keep on trying to bring in the goats into the pen but they keep on trying to escape. One of the baby goats rams into Azki.
  • Watame makes some Subaru looking banners. Later she sees the farms that are underneath Subaru's house.
  • Vivi gets attacked by multiple Drowned at once while exploring underwater. They don't have tridents at least. She does her best to swim all the way up to shore. Vivi then works on trying to get back home.
  • Noel continues work at the village at the savannah biome area. She is levelling up her cartographer villagers in the hopes of getting the map that she wants. After much work Noel gets the map that she wants (its a map to a trial chamber). Noel starts to follow it.
  • Pekora partakes in some cave diving. She finds a Deep Dark Biome (She wants to find another armor trim located in this biome).
  • Su takes Haachama to Europa/Fubukingdom/Stylish City, the whole area. Su brings Haachama over to Miko's TTT area. Its a long swim over. They head up and the two use TTT to heal their pickaxes. After generally mending their items, the two leave and head back to the main server area. On the way, they go to take a closer look at the group of houses that Suisei made. They head back to the main area and go inside Azuiro's Branch mines to do some more mining for diamonds.
  • With the Goat area generally complete, Azki writes a sign at the front. In English Azki writes: Goat Horn Challenge. On the next sign, Azki writes down the rules for the game. There's rules for if you're playing with 2 people or 1 person. Azki then writes a message asking if anyone would like to come and try out their game (I think).
  • Vivi does some fishing by her house. Watame sneaks up behind her. Watame while being sneaky lands in the watermelon path and makes a noise, which gets Vivi's attention. Watame asks what Vivi is doing. Vivi is trying to fish up a pufferfish for potions. (I believe pufferfish give an underwater breathing potion). Vivi talks about being in the nether and about the ghast (she makes the sound that ghast made). Vivi then shows Watame around her house. Watame then takes Vivi to her Camping Car.
  • Azki makes the board for the upcoming auction happening tomorrow. On the Auction notice board, Azki writes down the instructions in English along with Japanese. "Admission Free. Payment in diamond only. Debt available."
  • Watame heads to the Goat Horn challenge to give it a try. She starts by being inside the challenge room and Azki will push the button lifting the blocks for the goat to ram into. After some time, it works and Watame gets her first horn. Watame then goes outside with Iroha going inside, and Watame will push the button to lift the blocks for the goat to ram into. It works, and Watame gets her second horn. As soon as the goat is confirmed hornless, Iroha immediately kills it.
  • Watame goes to submit her Legendary Ajimaru Shield for the auction.
  • Su and Haachama go with Azki to the Goat Horn challenge. Azki explains the rules for how the goat challenge will work. They get a goat into the challenge pen ready to go. For the first round, Su will be inside and Haachama will push the button. The timing is a bit off for Haachama. They do one attempt of the goat ramming but Haacham misses the timing, and no horn is dropped. The goat rams again and this time it hits Su directly. Iroha is seen threatening the goat with a bow and arrow. After a 3rd attempt they decide to switch with Haachama being inside and Su pressing the button. The goat rams, but Su missing her timing. The goat rams again, and the timing was better but no horn.
  • Watame comes back and watches them partake in the game. Another attempt, but no goat horn. Watame then takes a turn to press the button instead of Su. They finally get the goat horn after waiting a while for it to ram. Haachama gets to keep the goat horn. They try to get the 2nd horn from this goat, with Iroha being the one inside (And threatening it directly with her bow and arrow). The goat horn is removed. Su gets the 2nd horn, and Iroha instantly kills the goat afterwards. Su and Haachama thank Iroha for the game and head on back. Watame stays behind by herself to get a better look at the Goat Horn Challenge.
  • Pekora heads over to where Noel is to pull a prank on her. Pekora goes invisible but she plays Noel's song on the mic so Noel can hear it in game. This gets Noel confused wondering where the song is, and she runs around trying to find it. She eventually kind of tracks on where Pekora is and tries to go after her. Eventually Pekora puts her armor on so Noel can see her, and confessed to the prank.
  • Vivi goes exploring in the underwater caves and the river area outside of the main server area. She has her potions to help her be underwater for longer, plus she has her trident too. Vivi asks to not sleep during the night because she wants to hunt for drowned.
  • Now that Moona figured out the wool farm, she works on assembling it all together. It's in a compact and neat order. She makes sure all the shears are added in the dispensers. Moona uses Pale Oak trap doors to decorate the farm and hide the redstone and hopper mechanics.
