JImmy WeebShooter said:
I just remembered… On my recent trip to Japan, I experienced something unusual for the first time…
I was stalked.
Yes, you heard that right. I was stalked for the first time in my life, and it happened in a foreign country.
Here’s what happened.
We all know that Japan is a relatively safe country—so safe that you could leave your belongings in a restaurant for a week, and they would still be there.
However, at the same time, due to the high level of social competition, there are also some people who are… “not quite right.”
On February 13th, I went with friend (who will remain unnamed) to PIA Arena to attend Shirakami Fubuki’s first Solo Live concert. We took the train from Yokohama Station to Minato Mirai, which was only a few stops away.
At Yokohama Station, I started feeling a bit uneasy. I have a habit of observing my surroundings, especially in unfamiliar environments, due to my training and awareness skills. That’s when I noticed, from the corner of my eye, a woman staring at me persistently. Since I was wearing sunglasses, I discreetly looked back at her but initially thought nothing of it.
At that time, my friend and I were searching for FBK artwork, which was displayed at various locations in the station.
But as I turned around to check again, I saw that the woman was still there—about 20 meters away.
My suspicion increased when she suddenly got into the same train car as us.
I immediately heightened my awareness level.
When we arrived at Minato Mirai Station, as soon as we stepped off the train, she followed us—getting even closer, within 10 meters.
I wondered if she was a Hololive fan who recognized me, or maybe she was also heading to PIA Arena for Solo-live?
Then, as I was passing through the ticket gate, I had a problem with my train pass. At that exact moment, she rushed right up next to me and my friend.
I turned to stare directly into her eyes for a while. She then step backed away slightly, I maintaining a two-meter distance—which still within my defensive range.
But something about her made me even more suspicious.
Despite being neither particularly big nor small in stature, she didn’t carry any Hololive merchandise—not a single item. This was highly unusual for a dedicated fan attending a live concert.
More importantly, she didn’t call out my name. Usually, Hololive friends in Japan who recognize me would call out to me.
After the station staff fixed my train pass, I walked out.
But she still followed.
At this point, my awareness level escalated to orange. She was now within arm’s reach.
Once we exited the station, I immediately confronted her in English, asking, “Can I help you with something?”
She responded in broken English, “Go Chinatown.”
I replied, “You should take the train back to Nihon-Odori or Motomachi-Chūkagai station. That’s closer. You’re going the wrong way. I’m going to PIA Arena.”
She looked at me and repeated, “No, no. Go Chinatown.”
So, I switched to Japanese, pointed at the station staff, and walked away.
I thought that would be the end of it.
She kept following me—getting even closer. I tried to observe her with just my peripheral vision until my friend whispered, “She’s still following.”
If I stopped, she stopped. If I walked, she walked.
So, I decided to enter a café, ordered a coffee, and sat down.
I assumed she wouldn’t dare follow me inside.
She stood right next to my table, staring at me intensely.
My friend, being kind-hearted, pulled out a chair for her. But she didn’t sit down—she just kept staring.
At that point, I lowered my alert level slightly and, trying to lighten the mood, jokingly asked in Japanese, “Want some coffee? My treat.” (Why did I even say that?! LoL

She refused.
When we left the café, she followed us again.
We went to a restaurant. She stood outside by the window, staring directly at me. It was incredibly uncomfortable.....