I've seen a few things from funnygamedev before in various places on the internet, and my impression of the guy is a know-nothing twitter politicker with a stick up his ass. When your biggest claim to fame as a "developer" is your twitter activity, you're tossing a lot of rocks from a glass house.
Yeah I think this just straight up kills Idol, at least on Youtube. Google has exactly zero reasons to ever walk back a human judgement call on a decision like this, all of the twitter rage over bans and such has always been to get a human to review automated decisions. Brave has nothing to pressure YT with, either; bigger companies have tried and failed in the past.
The thing is, I think they did try. A couple accounts got monetization back, IIRC: whatever triggered Youtube's ire may have been limited to Idol at first?
Let's say Youtube noticed something and initially struck accounts related to Brave's entire EN structure because they weren't aware of the delineation between Brave's various properties.
After Brave got in touch with YT and they learned about the buyout, the non-offending accounts were remonetized but YT isn't budging on the accounts that actually pissed them off.
It's a

but it makes a lot of sense to me. Aviel scamming one of the biggest v-tubing companies out of their investment money is way too on-brand.
EDIT: nvm
@Kanna's Glowiest Assistant has actually done the legwork and already proved this rrat wrong. If it is Brave related it has to be botting, not donothon related, so there's that