  • Meanwhile, Koyori calls for Azki to make a delivery for tomorrow's auction (on Azki's screen she has a list of items that will be put up for auction. Has the name of the item and the original owner. The list will get bigger by tomorrow). One of Koyori's items is an Armor Trim and a book. The book has one page that Azki reads through. The items are submitted and added.
  • Iroha shows Azki where she's keeping the auction items. They go in a chest thats besides the auction board. The chest is connected to a hopper to a bigger chest underground which has the items (so no one can peek or take away items once they're submitted). Azki takes a look at the items and writes them down along with the owner. The chest system can also be used if a person wants to submit an item and neither Iroha or Azki are online to take them. Azki reads a rule book that Iroha made for the upcoming auction. It has a list of instructions for using the Listing Chest. The rules are written in both Japanese and English. So theres a chest for putting the items in, along with books for you to write down what you submitted. Their name and starting price.
  • Haachama goes into the nether and dies from a Piglin. Since it happened in the tunnel, she was able to get her items back easily.
  • Since Watame is up here in the mountains she uses this chance to try and collect powdered snow (snow you can pick up in a bucket). While waiting for the snow to collect, she also tries to get horns from a goat that is wandering outside. She has one already and tries to get a 2nd horn. Watame then tries to see if she can pick up the powdered snow directly from the ground. After getting the powdered snow she heads back to the main area.
  • Pekora has been making multiple attempts in exploring the Deep Dark biome to find an ancient city that has the specific trim that she wants.
  • Moona while walking passes by Azki and Iroha. They tell Moona about the upcoming auction. Moona says she'll have Yagoo pay, but Iroha says no yagoo pay. Azki asks if Moona will log in tomorrow. She will. They try to say what time the auction will happen in english and give the Indonesian time to Moona. Moona asks if she can auction her skeleton horse. They allow it. She'll also need at least one diamond. Moona will come tomorrow anyway. Moona says after that convo that all the JP she learned went poof.
  • After the convo with Moona, Azki considers getting someone to help translate to EN. Her chat suggest bringing Haachama. There was also suggestions of having Chat GPT. Azki writes more signs in english. Haachama comes by to read the signs. She says they are perfect.
  • Moona goes back to her wool farm to bring her sheep from the ID area to her wool farm.
  • Watame meets up with Haachama and Vivi at the area will all the chests (nearby the spawn). They show off Vivi the goat horns that they have gotten earlier. Watame then gets a kiss from Haachama before setting off.
  • Azki and Iroha check out different parts of the server. They check out Moona's wool farm that she's working on, and think is very cool. They then check out Hajime's water house.
  • Haachama while in the branch mines with Su, falls in lava and dies. She lost 40 diamonds and her pickaxe. After the zenloss of items, Su and Haachama go to Kaela's Villager Trading area and Haachama tries to get her enchantments back.
  • Kanade while off stream, was able to find her items that she lost when she died in The End earlier.
  • Pekora while travelling comes across a long ice road and gets confused by it. Turns out someone came here previously. It looks to be Noel. (She says it was Aokiji).
  • Moona is gathering leather to make item frames for the wool. She oversees Biboo's big chair and finds it pretty funny (Shes at her cow machine).
  • Watame is busy gathering sand around by the riverside.
  • Kiara and Liz plan on making a zoo today. Chat tells her of Biboo's zoo, though she describes it as an animal cafe. But Kiara goes to see Biboo's cafe and she says its basically a zoo. Liz is thinking of making something with a more open air concept. Kiara suggest to make the zoo at Gigi's village since it needs more tourism. Liz also suggest they can make a house together there.
  • Moona heads through the rails to go to the Blaze Rod Farm. She gets the Hot tourists destination.
  • Liz and Kiara head to the trading center to get fortune 3 for their pickaxes. They'll go mining for diamonds.
  • Moona goes to collect all the color dye for her sheep. She goes to Vivi's autofarm and likes how it looks. Moona trades some carrots for baked potatoes. Moona tries to figure out how Vivi picks up the food. There is a hopper underneath.
