It's also really bad for MH in general because it's really easy to compare it to the more arcade-ish style games like Generations or even Rise, and question why the fuck they brought back the singular worst part of World; namely, pointless generic characters doing pointless generic things to extend playtime. That first 10-ish hours of World is fucking painful, with five minute cutscenes in between 10 minute walking simulators; then you hear
Vaal Hazak's theme and things start to get better from there, especially with the DLC fixing stuff. Capcom REALLY needed to learn from that fuck-up the first time, but learning is hard for JP suits
That introduces a degree of input lag, which is an absolute killer for MH. Makes the game feel sluggish and unfun when you miss a timing you should have hit. That's also why the AI frame gen to get to 60 fps is such a big issue for the game, it feels like playing in sludge.