  • Vivi enters the trading center and meets with Kiara and Liz. They praise Vivi for her new cover song that she just released. Vivi says she wants to sing with them one day. Kiara asks Vivi if she had any spare diamond pickaxes but Vivi says shes saving up her tomorrow's auction. Vivi then tells Kiara and Liz about the upcoming auction happening tomorrow and that she'll probably go into debt. Kiara realizes when shopping she was short on emeralds so she coerces Vivi into giving some to her "wink wink", Vivi realizes what had happens and calls out Kiara on it. She tries to get Liz on her side saying Kiara is bad, and Kiara trying to correct herself (Funny interactions and JP convo between the 3 occur). Eventually Vivi gave a present of an Unbreaking 3 book. Apparently she bought the wrong book so she gave it to them which is what Liz needs.
  • Moona heads over to Gigi's village area to go to the jungle and get Cocoa beans for brown dye. Moona also takes a look around the Gigi village. She also goes out into the desert to find a cactus, taking Gigi's chicken boat with her. Moona finds a cactus and also finds an abandoned nether portal and gathers the obsidian there. Moona on her way back home heads to the Pale Garden biome to get some saplings there.
  • Meanwhile Haachama and Su are currently doing some writing together at Su's house. They make bout 6 pages. Haachama did the rough draft and Su is reading it over to make adjustments. Through some means, Haachama ends up crying to the rain (I think in a joking way) (I don't have the full context for the story they're writing nor their writing process for it). Haachama takes the book for now and puts it in her chest.
  • Vivi earlier got a 2nd trident after spending a long time grinding in the water, and was at the trading center to get enchantments for it. She tries to get a good enchantment on it using the enchanting book and gacha. After many tries she gets a good enchantment on her trident. Vivi now dual wields her tridents. Vivi takes her trident with Riptide and plays with it in the lake.
  • Kiara and Liz check out Marine's house. Kiara describes it as a spooky shrine. They go to Aziro's Iron Farm and meet up with Iroha. Iroha talks to them in Minecraft Text chat. She praises Liz for her good JP skills.
  • Moona back at home takes the cactus and plants them by the river on top of sand. She takes all the colors and dyes each sheep. She has to wait for the sheep to grow their wool so they know what color it is when she dyes it. Eventually all the sheep are dyed. Moona activates the wool farm. She then adds even more trap doors to cover the mechanics. She also adds staircases around for even more decorations.
  • Haachama takes Su up the coaster and shows her the sky island that she's making. Haachama goes to add dirt to her sky island. Su also comes by to watch for a bit. The sky island is casting a shadow near Liz's house. Kiara and Liz noticed the shadow being casted and saw above the Sky Island Haachama was making. They put a couple of torches underneath to help with any mob problems.
  • Kiara and Liz enchant their diamond pickaxes. After enchanting, they're gonna go to Gigi's island and dig for diamonds. They arrive at the place and starts digging. Kiara already finds diamonds. She discovers how powerful Fortune 3 really is.
  • After Haachama finishes her sky island. She heads back down the coaster. She removes some of the vines that are on the coaster ride. The vines are then put underneath the sky island.
  • Ina logs onto the server. Haachama sees this and says hello to Ina, who responds. Vivi also says hello to Ina. Haachama sees the message and asks Vivi about it. Haachama then visits Ina's house. The vines that were once growing on the house have now been removed. Ina also added a crafting table and furnance to the house. Haachama sneaks up around Ina, who's on the roof on her house removing the vines. When Haachama enters the room, Ina shows up at the door. Ina says Wah. Haachama gives watermelon to Ina. Haachama asks if she can go inside and Ina allows. Ina tells haachama she hasn't finished the house yet. Haachama asks if she can eat the Takoyaki and Ina says one bite. Haachama compares the leaves to seaweed. Ina notes of Haachama's minecraft skin. She says its her bath towel, shes not cold, shes too hot. Ina also tells Haachama she's in Japan for a couple of months, Haachama wants to visit her sometime. She also says if she finds Ina in the Minecraft server again she'll stalk her again.
  • Haachama makes it to Gigi's Village. She finds out that Kiara and Liz are down in the mines so she goes down to stalk them. She eventually learns from chat where they are and goes looking for them. She finds Kiara and quietly listens to her (Kiara is showing a picture of honey toast on stream). Kiara hears Haachama typing and turns around to find her. Kiara asks about how did Haachama found them. Haachama says that it was destiny that led them to her. Haachama does say that its now stalking morning. Liz goes up and meets with Haachama.
  • Vivi while flying around with her tridents crashes somewhere and lands on the ground. She gets into a Panicked state but she is able to get her items. Fortunately she crash landed close to the spawn point near her house.
  • Kiara while mining finds a diamond fossil!
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Halal Gaming

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Joined:  Jun 4, 2024
Seems like Cover recently got full Pokemon perms with no time limit. Pekora's streaming Emerald and Nene's doing the DLC for Scarlet currently:

Subaru also talked about wanting to play one of the games on stream earlier. After looking into it a bit, I saw that Koyori talked about it a few days ago. According to her, it's due to a "change in management policy:"

View attachment 92256

I always thought the Pokemon perms autism was on Nintendo's end, so it's kinda interesting that she said it was because something changed on Cover's end. Though she was being pretty careful with what she was saying, even paused for a few moments to make sure she didn't mess anything up, so I doubt we'll ever know the full story. Either way, it's cool to have the games back on the menu.

Maybe JUST maybe the COVER/Nintendo/TPC relationships finally are fixed

Holo Hanafuda releases on Nintendo Switch the 31th of July and the pre-order special edition comes with IRL Hanafuda cards done by Nintendo


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She’s getting visa fucked like Ina was before. Apparently the only thing she’s cleared to work on is Fes, so no other outside things, even tweeting.

Its weird this is happening again, but only with Mumei.

The last time this happened Ina was apparently not able to work at all, even recordings. Kiara (and possibly others too) was affected as well ans chose to just stay home instead.

How come literally everyone else has no issues tweeting and its just Mumei?

It it was a company visa issue, shoulnt it apply to all foreign Holos?
I notice that at least for talents living in oversea, you don't have to travel to Japan to take part in HoloFes. I don't know how they do it (especially for group songs), but somehow they can. Last year Fauna didn't travel for 5th Fes and BD, and it seems like Shiori and Gura aren't currently in Japan either. The only act they won't be able to do is the MC section I believe.
Remember that the Myth girls at least did their very first FES appearance during peak covid so they did have the company rent a local studio for them to record in. Kiara did hers in a studio in germany. She later wanted to go back and do more content in one of those rental studios, but since that would have been a personal project it would have to come out of her own pocket. She said just to book the studio + staff for a day it was several 10k Euros and the studios were booked many many months in advance, plus she would have to give all the Staff an NDA to have them not leak stuff and it was all a big hassle, so she backed out.

But since for 3rd FES the company paid, she did all that.
I Am going to miss all the interactions she had with Lap
Despite being almost the same age she felt like an older sister
where does Haachama fit in this?
because she too has to be close to la+ age
I'm too lazy to go through every MC section to verify but I'm pretty sure all the MCs we had in 6th Fes have interaction with the crowd. I still remember constantly going, "Damn they really want to let us know that the MC is live" when I was watching.
I remember the MCs in the 1st EN concert Connect the World and it was pretty painfully obvious that for some reason those were not live
Something in Minecraft, it was 'white tower'.

Edit: I found what they were looking at:
It was that cat thing from Girls Last tour that Ame built in the old EN server


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Maybe JUST maybe the COVER/Nintendo/TPC relationships finally are fixed
>Be hololive
>Gets rejected by TPC on stream perms
>Sent their talents to glaze the shit out of Palworld
>Nintendo comes crawling back
>Be nijisanji
>Plays pokemonslop while everyone else playing Palworld
>Got ditched for Hololive anyway.


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How can a person deal with their oshi being gone for such grinding and gnawing eon of time's abyss.


Joined:  Dec 30, 2022
where does Haachama fit in this?
because she too has to be close to la+ ages
Haachama has just finished Uni, I believe, so she's about 22-23.


I left Kson
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Nene and Koyori know what they're doing to Towa.


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So did Shiori just fuck off somewhere for vacation during Fes?

Probably, actually. If there were visa issues, she might have taken the opportunity to take some time off.

Maybe JUST maybe the COVER/Nintendo/TPC relationships finally are fixed

Holo Hanafuda releases on Nintendo Switch the 31th of July and the pre-order special edition comes with IRL Hanafuda cards done by Nintendo

I can conjecture a couple of changes. The first off the top of my head is that they had to change a major manager as a contact person. If you don't know the Japanese can, at times, act they're still in Middle School and a bad personal relationship could easily be an issue. Another is they could have switched to using an outside contracting team that has better relations with Nintendo. Or, maybe the most obvious, paid something to have permanent access.


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Shiori, what the fuck are you talking about?
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Dr. Welshman

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After catching up and seeing all the bods and shenanigans the girls got up to in FES, I personally think announcing Shion's graduation before was probably the best call.
For her, it gives her fans one last hurrah, a positive thing before her final stream. And, in a business way her grad announcement before FES meant that the Doom + gloom of a graduation doesn't take the focus off FES.


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After catching up and seeing all the bods and shenanigans the girls got up to in FES, I personally think announcing Shion's graduation before was probably the best call.
For her, it gives her fans one last hurrah, a positive thing before her final stream. And, in a business way her grad announcement before FES meant that the Doom + gloom of a graduation doesn't take the focus off FES.
I read shion as shiori and jumped for moment lolw
Honestly it works for almost everything.
Controversy? Just put out good content. Noone remember Riot games sexual harassment nowadays because they had Arcane coming out right after.
Even for NijiEN, had they shut the fuck up and just continue making content noone would have cared about Selen.


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Hotdogs Aplenty

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"You wouldn't get accepted without changing your stage name." She says this after joining Hololive without changing her stage name. Suisei is just built different.
>Separting auditions on which talents just want to play Games
What was the point of Gamers then
The point of Gamers was for Fubuki's real life friends to get nepohired. It worked out great.


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Clips from aftertalks of holofes, Super Expo, and other stuff:
Flare talks about meeting with Ina, plus Ina talking about getting Sora to write a Tweet on Mumei's account.

Biboo talks about her meetings with Fubuki, Mio, Okayu, Subaru, Towa, La+, Noel, Kanata, and Suisei.

Subaru talks about finding an English BL book where ID en EN members were hanging out, overseas attendees, and being proud to be an inspiration.

Suisei talks about nearly crying at Shion's performance of Forgive Me Medicine, due of the song lyrics in light of Shion's graduation announcement.

Kaela talking about her MC segment in holofes.

Kaela walked away from the signature wall and then Biboo and Raora striked.

Ina talks about meeting with Sora.

Ina talks about her MC segment with Kronii.

Ina talking about meeting with Gigi, Cecilia, and Elizabeth.

FuwaMoco talking about Mococo not noticing Yagoo while searching for Fuwawa.

FuwaMoco talk about Mococo accidentally head nuzzling with Suisei and Nerissa who kept kissing Fuwawa's cheek.

Biboo talks about tasking FuwaMoco would warn for stuff she could trip over and witnessing their gacha habits. [FuwaMoco's POV of the latter story]

Biboo added a dance teacher to her harem.

Biboo talks about her hugging experience with Ina.

Biboo talks about Cecilia's struggle to find the light switch.

Biboo talks about her meetings with Gigi, Kronii, and Mumei.

Kanade talks about meeting with Kobo.

Gigi talks about stuff that happened at the expo.

Gigi talks about blurting out "boat goes binted" when asked by JP members for an English phrase.

Autofister shenanigans.

Korone talks about wanting to do a back handspring on stage but couldn't do it.

Fubuki talks about Smol Ame and announcer Ame being present.

Fubuki talks about meeting with Vivi who had a Pekora finger puppet.

Zeta talks about armwrestling with Kronii and IRyS.

Bae talks about hanging out with Cecilia and Gigi.

Kiara talks about meeting with managers.

Kiara talks about the spontaneous staring contest with Kobo.

Kiara talks about witnessing FuwaMoco.

Kiara senses the GL between Elizabeth and Raora.

Kiara talks about encountering La+, Matsuri, and Haachama in their pajamas who were having an off-collab. [Link to said off-collab]

K-Capo2000 said:
0:53 Okay for those who don't know, Laplus goes to the studio on her pajamas all the time since she (willingly, mind you) spends A LOT of time doing behind the scenes work, sometimes for an entire day. The only times she will care enough to actually wear something else is whenever she meets with the other holomem. Everyone in staff is already used to this.🤣

There's more but I ran out into the media embed limit.
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Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
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>you can't get accepted without changing your stage name
>says the one talent who got accepted without changing her stage name

No need to rub it in, jeez.

But speaking of Suisei, she would've been a graduate a long time ago if it hadn't been for A-chan. I think there was another one with a similar story, but can't remember clearly. Miko maybe?

A-chan left, and then graduations spiked.



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